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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera


  2. Eric: You know what, this is all really stupid. Bill: You... have a point. Eric: We need to kill it WITH FIRE.

  3. Esp.my beloved marcus.

  4. Etym. fun fact of the day: the English word "whore" is most likely related to the Latin "carus" and it's romance language descendants.

  5. Even the crappiest of crappy days has it's bright spot. Shine a light on that, too.

  6. Even though I'm not planning on ordering much at all I am filled with anticipation for the #bpal releases tonight...

  7. Every time I think I couldn't love Ta-Nehisi Coates more, he proves me wrong. Biggest blogger crush ever.

  8. EVERYONE IS TWEETING ABOUT FOOD AND I AM HUNGRY. As soon as I crank out a good 500 words I am making cake.

  9. Falk is precisely who we *don't* need, for a massive list of reasons, and everyone else elicits the response "Who?"

  10. Falling in love with lino as it saves my brain from plot meltdown.

  11. Fangirlishly squeeing, but intimidated.

  12. Feeling an inexplicable desire to visit the east coast.

  13. Feeling overwhelmingly blessed by our amazing and loving family. Also so exhausted that the whole world is fuzzy around the edges. #Ni-nite

  14. Fever back! Yay! Husband also back in ten minutes. MUCH BIGGER YAY

  15. Ficletting at LJ and Tumblr. Name your poison.

  16. Fifteen years after the first time I heard it "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove" still gives me shivers. #DeadCanDance

  17. Finally picked up "mystic". It's got potential. Its also bumming me out that the cross gen titles all seem to be limited series.

  18. FINALLY POSTED. And now hopefully I can put Stiamina on the shelf for a few weeks and torture the boys some. mua ha ha ha.

  19. Finally posting. So not happy with this. knew I wouldn't be, though, so that's ok. ON TO GOod thiNGS NOW.

  20. Fine, fucker, I'll just write around you. HA.

  21. Finishing mac n cheez before Napping. Dear Boys: I KNOW. NOW GOD DAMN IT LET ME SLEEP or there will be NO NEXT PART. #pushyimaginaryfriends

  22. Fireworks seem AWESOME until you have a kiddo who A) is trying to sleep and B) reaaaallly hates loud noises. Esp. sudden loud noises.

  23. Flare receding kiddo slept thru night sun shining WHAT IS THIS FEELING
