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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Joe Manganiello I love you. (Esp. for @CBQScavenger) http://t.co/MqOouLs

  2. I think I am really reaching the point that I am not fucking willing to associate myself with the word feminist. Or well past it. #canttell

  3. And Alcide is now rendering me incoherent. #ung #Unf #akfjcendjBUNK

  4. :reminds self that we thought the AU would be maybe, what, 6 parts tops: #facepalm #GotWordy

  5. Ohhhhhh days like today suck.

  6. If only because of my deep love for Akeldama.

  7. I want a pet badger-mole.

  8. Update! Now to wait for hubs to get home so we can try out our new bike trailer with punk!

  9. And why is this always the time i remember all the things i wanted to google?

  10. I really love the dollar store. It is a ridiculous amount of fun.

  11. Aww, drunken singing Iroh! ...at least I assume he's drunk. It seems like a safe bet at all times.

  12. Aw, Sokka, you're so cute when you're competent.

  13. It's kinda impossible to write about cross-country riding WITHOUT subtext. Even if I wanted to. Which... I don't.

  14. ...and now she's whaling away on the drums full blast.

  15. It's amazing how far shattered glass splatters when a beer bottle falls off the fridge. @Aerifer

  16. It begins "One of Ariadne's favorite diversions from the bleakness of Cobb manor were here rides around the park." #SekritProjekt

  17. Hear about awful thread on LJ. Wander over to peek. Back out slowly before rage-blackout ensues. Weep for society. #mustbetuesday

  18. update up! And so is the punk. Back on duty.

  19. I WANTA BLOW POP MARTINI. I just heard of them, and i want one NOW. #VerucaImpersonation

  20. Platypus bear? Really, ATLA?

  21. At the park where squirrels are frolicking and they are merry


  23. Meanwhile the meds are the Same either way so hopefully I'll be feeling better within 2-3 months. Wooohoo! #notsarcasm

  24. This is possibly the nicest clinic I have ever set foot in. Also, it has free wifi.

  25. ...at this point I have to pause and reflect that this 5 page questionnaire with v small lines is designed FOR AN ARTHRITIS CLINIC.
