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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Hey, writers: how do you organize multiple writing projects? Spreadsheet? Giant white board? Gimme ideas here.

  2. HOLY CRAP! IT'S AN UPDATE! In which Stian learns that there are some things he's not allowed to delegate to Yev.

  3. Holy shit son, it's on Hulu!

  4. Home. Hinkle's consumed. Dad THOROUGHLY surprised. Worth the drive all by itself. Now to take advantage of Mom's giant bathtub!

  5. Honestly watching a lot of the shit that happens a the various Occupy sites makes me understand why direct democracy is a nice idea buuuuuut

  6. HOOOOiME. cranky and sore, but home, and it is good.

  7. Hope I'm wrong...

  8. Hoping to see Aurora tonight after dark... counting down the minutes!

  9. Hormone shift happened. Woke up with brain full of big bang smut. Thus should be... Interesting.

  10. Horrifying stuff: PAINT THAT WILL KILL YOU http://t.co/eupT1Dgu

  11. Hot shower. Back to bed. Plz sen Alexander and Tommy that way with my vicocolada kthxbye.

  12. How could I NOT want a pair of boots called "Ice Maiden"? http://t.co/K514bP3X

  13. How did I not know I had a copy of David Bowie covering "Hurt"? With Trent? Sweet Jesus does the randomizer turn up a pearl every now n then

  14. HOW DID I NOT KNOW OF THIS: http://bettermyths.blogspot.com/I'm in love with Ovid. Well, him too.

  15. How do you know you've lost a fight on twitter? you're in a fight on twitter.

  16. How is it that 9:30 pm can feel so much like 2 am?

  17. Hubby got me Muse album for Christmas. Dungeon crawling now has a soundtrack. Booya.

  18. Hubby taking baby to his moms next weekend. I'm making a list of things I can't so as a responsible parent. So I can do them.

  19. Hubs came home to surprise me. WITH SUSHI. #WhyIMarriedHim

  20. Hubs is wisely not making comments about my obvious love for ginger biscuits in front of my parents.
