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Posts posted by Dracoo9

  1. This is basically a striaght up gardenia for me. Which is good because honey can be quite the monster on me. There really isnt anything to wow me here but it is very nice, very floral and preaty. If you like florals a lot and gardenia then this is defenently for you. It kind of goes soapy on me tho.

  2. Form: decant


    In the decant I cant really figure out any notes and i dont know what oud or palm date would smell like so thats probrably why. On its kinda the same story but its..amazing. Something about it does seem very...I apologise for the vague description but asian with a cat twist (Miyazaki's the Cat Returns, anyone?). The only problem I have with this scent is something about it...smells like a cereal I had as a child 0.0 I can smell the vanilla and what I assume to be the oud and palm date the best. I really do like this one and may be purchasing a bottle. Its a very unique scent and i would defenently say that you should at least try this one if your the slightest intrigued.

  3. Form: decant.


    In and on I get strong cherry bloosom but...its not fading like cherry blossom usually does. Huzzah! Scents like Komachi cherry tree dont last long but this one does. If I reallyyy look for it I can smell the vanilla. This is a really lovely happy scent, perfect for summer or when you need a bright scent in your day.

  4. I think I became the happiest person when I realized that this existed. I immediatly knew that it had to be mine. Cherry Blossoms! Asian Pear! A Komachi blend!? Yay for Asian Art History! In the bottle I mostly get cherry blossoms with faint sandalwood and asian pear. On it becaomes and Asian pear and cherry blossom party. Its sweet without not being to much so, could be sweeter actually and its not a foodie blend at all. The pear just adds some depth to it. Love this blend! If you liked Hanami or Cheshire moon this is a must to try!

  5. This is mostly teak (which reminds me of Glowing Vulva so its amazing!) and jasmine with faint tea and wisteria. Now wisteria usually amps like mad on me (Curse you wisteria in Hanami!) so I was a little worried about this one but it was juuussttt right. Its a very floral blend but with an exotic, asian twist which is delishious and just what I was looking for in a blend :yum: This is a good summer scent. It doesnt have to much of a wear length but it smells delishious while it stays around.

  6. I mostly smell the tea with a faint mint and cherry blossom. This is a really nice scent that you could really wear anywhere. Its clean and refreashing while feeling like it could embrace you in a warmth. If your a tea, cherry blossom, or mint fan then I would defenently recomend this for you. 5/5

  7. I agree that there is a sort of buttery note to this. I was really looking forward to a Bath and Body Works coconut kind of scent but Obatala isnt bad. I can get the milk note, similiar to the one in Alice with a buttery sort of coconut. Obatala and I would get along wonderfully if only it didnt become cloyingly sweet after awhile. But thats what having spicy blends around is for, right? ;) Bit of layering and problem solved!

  8. As much as I like this blend I dont really get apple cider from this like I wanted it to be. It smells like and immitation apple cider gone a bit off :cry2: I'm going to hold on to it anyway though. This is a really nice fall scent and it has a nice spicey edge to it to offset all the sweet and fruity blends I have. It has a decent through and long wearlength.

  9. If you were to take a candy cane and turn it in to a liquid form that would be Lick It and as a mint lover I LOVE this blend. Its not overly foodie just a sweet, clean peppermint that makes you wake up in the morning. This is very good blend to get your mind going in the morning actually :lol: Perfect holiday blend!

  10. This is the 2007 version


    The only reason I got this one was because...well, I could. I dont actually like to eat gingerbread but I love the scent so I figured I would try. GINGERBREAD POPPET IS LOVE :heart: I really enjoy it and its not overwhelmingly foodie. It is very similiar to Shrubniggerath (ah! spelling!) but I prefer the Poppet ;) 5/5

  11. I've read some people compare it to being similiar to nuclear winter so I decided that sence I was getting :bow: Nuclear Winter I might as well toss in a Snow Bunny to try. In the begining this is a really nice pine, similiar to the pine note in Nuclear Winter but then the 'girlie perfume' comes in. It doesnt smell girly to me at all. Instead it smells like something not even my grandma would wear :sick: The begining is nice...but not the end.

  12. To me this is the least fruity of the 5 luau bar blends I have. All I smell is the gin and maybe, just maybe I can find the blueberry if I try hard enough. Its okay, I'm sure it would be better with the right person. My friend really enjoys it and when i spilt like half of the bottle on my dresser the room did smell good I just wouldnt wear this one.

