So I wrote Dianora to see if it worked out for her. She wrote me right away to say that it did. I thought I should post this here, so she does not have to continue answering random messages as people find this thread. My thank you reply and then original messages to follow:
Thank you so much! When I went to the Bat's Day Market in November, all the sample bottles had wand caps. I was so overwhelmed (the entire GC was there in 5 mls), I didn't think to ask how one would get a hold of them. This will make a world of difference.
Hmmmm, I wonder if I can get extra wand caps for my old bottles...
I requested a handful from the lab the last two times I ordered. I put the request in the comments box. One of them, the wand caps were just included. The other customer service emailed me saying that the caps were $0.50 a piece and that I could paypal for the number I wanted then they would get included when the order shipped.
Thanks so much for the info! I ordered a nine-bottle order and really wanted wand caps, so I sent them a paypal for $4.50 and my order number
Hopefully, it works out.
I just found your post when I was searching for info on getting wand caps. I was wondering: did it work? Did you get wand caps with your order in November?