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Posts posted by Dracoo9

  1. I liked the smell in the imp and right after putting it on I ran to jump in the car with my boyfriend and his brother and after closing the car door a few seconds later his brother immediatly commented that the car smelt different now that it was inside. A few minutes later I found myself practically choking and drowning in the scent. With DoaPH a little goes a looonnnggg way. So I grabbed my boyfriends arm and rubbed it on my neck to try and lesten the headache enducing strength.


    I like the smell of it, its incensy and pleasent but because of the incident of my first experiment I havent had the strength to wear it again. :P

  2. This is for the 07 Snow white


    Form: 5ml

    In bottle: Absolutly divine. It has the scent of fresh powdery snow while smelling almost vanilla and creamy mint.

    On skin: Still, just as divine but it smells a bit more vanilla-ey now.


    Overall, I wish I had bought a back up bottle because this really is an amazing and beautiful Yule scent.


    Rating: 5/5

  3. Form: Free imp from the lab

    In the imp: Not...lovely at all. I dont even want to try this anymore but, I do.

    On wrist: Medicinal, and strong to. This smells exactly like this medicine I'd put on my sunburns (which occur frequently) as a child.


    Rating: 1/5

  4. In the imp I could smell all of the scents individually (together was just as amazing!). And it really pleased me but sadly once I put it on the lemon vanished and the apple, leaving me with the almost powdery rose scent reminescent of Alice. Delirium also lasts me the whole day, which I love.


    While I dont dislike this scent it tends to just transform into something close to Alice on me, which I prefer to Delirium. If you like Alice you may want to try Delirium. I plan on holding on to Delirium just in case something changes :P

  5. This scent smells, as the name reads: Cat. It smells just like a cat.


    I always wanted a cat :P The scent itself is on the 'like' side and its a soft, almost minty but floral scent while having the capacity to last the whole day for me. My boyfriend really likes the scent so much that he wants to buy a bottle x.x


    Black cat is a happy scent for me and I enjoy my bottle.

  6. I first tried this scent from an imp and was heavily on the fence about it. After holding on to it for about two months and trying it again my opinion of this cat was swayed easily and quickly to the LOVE side.


    When I put it on I cant really smell the grapefruit but after a little while you can smell it was well as the lavender. The scent is sweet, but not to much- almost a vanilla sweetness. The only thing that made me sad about this scent was while all my other scents can last the whole day this one cant. But just before it fades away it has a sweet, almost foody scent for me which I find divine :P

  7. I got this as a frimp in one of my orders and I was so happy that I got a vampire scent. Well, till I put it on.


    All I can smell is dirt. And I happen to like dirt but it was...malicious dirt that wanted my soul. So, I told the boy friend what it did on me and he tried some on and of course the dirt fades away and I can smell the wine.


    It seems that with my skin chemisty Nosferatu and I were not meant to be :P

  8. A truly fae nectar! Dragon’s blood resin and honeyed vanilla.


    The vanilla is delicious in this scent and while I've never had anything with dragon blood resin I cant say thats what made it smell slightly powdery, but I enjoyed it. Definently a keeper.


    The vanilla is defently the stronger scent of the two and they both work well the compliment each other while there isnt much of a scent change going from bottle to skin.

  9. Velvet reminds me a lot of Eat Me in that the vanilla is so creamy and delicious smelling. The cocoa scent is faint with the myrth a bit stronger. Its a scent that is very warm and soothing, just a scent that makes you feel warm and fuzzy like wrapping up in a warm blanket. I'd give velvet a 4/5

  10. I first got an imp of this and I trully couldnt decide if I liked it or hated it. I realized that I liked it when I found myself wanting to wear it. I agree with other reviews in that this scent does have a powdery or almost soapy smell to it. But I've found that most scents with rose in it from the lab seem to smell powdery to me. I find Alice more powdery myself.


    I can smell the rose the most in the bottle and out. So, if you have other rose scents from the lab you may want to try it out (if they also seem powdery to you you may enjoy it more). Alice also smells similiar to Delirium if you ignore the scent of the lemon in that one Xp

  11. I ordered an imp of this an instantly fell in love. In the imp you can smell the grapefruit more but on me I think my skin soaks it up but I dont mind. The underlying tones are just as lovely. This is a perfect spring scent and as stated in other reviews is very playful. I can smell the rose and what I assume is the hedgehog musk the most but both are lovely scents.

  12. I first got this in an imp form before falling in love and buying a 5 ml.


    Even in the imp form the apricot scent is very strong but not over powering but in the 5ml you can smell the clove better. If your a fan of the scent of apricot then this is trully perfect for you. The scent is such a perfect spring or summer scent and it always perks me up :P

  13. I really wanted to like this, I really did but it smelt like plain tortilla chips in the imp and on me. I even told my boyfriend to smell it and he also said 'tortilla chips' X.x And though I usually smell the chip like scent on the underlying tone I still cant help but focus on it now that my mind has made the connection of scents.


    Ah, the human mind what a tricksey devil!

  14. This was my first order and my first 5ml. Its simply amazing. I'd love to devour the scent if only it was a dessert :P. If your a vanilla fan I'd definently recomend it and its not an amazingly foody scent.

  15. I can really smell the holliberry in the bottle and out. I was kind of expecting a more snowy scent like Snow White 2007. But I still like Old Moon, just not as something I'd wear so I put some in a candle I have and was burning it while reading a few nights ago and it felt like I was in Big Bear during winter. It was very lovely :P

  16. As far as the confusion about your order's shipping, what your going through is normal. I use CCnow for my orders and what happens is as follows:


    1. You get your confirmation E-mail.


    2. Usually Your order status will say "Awiting Shipment" for a while, until one day it says...


    3. "Shipped". In between, your card may be charged, but then the charge will dissapear. This is annoying and confusing, but common. You won't be actually charged until your order does ship from the lab.


    4. When your CCnow order page states that your order is "Shipped", this means the order has been sent on to the lab so they can fill it. It does not actually mean it has shipped to you as of yet. The information on CCnow's page is info from the credit card processor, not the lab. It usually takes a few days after the CCnow page says "Shipped" for the order to go out to you. When it does you will usually get....


    5. A C&S notification from the USPS through E-mail. That's where you will get all your tracking info, etc.


    I know this can all be a little confusing but from what it seems, you are going through a normal order procedure. I think your in good shape. My last order was placed 11/19 and my ccnow status is Shipped, and I went through the same stuff with the "dissapearing charges". It's the same with every order I've made. As far as you moving, you may want to e-mail the lab with any questions if you have not already done so.


    I hope this and everyone else's info has helped. Hope all goes well, and Welcome to the Forum!



    Thank you very much for your help. I will probrably e mail the lab, even though I hate to be bothering them :P

  17. If you paid by CCNow, it just means that your order has been accepted and sent on to the lab. When did you place your order and did you use CCNow or Paypal?


    By the way, Welcome! :P



    Well, I ordered 11/25/07 but I'm moving soon and i notified them of that. So, I dont know. Then my card was going to be charged and then it just kinda poofed or went through, one or the other. But then when checking if it went through it didnt say it did. So, Now I dont know what to do. It doesnt say my order is cancelled and the status has actually changed to shipped even after the disapearance of the pending charge.