  13. This is a sweet violet in the bottle and on me. Its really nice when it hangs around, which isnt for more than about 3 hours so you need to make more applications ;) My SO wore it the other day and it was nice having the scent float around the car..only I had to resist moving closer to him to sniff it some more :lol: If you rather have a deep violet scent I would spring for Nocturne instead. I actually bought a bottle of Violet Ray before getting frimped Nocturne. Of the two...Nocturne wins hands down because the violet is stronger and it lasts longer than Violet Ray but Violet Ray has a preatty picture. Decisions decisions....

  14. This is for Smut 08.


    Smut is probrably one of the most talked about BPAL blends on the forum so I had to get it when I got my chance in 08. Its been....quite a few months and im still trying to figure it out o.O I cant figure out what I'm smelling and what it reminds me of and it drives me simply mad! I'm a fan of musk- some musk. Like the musk in Croquet I will go head-over-heels for any day while some are to strong. Smut is juuussttt right but I wouldnt have minded if it was a little stronger. I dont really detect boozy-ness to this blend like with the Luau Bar blends. Smut almost smells like a slightly boozy/musky sweet tart. If you took Tiki Queen, toned down the floral and made it seem a bit dirty thats Smut to me. I like this blend but its not one of my faves. If your new and you havent tried a Smut yet you deffinently should ;)

  15. There are so many things in this blend that just screamed to me 'dont be a fool, it will NOT work on YOU no matter how hard you wish it to be!' Ambergris, leather, tobacco, and wood all equal doom. But...I had to get it...or I would die. So, I hunted it down on the forum and was so pleased I did! This is actually the only LE blend that I have 2 bottles of (a third may be in my future...hmmm). If I smell really hard and look for it I can find the tobacco (which becomes nasty ashtrey on me) but other then when I search for it I cant find it and it doesnt bother me. On me Pirate moon is sort of colognesq on but it quickly fades to a spicey delishiousness similiar to Port Royal. I cant really pick out any of the notes because its so well blended and I cant smell the leather or lime in this. I absolutly love this blend 5/5

  16. I love tart scents...heck, I have a lemon tree in my back yard that while growing up you'd just pull a lemon off and eat it right there! But Golden Wave....you and Screetching Parrot may test me yet. In the decant its a very strong, tart scent with heavy booze. Once I put it on its still crazy tart with a really heavy booze. I dont know if I should try less of it but concidering I dont slather my oils on I dont really know how much 'less' would be. I'm going to hang on to the decant if just for the sake of being able to layer something on top to take the edge off of it. :cry2:

  17. This is a scent that when I first got I went 'nooo boozzeee!!'. Booze tends to behave on me but it will stick around long after all the other scents have departed and being under 21 I dont want to be walking around smelling like that (especially when theres a police station reeaalllyyy close to my house and the shopping center near by) :P But I'm a fruit lover so I had to hold on to it. Finally, it has paid off.


    I can pick out all the notes on me while that ocean-ey scent hangs around the edges. Its really nice and I think I'll be wearing it preaty often in the upcomming hot months. Mostly I smell the passionfruit and raspberry while the pinapple is content to hide in the background, giving it a light pina colada feel to it. If you liked this one you have to try Upa Upa. 5/5

  18. When I first got this one delivered upon first sniff I went 'eh', it wasnt really anything special but looking at the notes I figured I'd hold on to it because it would probrably age well. And it did!! The top layer is mostly red current, musk, and benzoin with a little fruitiness. I really do like this one a lot more now so if anyone else has this one stashed away waiting for it to age try it now ;) 4/5

  19. Zarita...Zarita, Zarita, where to begin with you? Reading off the notes I thought this would be a real winner for me but alas. When I put it on I couldnt really pick any notes out. Maybe a little bit of iris but other then that nothing. I think some cream notes may go whacky on me because after putting it on for a little it had this sour, really heavy floralness to it. If you are wary of cream notes you might best avoid the doll.

  20. This is deffinently a golden amber blend with a faintness of vanilla and myrrh. I was kinda worried initially because of the ceder note and sandalwood together because to much wood-esq notes tend to gain up on the other notes on me. But this is pure bliss. Inez is a sexy, darker blend then what I usually go for but I cant stop sniffing :wub2: Inez is unisex, to me at least. This one deffenently became bottle worthy for me with a 5/5

  21. This actually smells really good...I need to consider a bottle.


    I can pick out all the notes in this one but mostly its dandelion and a faint mixing of honey and current. It makes me think of being ouside on a warm summer day, far from streets and cars. Just outside enjoying the sun and the smell of the outdoors in a field of dandelions.
