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BPAL Madness!

Julilla Regina

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Everything posted by Julilla Regina

  1. Julilla Regina


    When I first put this on, it's light incense and something green and slightly sharp. The cedar isn't really coming out much on me, which is a pity, because I love cedar. But this is beautiful anyway. THe jasmine is strong, but I think the sandalwood is giving it a run for it's money. Underneath it all is the green/sharpness of the lemongrass. It seems sophisticated without being snobbish. It's a woman with exquisite taste, wearing Levis and a tank top, barefooted, yet she's wearing flawless one carat diamond studs in her ears. Yeah, it's like that.
  2. Julilla Regina


    I wish I could smell the clove or the cherry on my skin. I think the dragon's blood takes over on me, though. It's a sort of sweet yet bitter scent. It's rather "darker" than I like, very heavy, like velvet drapes or something. Resinous and red, so it's named aptly. On me, though, it's got nothing to brighten it up. It's not me, unfortunately. I love clove and cherry, so I'm pretty sad it didn't work on me like it works on others.
  3. Julilla Regina


    I'm not having luck with Goneril. I think my skin really amplifies the geranium. It's sharp and green to my nose, and the cedar didn't come out, which makes me so very very sad. Two hours later, still geranium. Waaah!!! I want someone else's skin chemistry!
  4. Julilla Regina

    Lady MacBeth

    When I first put this on, I thought it smelled like a cherry/grape candy combo with some rose in it. I could have sworn there was rose in this, but I guess I am hallucinating. After awhile, still the the cherryness, and I love that! It wasn't particularly boozy on me, the wine barely kissed my chemistry at all. This is very yummy and I love it!
  5. Julilla Regina


    I wish there was more lavendar whisking it's way up to my nose. In the imp, this is an enchanting and exotic floral. A blend of flowers I can't really put my finger on. There is some scent, a floral which seems a little dark. Maybe delphinium? It's not super sweet or high like a rose or a jasmine, really. It's underneath and not as bright. Unfortunately all that is left on me now is a slightly floral musk. It's good, but not as good on me as it is on others.
  6. Julilla Regina


    This is probably one of the most exotic BPAL fragrances I've smelled. If you want something really different, this is one to think about. It turns, on me, to sweet copal. I know that's hard to explain, but I think it's the slight dusting of plumeria (?)that tones down the incense of the copal. Once in awhile, I'd get something dark and wet, and then it would turn back to the sweet copal again. It shifted faintly when I first put it on, and then tamped down into something that is really hard to describe. This isn't a 'me' scent, but it's so unique that I can't help but think that anyone who wore this would be really interesting in an iconoclastic way. It's somehow wise yet funky.
  7. Julilla Regina


    Wow, uber lily! I wish more of the incense notes had come out on me. I think my skin really amplified the lily though. It's strongly floral, so floral haters beware. I do usually like the florals, and I think my skin chemistry really freaked out with this. I only got lilylilynothingbutlily. Beautiful in the imp, though and not quite so lily-ish.
  8. Julilla Regina


    This smells good in the vial and when I put it on I noticed a cucumber or celery kind of scent. I think it's probably cucumber, but it had a bit of the tang of celery too, if you know what I mean. When I got it on though, it turned strange and a little plasticky. Why, why did you do it Hurricane? Is it your celery/cukey goodness that hates my skin? I do not know, alas. This would probably be really very nice in an oil burner if it doesn't work on the skin.
  9. Julilla Regina


    This was all powdered rose on me, I think because of the amber. The rose tried to hold on, like a trooper. It ended up like a rose scented powder, which is not bad, but not really like it smells in the vial. I wish more of the mandarin had come out, or the moss. It is delish in the vial, and holds so much promise. If you can do amber, do this one, it's so nice...just not on me.
  10. Julilla Regina

    Dia de los Muertos

    I got this as a decant imp, so keep in mind it's about 7 months old now? I can smell the copal and some floral, they blend together in a very rich way. I don't get any tobacco or chocolate, but there seems to be something a little vanilla'ish. I don't think it smells like pan dulce at all. It's more like a deeply steeped floral with vanilla to me. The copal is faint but noticeable. It is complex, even though I say that's all I can smell, that doesn't mean there is all there is to this. I hope that Beth makes this again later this year, because I'd like to see how the fresh compares with this imp. I could see where a cocoa note in this would make it even better than it is. It *is* good though, and I would buy a bottle!
  11. Julilla Regina


    Deep, luscious green and berry scents that evoke images of woodland witchcraft and the raw power of nature: blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk. I didn't really get berries out of this one, unfortunately. On my skin it turned into a pure, light musk. The greenness and the berry that I could smell in the vial touched me and went "see ya!" It's nice, but probably much better on others. On me, just musk.
  12. Julilla Regina


    This is very pretty if you like aquatics. It's a light blue, watery scent. Very fresh, not an uber floral to my nose at all. It is very light though, to the point of almost disappearing. I keep having to sniff my wrist to make sure it's still there. There is something a tad sharp in it, I think it's the rhododendron? it's keeping this from being a typical aquatic. It does have a bit of a sharp kick, but it's mellow and smooth and well blended. If you love aquatics, this is a must have!
  13. Julilla Regina


