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Posts posted by larkredblade

  1. After this scent was on for a few minutes it started to smell familiar... the peach was warming up quite nicely and then memories started to invade my thoughts...


    11th grade, summer, Cliff Wishy, ah ha! Peach Schnapps. This smells like peach schnapps mixed with orange juice and sprite. The drink we used to sneak when the parents weren't looking. I always imagined that if I ever did kiss that boy, he'd taste like this.

  2. I was hoping I'd love this one, and I do!!!


    It's lovely. I don't even know what Plumeria is supposed to smell like, but on me, this perfume is a flowery champagne with a touch of pear. I adore it and I kept smelling myself all day long. It's a sexy daytime scent or fresh out of the shower splash.

  3. I unfortunately spilled a bit of my imp of O all over my clothes while opening it... however it did give me a chance to get to know it better.


    It is a light sweet scent on first sniff.


    Then something happens.


    There is a musk, something naked and raw -- that sex smell!


    This scent after a while on me gets that baby powder tinge to it, and it started making me a bit dizzy. I don't think I could use this as an every day perfume.


    It's definitely interesting though -- how the heck did the lab capture *that smell* in a bottle?

  4. Mmmm this one is so warm and complex. It has a masculine lean to it -- I think it would smell even better on a man.


    The sandlewood and musk are the dominant notes on me, but behind them both is a sweetness, a floral comes through for me and tends to linger once the scent is warmed by my skin. Florals work very well with my chemistry, so it's nice that I can pull this scent through the sandlewood and musk.


    This is one of those scents that develops once it's put on. I wasn't crazy about it on first sniff, but it is growing on me rapidly.

  5. I wasn't too sure of this one in the bottle -- it did have that nail polish remover smell others spoke of.


    Once it was on, I could not get enough. I kept applying it to places until I was completely covered with it. It is exactly what it says -- pomegranate and rose. Neither one of the scents overpowers the other on me. I've been sniffing myself all day!


    I love that it is both spring and autumn at the same time -- fresh spring roses and juicy fall ripened pomegranate. Delicious.

  6. Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won't stop kissing mirrors for a month.

    I wanted to love this one.

    In the vial, I smelled almond extract. Once on, I could still smell the almond, and something sweet like cherries. I still wasn't sure if I liked it or not at this point -- it usually takes at least a whole day for me to decide since scents change on me while I wear them.

    The drydown though -- crumbled to baby powder. This one just doesn't seem to work with my chemistry darnit! I envy those who can wear it!

  7. I love this scent. It is fresh, airy, and floral, but not as heavy as Midnight. It is a Spring scent -- the smell of dewey flowers in the crisp cool early spring air.


    It didn't have much staying power though and tended to fade quickly.


    I noticed when I wore it that I had a burst of energy -- I wrapped all of my holiday gifts in one shot -- cheerily -- and I think the scent had something to do with it. I'll have to experiment with this more.

  8. An ethereal bouquet of night-blooming flowers. Evening primrose, ruellia, flowering nicotiana, wild petunia, panani-o-kai, night phlox, night gladiolus, moonflower and the elusive scent of Nottingham Catchfly.

    I received this as a freebie imp (thanks lab!) and I adore it!

    Who knew I'd have a thing for florals!

    It is a complex floral bursting with fragrance. I am not familiar with the scents of the flowers in the description, but to me it smells like a bunch of daffodills and lillies. It smells of spring with a whisper of powder. It has a magic to it -- something fairy.

    It's clean, youthful -- definitely not an "old lady" floral. It is similar to Szepasszony on me, except without the acquatic notes.

    I'm afraid my "bigger bottle wanted" list is getting out of control already!

  9. When I was in high school my friend had this very expensive Tea Rose perfume and I would borrow it from her all the time. I'd drown myself in the stuff.


    "Old" London reminds me of this scent. It is not an overpowering rose, but a light, crisp, airy rose. It's very feminine and flirty. I'd love to use this as a linen spray, or even a couple of drops in some bath water for an empowering Aphodite goddess bath -- throw in some rose quartz and simmer.


    Definitely on my bigger bottle wanted list.

  10. I ran around all day saying, "I smell like the forest!"


    This scent is lovely on me. It smells like walking through the forest collecting pine cones. The rose scent did not appear until much later in the day, kind of like an afterthought. The description of the scent is exactly what it smelled like on me.


    I didn't think I would be a fan of green or florals, and it seems that these are the ones I like the most lately.


    I even recieved a, "Oh, I really like that perfume" compliment from a fellow BPAL fan at work.


    I'm flagging this for a bigger bottle.

  11. In the bottle, this one smelled very sweet, but not a lot of berry came through on first whiff. It smelled like a very sweet tea.


    On skin, the berry notes developed and took over. I also smell what I think is the dark musk. The scents work well together and lasted all day.


    If you like sweet berry scents, it's a great one. I'm not sure if it's one for me though. It is a little too sweet on me and by the end of the day I just wanted to take it off. It started to remind me a bit of air freshener... so it might be a great candidate for a room scent.

  12. On first sniff it was a little too strong for me, but I thought it would make a great room scent.


    Once applied, the scent changed a bit and started to smell familiar. I spent a few minutes trying to place it -- but it smells like the spray you use on artificial xmas trees to give them that pine/woodsy smell.


    I would use this as a ritual oil -- there is something about it that is purifying, clean, fresh... something perfect for use before entering circle and taking your mind to that higher plane needed when doing ritual work.


    It is still a bit strong for my own day-to-day use, but definitely something I'll keep in mind to use when I'm doing any kind of purification work.

  13. A friend was with me when I opened this imp and we both agreed that on first sniff it smells like a Pina Colada.


    The hubby smells coconut. I smell the rum... I smell suntan lotion. It reminds me of a tropical vacation. I picture swimming up to the bar in the pool and ordering some rum punch and letting your skin get burnt in the sun.


    On skin the tobacco and leather begin to make their appearance, deepening the complexity of this scent and adding some extra warmth and sexyness.


    I definitely like this one, despite not being a fan of coconut, so if you think you might not like it because of all the coconut reviews, give it a try anyway -- you'll be surprised.
