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Everything posted by Argentwolf

  1. Argentwolf


    This delicious, albeit powdery, vanilla. I just wish that it was stronger and more durable, because while it's around it smells so very nice.
  2. Argentwolf


    Category: Wanderlust This delicious, albeit powdery, vanilla. I just wish that it was stronger and more durable, because while it's around it smells so very nice.
  3. Argentwolf

    The Ghost

    Well, 'ethereal floral' certainly applies here...I get a whiff of light florals, with maybe a bit of dusty ivy...and then it's gone. Very faint, very fleeting.
  4. Argentwolf

    The Ghost

    Category: Ars Moriendi Well, 'ethereal floral' certainly applies here...I get a whiff of light florals, with maybe a bit of dusty ivy...and then it's gone. Very faint, very fleeting.
  5. Argentwolf

    Black Cat

    Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag I get a lot of mint -- as in spearmint, a sweetly herbal scent. As it dries, I get maybe a hint of lemon, and a bit of a...fuzzy note. Not exactly powdery, but more like the light fuzz atop a cat's head; that sort of aura. While the scent itself isn't really my cup of tea, I think it's a really cute concept, and it was definitely worth a try!
  6. Argentwolf

    Black Cat

    A very tricky kitty, indeed. Used most often as a key to bringing back the joy one needs to have in life in order for living to feel worthwhile. Brings back a sense of delight in simple pleasures, and creates a surge of childlike curiosity and a youthful sense of fun. This blend can also be used to reverse troublesome lesser crossings, create a playful air of catlike sexuality, and, because cats will be cats, it can also be used to throw minor, irritating or bothersome hexes, causing small amounts of chaos and disruption to your foes. I get a lot of mint -- as in spearmint, a sweetly herbal scent. As it dries, I get maybe a hint of lemon, and a bit of a...fuzzy note. Not exactly powdery, but more like the light fuzz atop a cat's head; that sort of aura. While the scent itself isn't really my cup of tea, I think it's a really cute concept, and it was definitely worth a try!
  7. Argentwolf


    Initially, this is plum, leather and musk like woah. After a bit, it softens, and the lilac comes out. Believe it or not, this is a fairly manly sort of floral. I am discovering that plum is one of my favorite notes, and this perfume does not disappoint. It has good staying power and some pretty decent throw from time to time.
  8. Argentwolf


    Category: Marchen Initially, this is plum, leather and musk like woah. After a bit, it softens, and the lilac comes out. Believe it or not, this is a fairly manly sort of floral. I am discovering that plum is one of my favorite notes, and this perfume does not disappoint. It has good staying power and some pretty decent throw from time to time.
  9. Argentwolf

    Belle Vinu

    I get a lot of peach from this, though this perfume is in general a very light scent. There may be some other florals hovering around, but they never really seem to take anything over. The faint aroma lingers all day long. This reminds me of the Gaoler's Daughter, but Belle Vinu is braver and possesses more personality.
  10. Argentwolf

    Belle Vinu

    Category: Marchen I get a lot of peach from this, though this perfume is in general a very light scent. There may be some other florals hovering around, but they never really seem to take anything over. The faint aroma lingers all day long. This reminds me of the Gaoler's Daughter, but Belle Vinu is braver and possesses more personality.
  11. Argentwolf

    The Apple of Sodom

    The apple in this is rather medicinal-smelling...almost like eucalyptus, as someone else noted earlier. However, I don't find it unpleasant at all, due to the way that the ashy notes blend in with it. Honestly, to me it's like a mixture of the appletini smell of Mock Turtle's Lessons and the wondrous charcoal of Brimstone. I like both of those scents, and really like this one. It is a scent that soaks into your skin and gives little wafts here and there, and seems to last for a goodly time. One of my favorites, now.
  12. Argentwolf

    Apple Of Sodom

    Category: Rappacini's Garden The apple in this is rather medicinal-smelling...almost like eucalyptus, as someone else noted earlier. However, I don't find it unpleasant at all, due to the way that the ashy notes blend in with it. Honestly, to me it's like a mixture of the appletini smell of Mock Turtle's Lessons and the wondrous charcoal of Brimstone. I like both of those scents, and really like this one. It is a scent that soaks into your skin and gives little wafts here and there, and seems to last for a goodly time. One of my favorites, now.
  13. Dark wood, seasoned with a splash of manly vanilla. (Do you doubt that there is such a thing as manly vanilla?) It hugs fairly close to the skin, and seemed to evaporate after a while...didn't last the whole day on me.
  14. Argentwolf