    Oh so pretty! This is sweet and fruity. When I first put it on, the booze overwhelmed, which my skin seems to do to boozy scents. I was a bit afraid for awhile that I'd smell like I'd been out drinking the night before. After about thirty minutes, it settled down into a sweetie flower scent. I really like this, it's very girly. It's like a little girl in a white frilly dress skipping through a meadow. It giggles.
  14. Julilla Regina

    Val Sans Retour

    This reminded me a bit of Empyreal Mist, but instead of blue-green, this one is all green. It's really fresh and gorgeous. It does have a grassy quality, but there's an herbyness to it as well. I love this, if only I could have gotten it to last longer on me! It is too ephemeral. I would definitely buy this if it could be made to have better staying power. Please, oh please.
  15. Julilla Regina


    Salome is a naughty little shape shifter. At first she's almondy sweet, Herodias' little darling. Then she goes smoky and deep incense with a slutty floral, the vile temptress! It's not really a me scent, but it's nice and sexy for sure. My skin really ate this one for some reason, and was gone after a couple of hours on me. It's move down into a really evocative, seductive scent. Just a tad too much incense for me, but I don't think it's overwhelmingly incense, I just wish I had a smidge more jasmine.
  16. Julilla Regina


    I know everyone keeps saying "spicy carnation", but really, if you can imagine that with a lovely light musky base, that is this scent. I do wish I had a little more plum, but it pretty much vanished on me. What is left is a very nice, light floral. If it was any type of carnation, it would be the pink and white ones, with the pink on the curly edges. This is pretty and fresh and quite ladylike. Plum would sex it up a bit more for me, but others got more plum out of it than I did, it sounds like. Maybe I'll just slather it on next time...
  17. Julilla Regina


    This is almond cookies with a sprinkle of cinnamon on me. It's quite foody. The frankincense is very understated, but it gives an interesting zing to this one. The one I'm testing is an older, tarted imp, so I don't know how old it is. Perhaps the other elements simmer down after awhile. It's not really me, but I would suggest it to all the almond lovers out there, and anyone who likes foody scents should give this a try. It smells like you could eat it almost. But don't!
  18. Julilla Regina

    Storm Moon

    I didn't get much ozone, but I sure did get a citrus! Wow! This struck me a very masculine scent, very clean, very old style cologne. It didn't work on me, but if you like citrus and more masculine scents, I'd really suggest this one a lot. I can't put my finger on the cologne it reminds me of, though, but it's something I smelled on men when I was younger.
  19. Julilla Regina


    In the vial this smells like beautiful violets. I love the violet scents I've tried so far. Violet does wondrous things on me, and I want the clove to work so much. I love the smell of clove. When I first put it on it's really nice and pretty. After a few minutes though, it turns candy sweet and the clove is totally gone. I think my skin must eat clove or something. Finally there is a bit of violet soapy powder with an underlying sweetness. It's nice and probably would work wonderfully well on someone whose body chemistry could bring out the clove to full effect.
  20. Julilla Regina


    This is fantastic and when it smooths down, it's ephemeral and really lovely. The juicy peach scent is there off the top, but then it dries down into a smooth, delicate musk. I have to say I'm so impressed by this fragrance. It's not something that I would typically think of as a "me" scent, because musks aren't really my thing. But this is really amazing. This is why the Lab rocks so damn much! It's one of those scents that you sniff on your wrist and you have to close your eyes, it's just so good.
  21. Julilla Regina


    I really like this, but it isn't going to be for everyone. The patchouli and sandalwood smooth out into a soapy sandalwood blend, and the rose just barely peeks out. It smells like a milled sandalwood soap to me. Something one would buy in an incense shop. It was very gentle on me, and clean. The patchouli is not overwhelming at all on my skin. Very smooth and mellow.
  22. Julilla Regina


    Oh, this is truly amazing! I think this is very balanced, with the rose and the lotus gaining equal time on my skin. This is masterful, really. If you love florals, do not miss this one! All day long I couldn't stop sniffing. A little goes a long way, it has good staying power. Be careful and don't put on too much though, it could get overpowering. This is brilliant and I love it!
  23. Julilla Regina

    The Hesperides

    This was interesting on me. At first, the apples were crisp and red and really strong. Then it smoothed down into a more wood scent until the wood really took over and obliterated the apples. It's very pretty, but I wanted a little more of the appley goodness and not so much the trees. If you enjoy wood scents, definitely try this! You will love it if you're looking for the nature type smells. It had good staying power as well.
  24. Julilla Regina

    Blood Kiss

    I must be some sort of skin chemistry freak of nature. In the vial, this is oh so delicious, gorgeous, ecstatic, stupendous, sexy, love, beautiful. In a highly excited state, I slid this over my wrist and within ten seconds, literally before it had even dried on my skin....The Amber Curse. Damnit! Pure baby powder. None of the delicious clove or cherry or vetiver could defeat the dreaded powder. If you can wear this, I envy you so much! It's beautiful in the vial, truly transcendant. I hate this Curse. I must be rid of it! *sob*
  25. Julilla Regina


    I have to agree, this is very dry, very proper. It turns slightly powdery, but not baby powder'y. It almost reminds me of the rose-scented powder Crabtree & Evelyn make, but it's not exact. It's a cool, dusty rose. And no, it's not old lady at all. It's a fresh young lady's rose. Very pretty.