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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Reading up on Mesmerism for Big Bang research.

  2. Complaining here so I can keep the Happy Family Face mostly in place: I am in a rather good deal of pain.

  3. "that toast went longer than that meatloaf song." #myfamily

  4. Home. Hinkle's consumed. Dad THOROUGHLY surprised. Worth the drive all by itself. Now to take advantage of Mom's giant bathtub!

  5. In town two minutes already heard "whadya mean you aint got no walgreens?"

  6. Driving and finally catching up on the @comicbookqueers podcast. ok, stopped at oasis. Not texting and driving. #notthatcoordinated

  7. Husband I am in the grip of a crushing panic attack. Now is bot the time to au phantom on the piano.

  8. Apparently this is official "painful email" week.

  9. .@theblogess just made me laugh until I cried.

  10. I am seriously about to Ragesplode. I'm all for peoples right to fuck up their own lives but you give up that privilege when you have kids.

  11. sooooo Pinterest is basically tumblr?

  12. Well I think I may have well and truly jacked my hands. That I use to type #notgood

  13. Loved the glimpse of Hawkeye, thought Portman could have been awesomer if they gave her sometihng to do, Sif was wasted...

  14. I just had a convo with an 80 year old woman. We commiserated over how our arthritis was troubling us. Found it both depressing + HILARIOUS.

  15. I'm out-ish, and feel guilty for not having the fracking energy to explain things to my GOP family and my WASP parents.

  16. At mall waiting for car to be done. Thank god for toddler play zones.

  17. Fifteen years after the first time I heard it "The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove" still gives me shivers. #DeadCanDance

  18. So it's back to the rheumy for me. At least this time it's only a ten day wait. Bad news: prednisone is a near certainty.

  19. Breaking down, calling rheum clinic, and when they call me back, begging for more drugs. Whoompf.


  21. Next up, fish enchiladas and more of the writings. Then a busy, busy week as i prep for indiana. #topsekritassignment

  22. And now to the Orchard.

  23. Debating just how many bombs to drop in this update. Which will happen eventually, I swear...

  24. Well, crap. Just found out I can no longer donate bone marrow or blood. #WellFuck
