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Posts posted by blktauna

  1. I just received this so it may be different when it calms but:


    in the bottle: Thick, wet red rose. sort of like Peacock Queen but THICK

    wet: Thick, wet, rose with a tiny bit of something underneath that gives richness

    Dry: Thick, ROSE


    It's like Peacock Queen on steroids. I love it. I was hoping for more vetiver but that may come when the bottle calms.

  2. vanilla yankee candle :(




    ADDED May 22:


    vanilla yankee candle :(



    One man's Yankee Candle is another's Wow Found This In My Car and Boy Do I Love It! lol.

    I think it is perfectly adorable, smells like lemon pound cake.

    LOl it's so staying at yours ;) I'll just sniff you.

  3. Sticky-sweet iced lemon sugar!

    This reminds me of Phobos. It has the same quick, sharp hit of mouth watering lemon then the sort of breakfast cereal thing happens. It's less here than on Phobos but I really don't like it. At least on my skin. I will have to try it on hair and scent locket to see if that annoying underlying cereal smell goes away.

    I think I'll stick with Phantasm for my nummy lemon.

  4. Wet: Charms sour cherry lolly. Completer with stick.

    Dry: Cinnamon hearts burns the cherry right off.

    Later on, the lolly returns, only it's sweet cherry... then it rotates with the cinnamon hearts, to and fro.


    I love it! Makes my mouth water right up.

  5. Imp, wet and dry all the same.


    A musky champaca with an undertone of wax... A little goes a loooooooooooooooooooong way, which is nice so I won't need a backup bottle. It lasts forever on me too.


    It reminds me of something but I can't remember what, only I know I like it... odd.

  6. Camphor. Camphor and thyme with a bare undercurrent of powdered drinking chocolate. Interesting.Doesn't change at all. No throw on me either but it is holding. Not my cup of tea but interesting.Camphor. Camphor and thyme with a bare undercurrent of powdered drinking chocolate. Interesting.Doesn't change at all. No throw on me either but it is holding. Not my cup of tea but interesting.

  7. imp: spices


    wet: very light bergamot with... what... oh caraway.


    dry: tobacco-y light caraway. Oh huff there's that taste of saffron.


    Interesting. Dry and spicy but sort of unremarkable. A bit on the masculine side. No throw and did not last at all on me. I had to huff.

  8. When I popped the top I knew I'd smelled this before, but it was evading me where...

    At first I thought it was just a more robust version of the bee and bicycle sandalwood Chinese soap. Then the image popped into my head, yes, this smells exactly like my mum's Oil of Olay...



    Not exactly what I think of for Destroyer of Men... well not in the conventional sense.
