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Everything posted by Salem

  1. Hopefully I'm not being completely blind when I ask this - I got Midwinters Eve 07 a while back and absolutely fell head over heels for it. Does anyone know any other scents like it? To me it's perfume perfection.
  2. Salem


    My first review, arg. In the bottle - Flowers, almost bitter. I definitely get the carnation and there's a slight lingering of the sweet pea. One sniff? Smells pleasant, 2 sniffs? Bit heady, 3 sniffs? Headacke time. Drying/dry - I just couldn't get to grips with it. I wanted a floral, light carnation smell but to me this is perfumey heady sickly floral and reminds me of a sweet from my childhood that I'd rather forget. The more I smelt it, the more I wanted it off my wrists. I'm sad as it seemed like it could of been amazing but I don't think my skin likes the floral notes and just turns them into a sickly grating headacke. I only got my imp this morning too. Oh well!
  3. Yay! Scents are one of the best things about winter time. So far it seems like I'd do well with getting Midwinter's Eve and the Yule collection. I'd love Hymn too but if I ordered it now I doubt it'd be here in time for christmas and noone seems to be selling it at the moment . But thankyou to everyone! No doubt I'll end up with everything that's been recommended here.
  4. I'm a HUGE winter person and when this time of the year comes around I like to engulf myself in the scents, sounds and feelings of it all. So being new I need a little help when it comes to choosing and deciding. What I'm looking for really are cold winters night warming smells and cold white flower smells. The former being perhaps church smells, oranges with cloves, sandalwood, old time smells, something that sums up the spices and incense of christmas with a touch of vanilla to soften it perhaps. The latter is more a snowy, girlie perfume. Lilys perhaps, something floral but vintage that works well with cold winter days. I'll go with anything on those lines as long as I can stay away from any lavender notes (headaches ahoy ), anything too green and pine, leather and anything with geranium (again, big massive headaches). Thankyou ever so much to anyone who can help, and anyone who can think of a scent and who may have a little to sell or share please get in touch. x
  5. Salem

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    So far reading this topic I've come to the conclusion that both Fenris Wolf and Baron Samedi might be good options for presents for my man but I'm still not sure. Scent wise I see him as quite a vintage, bourbon mixed with spice sort of bloke with a tinge sandalwood. I think deep brooding (yet with a certain sort of softness) notes may work, so does anyone know what I should be looking at for definite?