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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Argentwolf

  1. Sirensea sent me a sniffie of this (phew, say that five times fast), and I'm very glad to have been able to smell this! It's a very rich coffee that to me has tones of hazelnut, or amaretto. I don't really get a boozy vibe from it. There wasn't enough to test on my skin, so I'm not sure how my chemistry would have interacted with it. I almost get the impression that it might have turned sort of sour after a while, like coffee breath. But as a little sniffie every now and then, it's very fun.

  2. I don't get any darkness from this at all -- nope, this is a bright, sunny, lush jungle scent. It's extremely evocative of someone sitting by a waterfall, sipping a rum-based drink, and inhaling the rain-kissed scent of jungle blooms. And, later on, I really do get the scent of stone -- as if our intrepid hero sauntered into the limestone cave behind the waterfall to check on his chest of treasure and sleep the afternoon away.


    Alas, it dissipates pretty quickly on me, but it's a very fun little mind-trip while it's there!


    It's a really great scent for summertime!

  3. This is a bright, intriguing blend that, yes, is full of courage and hope. Like many of my favorite plant scents, this one seems to come from the roots and stems and leaves of plants, rather than all the pretty frou-frou petaled parts. It's like sunlight and glowing sap. Really nice.

  4. As a rose scent, it's very nice and pretty. It actually reminds me of what a little girl's room would smell like -- very light and floral and feminine. Not very harloty AT ALL.


    It faded very quickly on me, and didn't have much throw while it was there. Pretty, but fleeting.

  5. At first Grandmother and I didn't get along; she smelled like baby powder with a very unpleasant biological crotch-sweat edge to it. Ewww! Over time, however, she mellowed out, did a 180, and smelled like a bouquet of dried flowers that had been saved over the years in a wooden drawer, age and dust giving them a peppery sort of aura.


    Not really my thing, but I'm glad it had a happy ending, at least.

  6. Mmmmm. Up close and personal, it's pine. Big, manly, rugged pine. And then, as my wrist whisks away, it leave behind a tantalizing blend of spicy vanilla -- the pine's still there, but now it feels more like a blend of juniper and herbs, the same sort of sexiness that I love about Himerus.


    To me, this is the male companion to Flowering Chrysanthemums. FC is all wet, dusky petals, and GP is a thick branch brimming with sap, and both of them are bathed in fragrant vanilla. That's hot.



  7. For the first few minutes of wearing it, I'm treated to a smokey, resinous scent that is my holy grail of incense-like smells. And yet, like any good holy grail, it is quickly carried away by mysterious figures wearing samite, leaving me with the sweet and slightly fruity scent that I have now come to associate with BPAL's dragon's blood.


    Every now and then, there is a pleasant, smoky sort of whuff to it...like a dragon breathing fragrant smoke out of its huge, powerful lungs as it slumbers, its heart beating but once per hour.


    Definitely an interesting blend.

  8. *gack cough* This is aggressive, all right. Vetiver whispers unkind things into the ear of patchouli, who otherwise is my friend, and together they are stalking across the way to rearrange my face. I think I shall be leaving by the back door, now...


    And you know what's ironic? Besides being so angry, it smells like the Queen Of All Hippies. Talk about a paradox.


    It actually reminds me a lot of my experiences with Crossroads and Lust...and those weren't very pleasant, either.

  9. I wasn't hoping for much from this one, but was pleasantly surprised. This really does smell like rich, juicy red berries, with maybe a teensy splash of wine. Unfortunately, it doesn't have all that much throw or longevity on me; otherwise it'd be a keeper.


    Go ahead and try this if you normally don't like lotus. I think you'll enjoy it for a change. :)

  10. The sad part is that I can smell the clove, vetiver, and cherry all working together, but their resultant team effort is just not a harmonious one to my nose. It just kinda smells like burnt, bitter cherry with a side of ass. I blame you, vetiver. :uhuhuh: Thankfully, it doesn't broadcast very much to the world.


    If you already know that the components work on you, then feel free to give this a try, and enjoy.

  11. The first time I wore this, I knew that I was smelling the plum pretty predominantly; it had a sort of rich, dark fruity tone to it without being too terribly juicy.


    Now, as I retest it, I'm given the impression of a rich lady sampling plums in between sips of champagne; it's fruity, yes, but there's also a very rich, perfumey smell that is almost alcoholic in its headiness.


    A co-worker of mine recently received a rose that smelled a lot like this -- a sweetness so fruity that it was hard to believe it was coming from a rose! So I can believe that there is rose in here...though in this case the sweetness is surely from the fruits mixing with all the various florals.


    It tends to hug close to the skin; this is a scent that's pretty much reserved for your own pleasure, and that of anyone you invite into very close company.


    Recommended for fans of plum and fruit scents, and even for those who normally hate rose (of which I am one). This is a sexy one.

  12. Pretty much as advertised -- dragon's blood and amber. The dragon's blood gives it sweetness, while the amber gives it warmth, and the feeling of a nice, round, polished edge to one's nose. Very pleasant. It has modest throw and decent staying power. Recommended to anyone who's a fan of these two components.

  13. I pretty much smell lots of lilac and myrrh mixed together. I don't know if there is an actual wine note in the 'honey wine', but Eros manages to go sour on me pretty quickly, much like Athens did. It's not as obnoxious as Athens was, but still not for me.

  14. Sweet, yummy apricot; the brandy gives it a warm edge that balances out what could otherwise have been a cloyingly sweet odor. I have to slather it quite a bit, but when I do, it treats me to warm, fruity sweetness throughout the day. Very pretty.

  15. Wow, I actually love this! It's lots of straight-up dirty patchouli over what smells like musk and amber, with maybe a leeeeetle bit of cinnamon thrown in for flavor. I have to slather it quite a bit, but it lasts all day and all night, and gives me delightful wafts of its spicy, sultry scent. This is the first of the Conjure Bag scents that I really had a liking for.

  16. Upon first application, it's a very woody scent, with a vague hint of spiciness, and a delightful resinous edge. However, it wears off really quickly, leaving just a very faint blend of sweetness and sandalwood behind. Not a keeper for me.

  17. Like many of the Garden scents, I find this one a very green, viney sort of scent. Up close on my skin, there's a more pungeant, earthy scent -- I can see where some people were getting the 'burnt tires' vibe! This doesn't have very much throw; it hugs my skin throughout the day. I actually sort of wanted to like this simply because so many people seem not to. ;) It's decent, but not awesome enough for me to need to keep.

  18. Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower.

    At first, it gives off a very floral hue...sweet, but not overly sweet like jasmine. The other flowers seem to be tempering it. As time passes, the spiciness comes out more. It has modest throw and decent longevity. I think I'll continue to enjoy my imp.

  19. I bought a bottle specifically to age, and an imp to fool around with in the meantime. :) I just got it today, so this is a fresh-from-the-mailbox imp:


    I would have sworn I smelled patchouli with a bit of a cedary note in it at first...then it got a lot sweeter. It's currently somewhere between Vanilla Coke and play-doh...it's sweet, without being outright plasticky. I don't find it unpleasant, however. To me it's fine where it is, so I'm intrigued as to what it will smell like over time.


    I'll try to add to this as I experiment with it more.

  20. Much thanks to Ralenth for sending me a sniffie of this.


    I get lots of fresh, green apple from this, with just a hint of carnation. It's pretty, but just a wee bit too fruity for my taste. It faded pretty quickly.
