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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Crap, between the mood and the creative burst I'm declaring a migraine alert. #GodDamnIt

  2. Two hours until naptime. ICAN DO THIS.

  3. too exhausted to do anything. too riled to sleep. Hello internets!

  4. ...I now have a comprehensive theory of everything Doctor Who related.

  5. I thought it was tomorrow for some reason. #AIRHEAD

  6. P101 just gave me a rage-out. Mom with kid with heart condition is SERIOUSLY considering CIO... AT FOUR MONTHS? Count the wrong.

  7. Tonight's department event may just have been the final nail in my classicist coffin.

  8. Dear Self: Quit effing around and write. You will feel much better.

  9. Update. Nothing explodes.This time.

  10. tumblr, why are you giving me reblog notifications from two weeks ago?

  11. I was right. Option two it was. I will be so tired tomorrow. #worthit

  12. I am throwing myself a ridiculous pity party AND feeling guilty about it all at the same time.

  13. Recent quote: "Head canon is cool and all, but Rafe does not have mutton chops."

  14. Although the fact that we had an argument over my boys' facial hair is one of about 20 million reasons I love miss @tjoshae

  15. Yes, AIM, I get the message. You're changing your gmail chat interaction. It will eff up my AIM list. STOP TELLING ME.

  16. Must now put up hair and appear to be a sunday school teacher. #CleverDisguise

  17. I love that i have found a hairstyle that can take me from sunday school teacher to punk rock pauli girl in thirty seconds.

  18. Qotd: "darling i am too stuffed to banter."

  19. I am suffering from social network confusion. I keep trying to reblog facebook posts and like tweets. #NeedALife #OutsideTheBox

  20. Tumblr down. GoT must be on.

  21. Bombs away, y'all.

  22. ...I have spent a ludicrous amount of today staring at that. :stares some more:

  23. I really wanted to coin the term meta-mage. DAMN IT.

  24. This will either be awesome or obvious filler. Damn, I shouldn't have admitted that here.
