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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera


    #1 reason I dislike time diffs: I just found an inception/fight club crossover and @anachronistique is asleeeeep.


    #ebz The Ambassador throws magnificent balls, which are often the highlights of the social season. The... http://fallenlondon.com/c/735060



    #ebz These little charmers sneak into the bedrooms of sleepers and bite their eyes off. They take... http://fallenlondon.com/c/763570



    #ff @AlexanderIII (Yeah, THAT Alexander.) @comicbookqueers for your regular dose of geek. @andrewtshaffer is a nvr ending source of delight.


    #twitchange makes me really wish I had a large amount of disposable income.


    http://t.co/bnzkHR8 Holy crap this is the most disturbing thing I've read in a long time.

  7. _p post on hair and hair touching made me think about preg. belly-touching: women's bodies as public property and publicly "available"

  8. :does the BLUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEE howl just for good measure:

  9. :headcock: Interesting. RT @comingsoonnet: Russell Crowe to Play Jor-El in Man of Steel ! http://t.co/giSHqWx

  10. :pinches bridge of nose: :restrains inner bitchyface:

  11. :reminds self that we thought the AU would be maybe, what, 6 parts tops: #facepalm #GotWordy

  12. :sad face: I think updates are not happening today. WOE.

  13. :scratches head and tries to master the art of regency dialogue:

  14. :scream: BPAL UPDATE!

  15. :setting out bowl of cream for plot fairy:

  16. :snuggles imaginary friends: I haf missed you.

  17. . @anachronistique Face it, you love me because I'm a bad influence. JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS.