    The Antikythera Mechanism

    Category: Phoenix Steamworks Dark wood, seasoned with a splash of manly vanilla. (Do you doubt that there is such a thing as manly vanilla?) It hugs fairly close to the skin, and seemed to evaporate after a while...didn't last the whole day on me.
  15. Argentwolf


    At first blush, I get a blast of citrusy smell, and then the cedar kicks it to make it smell like woodsy polish. It has decent staying power and throw...not sure if this is a keeper for me, though.
  16. Argentwolf


    Category: Phoenix Steamworks At first blush, I get a blast of citrusy smell, and then the cedar kicks it to make it smell like woodsy polish. It has decent staying power and throw...not sure if this is a keeper for me, though.
  17. Argentwolf

    suggestions for a girl's writing class

    Illyria might be a good section to look in. Cordelia -- The essence of faith, love and devotion: lilac, lemon, green tea, wisteria, osmanthus, white cedar, and Chinese musk. Desdemona -- Innocent, soft and pure: sweet pea, carnation and water lily. Helena -- Rose amber, calla lily, night-blooming jasmine, water lily, and white rose. Rosalind -- Dew-covered berries and fresh green grasses with a faint breath of spring flowers. Viola -- Gentle tea rose, lilac, Calla Lily, and Somalian Rose layered over golden Peruvian amber, Spanish moss, red sandalwood, rosewood, and myrrh, with the lightest touch of Mandarin. I've tried Desdemona and Rosalind and they struck me as eally pretty, innocuous sort of light floral. Rosalind was particularly pretty, like a bouquet of fresh flowers.
  18. Argentwolf

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    This...smells so familiar. And delicious. I think...I think it might be reminding me of that one magical time when I was wearing Fearful Pleasure, and it had that woody sarsparilla smell with just a hint of vanilla beans and other stuff...so hey, if cigars, coffee, and Irish creme is what makes it smell like that, FINE! There is definitely a smooth, woody tone pervading the sweetness throughout. As one reviewer noted, it does smell more like the mess left in the room afterward, as opposed to the actual doggy poker party itself...but that's fine by me. I think I need a bottle now...
  19. Argentwolf

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    Category: Limited Editions -- The Salon -- April Fools This...smells so familiar. And delicious. I think...I think it might be reminding me of that one magical time when I was wearing Fearful Pleasure, and it had that woody sarsparilla smell with just a hint of vanilla beans and other stuff...so hey, if cigars, coffee, and Irish creme is what makes it smell like that, FINE! There is definitely a smooth, woody tone pervading the sweetness throughout. As one reviewer noted, it does smell more like the mess left in the room afterward, as opposed to the actual doggy poker party itself...but that's fine by me. I think I need a bottle now.
  20. Argentwolf

    Loup Garou

    I really wanted to like this one, both for the name and ingredients! All I get is pine trees and eucalyptus, though, and it's not even that awesome. It could have been the heat and sweat, but even with trying to slather it, the scent just disappears. So sad.
  21. Argentwolf

    Loup Garou

    Category: Diabolus I really wanted to like this one, both for the name and ingredients! All I get is pine trees and eucalyptus, though, and it's not even that awesome. It could have been the heat and sweat, but even with trying to slather it, the scent just disappears. So sad.
  22. Argentwolf


    This is another pretty sort of 'bouquet of flowers' smell. The florals all just kind of bunch together and I really don't get any defining characteristic out of it. It seemed to fade fairly quickly and did not throw much.
  23. Argentwolf


    Category: Illyria This is another pretty sort of 'bouquet of flowers' smell. The florals all just kind of bunch together and I really don't get any defining characteristic out of it. It seemed to fade fairly quickly and did not throw much.
  24. Argentwolf


    Initially, I got lots of syrupy cherry with a hint of cinnamon; subsequent uses brought out the licorice. Now, it's blended (in that very mysterious way that a lot of scents seem to have gotten their shit together a month after I originally tested them) into a nice mix of cherry and anise, with the licorice smell diabolically present and tempting. I was on the fence about getting rid of it, but now that I've read the reviews again, I think I'll hang onto it. It stays and throws decently.
  25. Argentwolf


    Category: Ars Amatoria Initially, I got lots of syrupy cherry with a hint of cinnamon; subsequent uses brought out the licorice. Now, it's blended (in that very mysterious way that a lot of scents seem to have gotten their shit together a month after I originally tested them) into a nice mix of cherry and anise, with the licorice smell diabolically present and tempting. I was on the fence about getting rid of it, but now that I've read the reviews again, I think I'll hang onto it. :love!: It stays and throws decently.