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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. ...you know, I was REALLY trying not to make Yev deep. fucker.

  2. SBTB has me realllllly want to re-read Witch of Blackbird Pond nao.

  3. Awww, I just got called "beyond pathetic" on ONTD_P. I feel like my screen should have dinged. "You have earned an accomplishment:"

  4. noooo fic why are you so perfect go away... tappitytappity...

  5. . @tjoshae Altho I did figure out the reason he's hard to write is that the inside of his head sounds like Sophie. "Oooh! Rabbit! RUN! BEER!

  6. Seriously I may have to avoid tumblr for a while IT IS FILLING ME WITH LONGINGS.

  7. Starting to consider installing a giant whiteboard. Also, I need a brain trampoline. Staring at an elephant, not at all sure where to start.

  8. piccies posted! Title announced! And weeeeee're off...

  9. Actually weepy. Rest in pease, Sarah Jane.

  10. And on my third try, i was successful. @anachronistique, i have the goods.

  11. sarah jane is trending. ;_;

  12. God damn it, dork tower, you made me cry.

  13. And I have now put WAY too much thought into a weird al gig. (Love ya, mean it, don't touch me.)

  14. As a classicist, I will be accepting hugs today. Also, chocolate and fanfic recs. #ItNeverHurtsToAsk

  15. .@hokuton_punch I'm not sure any non-classicst would notice. Oh, wait, take it back. She just actually used the word "foreigners".

  16. ...and now i'm scurred they're going to have River kill Amy. IF THEY OFF POND WE ARE BROKE UP, SHOW. #DoctorWho #FingerChewing

  17. ...that thing where ex-husband is obviously hurting and you're kinda... not allowed to help.

  18. 30 min nap = not a full reset but an improvement.


  20. Feeling an inexplicable desire to visit the east coast.

  21. Oh, Warrior, you are pushing all my buttons.

  22. Someone made an Eric Northman/Amy Pond vid. My brain just did extremely uncomfortable things. #WhenWorldsCOllide #TheyDon'tReallyLookLikeTht

  23. Husband just caame out of shower with a mustache. Aaaahhhhhhhhh shave it shave it OFF NOW.

  24. ...it suddenly occurs to me to wonder if the whole "Pond flirting with Pond" thing was a hint.

  25. ...I just got barbarianed.
