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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Ok, Halloween is over... time to begin the Mint M&M watch!

  2. And that it is possible to walk more than 20 feet at a time? #miracles

  3. But as a prime member, I'm also flailing and shrieking right now. #ZOMGBOOKS

  4. Posting goodies for @anachronistique, now time for Terra Nove before the meda knock me on my ass.

  5. Quick, someone, where can I get a tri-corner hat?

  6. Is facebook busticated for anyone else?


  8. "Eponymiad" = most hilaroous fictional book name EVER.

  9. Was going to Write Things. Napping instead. Wheee!

  10. Aaaand now the whole fam is under the weather. Wheee!

  11. Phew, almost forgot to set out a beer.

  12. And our front yard, which was deemed "really creepy" by at least 2 kids. http://t.co/LDnwGuaU

  13. Well, kiddo is now a HUUUGE fan of Halloween. #candycandycandy

  14. Baby's first Time Warp. Her father an I are so proud. #rhps

  15. _p post on hair and hair touching made me think about preg. belly-touching: women's bodies as public property and publicly "available"

  16. Allie dressed for the church halloween party. Rawr! http://t.co/pwKmgw23

  17. This is the hottest - and sweetest - reddit thread ever. http://t.co/voA1tolf

  18. And I take the whitewashing VERY seriously, people.

  19. The idea of Anne Rice mocking Stephanie Meyer's vampires as inferior amuses me on several levels.

  20. Outside of his family and friends, of course. He seems like a nice enough guy.

  21. I am skeptical but cautiously optimistic...

  22. ...I was about to start quoting the song in question, but then realized it would attract unwanted spambots. #IWannaSeeYour...
