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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. And finally, silence falls over the house.

  2. Meet n sniff awesome. Downside: oversniffed. #headache

  3. Hot shower. Back to bed. Plz sen Alexander and Tommy that way with my vicocolada kthxbye.

  4. My rapist is on a friend's fb wall railing against Obama's decision to kill al-Alwaki. I don't disagree, but the moral hypocrisy is rich.

  5. "I have an app for that" #doctorwho


    #ff @AlexanderIII (Yeah, THAT Alexander.) @comicbookqueers for your regular dose of geek. @andrewtshaffer is a nvr ending source of delight.

  7. Saying "Which one? there were more than seven!" doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look like an asshole.

  8. ...I am starting to wish, shamelessly, that we had an visual artist among the Greyson-readers. #greedy


  10. That awkward thing where a blogger you love keeps using a word wrong and it makes your fingertips twitch every. Time.

  11. Hat-tip, btw, to @tanehisi for posting that article.

  12. ...I may now be saving up for an Amazon Fire. #grabbyhands

  13. I am nearly delirious. Already up for almost four hours. Uggghhh

  14. .@ebertchicago American women can vote and drive but get sentenced to public humiliation for accusing the wrong man of rape.

  15. I disagree, but I'll throw it out there out of fairness: "In defense of Catwoman #1" http://t.co/UT1sRF1C

  16. As of tomorrow, it has been one year since i started writing the Greysons. #whaaaaat

  17. Mark Reads "American Gods" is killing me, and making me want to read it again for the nth time.

  18. Up to 3K on the Big Bang. :mini victory dance:

  19. Sure, Eames' first name could be Gabriel. #ILikeIrony

  20. Wait, David Anders is on Vampire Diaries now? God damn it... #TheThingsIDoForYou

  21. Good game to catch. Brewers are slaughtering marlins like a rabid pack of Hemingway characters.

  22. THIS IS HOW WE DO IT IN WISCONSIN. http://t.co/Nrt74ca0

  23. Dear Universe, Thank you for giving me a good day for my kid's birthday.
