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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. . @CBQScavenger It hurts because it's true.

  2. . @hokuton_punch You take Loki, I'll talk Hawkeye, and we'll do a cointoss for Black Widow. Deal?


  4. . @tjoshae Altho I did figure out the reason he's hard to write is that the inside of his head sounds like Sophie. "Oooh! Rabbit! RUN! BEER!

  5. ... it means your policies are more unpopular than the Vietnam War." #wiunion

  6. ...actually I walked into a situation here so... I'm internetting to avoid feelings

  7. ...all in all that's a pretty sad but accurate commentary on how things feel around here right now.

  8. ...also I love that I use twitter to bitch about people's facebook statuses.

  9. ...an astonishing number of things make me think of sex in one context or another. #OneTrackMind

  10. ...and now i'm scurred they're going to have River kill Amy. IF THEY OFF POND WE ARE BROKE UP, SHOW. #DoctorWho #FingerChewing

  11. ...and now she's whaling away on the drums full blast.

  12. ...and then I checked the info page. #BlameToddler #NoSleep

  13. ...at this point I have to pause and reflect that this 5 page questionnaire with v small lines is designed FOR AN ARTHRITIS CLINIC.

  14. ...everything about 3.1 is creepy. #ATLA

  15. ...I am so tempted to end this section "And then they had sex in the bathtub." Completely out of character, true.

  16. ...I am starting to wish, shamelessly, that we had an visual artist among the Greyson-readers. #greedy

  17. ...I have spent a ludicrous amount of today staring at that. :stares some more:

  18. ...I just got barbarianed.

  19. ...I may have to jump into a decant circle for Morpho. #bpal

  20. ...I may now be saving up for an Amazon Fire. #grabbyhands

  21. ...I now have a comprehensive theory of everything Doctor Who related.

  22. ...I was about to start quoting the song in question, but then realized it would attract unwanted spambots. #IWannaSeeYour...

  23. ...I will leave it to you to wonder why I'm researching incubi.

  24. ...I'll make it up to y'all today? :hopeful grin:
