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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Ok, time for couscous. Uh, not a euphemism. #TotallyCouldBeThough

  2. It's not that I disagree with him, (although I usually do), it's that he's bleeding AWFUL at the job. #TorturingEnglish

  3. Once upon a time: like the modern day spin, fairy tale stuff is cheesetastic, prince charming... Isn't. But so far I'll give it a chance.

  4. I hate everything right now.

  5. Back to the rheumatologist this morning. WHEEE.

  6. Madeline Stowe, you are amaaaaazing. #Revenge #FavoriteThings

  7. Update up. Because I am not a well woman, apparently. #uptoolate #gonnaregretittomorrow

  8. My stars and garters, did modcloth actually just appeal to women above size 10?

  9. Warcraft, I hear your siren's song. YOU WILL NOT LURE ME BACK IN. #whimper

  10. Turned wintered garden beds into impromptu graveyard. Yay halloween! http://t.co/nVfDXwum

  11. Update, at long last. Part 1 of a new series. AND NOW TO CRASH.

  12. OK, hot bath, King of Attolia, then Writings Times.

  13. Honestly watching a lot of the shit that happens a the various Occupy sites makes me understand why direct democracy is a nice idea buuuuuut

  14. So from what I can tell this AM, Gadhafi is either dead, captured, or on vacation in Maui.

  15. It's a tribute to Fassbender that he ALMOST pulls this off.

  16. So the girl I tutor has a pregnant classmate. They are twelve.

  17. Also, I have decants!!

  18. Seriously brain? Migraine? TODAY? I hate you. #ThankGodForSesameStreet

  19. HOOOOiME. cranky and sore, but home, and it is good.

  20. Apparently the subconscious has decided that it's big bang time.

  21. Finally picked up "mystic". It's got potential. Its also bumming me out that the cross gen titles all seem to be limited series.

  22. My mom used to work for the IRL, so we take it all personally.

  23. Horrifying stuff: PAINT THAT WILL KILL YOU http://t.co/eupT1Dgu
