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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Aliera

  1. Reading wolf hall and loving every word. Gorgeous.

  2. dear person i don't know who sent me a sweet comment on my only a03 fic: thank you. no, really, really, really. i needed that.

  3. I shouldn't be letting the things that are getting to me get to me, but here I am, feelin' like crap. #PartlyAboutMyself #Ugh

  4. Watching Elementary. Good God, how can anyone not love L.L's acting? (Her role choices is another, if highly problematic, question)

  5. Angry mob has actual pitchforks. Thats kinda cool.

  6. Sooo Rafe just told me if I don't start writing him srsly he's going to start waking me up with dirty limericks. AGAIN.

  7. Its here!! Two minutes in and im already weepy. #brave

  8. Did someone declare it National Anxiety Day and forget to tell me? #GoAwayAnxietyBugs

  9. It's difficult to be yourself while also living up to someone ... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  10. You really want to be around people now, but, paradoxically, y... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  11. You might not get as excited as everyone around you, but you c... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  12. The Sun in your 5th House of Play is pulled slightly off cente... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  13. It's unsettling when you're not in control of your feelings, y... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  14. You know what would satisfy you now and what you need to do in... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  15. kid you are killing me! Fall asleep! mama wants a cocktail!

  16. Too hot to go outside. Baking and watching Disney movies in here instead. #mulan

  17. You have fundamental issues that must be addressed now and, th... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  18. Someone at work may get on your case today about something you... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  19. I swear I just saw Thor at Chipotle. #guns

  20. Your fantasies take on new colors now and the symbols are diff... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  21. Your life may appear quite differently to your friends than it... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  22. You may feel as if you need more attention from others today a... More for Taurus http://t.co/OiIyNcvm

  23. Ok, all. Pray that Punk repeats last night's sleep performance and that Punkina only gets up twice. Or once. Once would be good. #unlikely
