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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Here at Clematis Cottage the screaming never stops. #toddlers #sendvodkaandskarsgards

  2. :pinches bridge of nose: :restrains inner bitchyface:

  3. Nac MacFeegles with access to a good bakery. That's what I need.

  4. Tomorrow, we start fresh. right? :sigh: #toughday

  5. It is too damn early in the morning to already have a rage headache.

  6. I really want it to start raining so the guy next door will stop using loud power tools during nap time.

  7. Damn it! I had done an entire translation of propertius 1.1 for tumblr and tumblr ate it. #THISDAY

  8. Listening to "master and commander". ...all this HoYay is intentional, y/y?

  9. One of those sad days where sleep must win out over writing. :(

  10. Awww and he quotes Jane Austen.

  11. The best thing I can say about this day is that it will be over soon.

  12. No internet today, so if you need to reach me dm or txt.

  13. and now off for beers with the lovely and talented @tjoshae

  14. QotN: "how did I get chocolate all over my bosom?" (answer: sloppy homemade fondue)

  15. Also, Hoosiers: I AM COMING HOME.

  16. Getting Punk ready for her first trip to the comic store.

  17. Tumblr is only the first to go. The gaiman/Whovian nexus will bring down the entire 'net. It's only the first sign, people...

  18. Off to enjoy migraine induced synaesthesia. Night all!

  19. .@cbqscavenger was right. Four pages in and I think I love "ruse".


  21. I had so many feelings from this Who ep that I am still having a great many of them RIGHT NOW.

  22. So I'll post hot pictures of ASkars half naked instead.

  23. BRB, weeping for humanity.
