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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Ginspu

  1. This is all soft peppery woods on me, with the musk and frankincense mellowing it out. So pretty. Funny that so many of us are getting the opposite of a warlike or aggressive blend from this. When I viewed the eclipse that night I felt calm, peaceful, and this blend matches that feeling perfectly. Now the myrrh's coming up a bit. Gosh, this is is gorgeous. Gonna age a treat.

  2. There is a shop in the area called Noir Leather. They sell vintage clothing, leather goods, and - in the back room - everything you could ever want for a well-stocked dungeon. Adam smells like this shop - leather, sandalwood incense, and the smell of vintage clothes - that vaguely musty, dusty cloth smell. It's really, really evocative to me.


    Trying again after a few months: there is a sharp note in here which is kind of ruining the experience for me. Not sure whether it's the plastic or the ambergris but sadly, not for me.

  3. This is a mix of something very sweet, and faded flowers. In the bottle and wet, the sweet vaguely fruity was heavy, but as it dried, the floral came out. Faded, dried flowers seem to be a big theme with the Spiritualism scents, which to me fits well.


    ETA: And since I amp fruit, the flowers are all gone and now it's all a vaguely raspberry smell.

  4. For me, this kind of went the opposite way - first it was all cologne-y musk, in fact, I was strongly minded of generic men's cologne. And then the lemon notes came on after. My nose is not as adept at picking out notes, but once it dried, huffing my wrist is like sucking on a lemon drop, a sticky sweet lemon. My ectoplasm is all yellow, I guess!

  5. There was a spicy note right off the top with this, which I suspect is the carnation, and then cedar soon after. For a while it was very green and spicy floral, like arrugula, but in a good way! That was the association my nose made, I swear, but I liked it. Now it's dried down and the cedar and sage have come out a little more, and the sharp spicy note has backed down. Pretty!

  6. Today was very much autumnal, so I got out this decant to complement the mood. And to write a review, which I didn't do before. In the bottle and wet, it was moss and nuts - two sharp, almost unpleasant notes and I am suddenly reminded that the scent of hazelnut can make me sick to my stomach. I guess I thought I'd take a gamble when I got it. But thankfully, on drydown, the nuts and moss mellow out and blend together, and the galangal and leaves show up too. I get no apple at all, maybe that's to do with the age of the decant. Turned out to be a nice scent for a day like today.

  7. Has anyone ever ordered through CCNow and not gotten a confirmation e-mail? Usually, it shows up in my inbox within a minute or two of placing the order. But I sent the order maybe 45 minutes ago or so, and I keep checking my inbox, and nothing. I did get the page that said it went through, but I like having the e-mail confirmation, y'know? Should I be worried?

    This happened to me, too, just now, when I placed my Inquisition order. And I can't seem to go back into CCnow to request a duplicate - the screen shows the "Your cart is empty" message."

  8. I got this one of the anniversary phoenixes because I wanted to attune to the Metal element. I've been working on a tai chi sword form, which is very yang and, well, brash, and in your face. So I was kind of hoping for a metal scent that would reflect that.


    Turns out Metal can be yin, too, and this is a very delicate yin scent. Starts out citrusy (I guess that's the verbena) and then it gets all floral on me. For a while I didn't think it was going to work - the floral was almost soapy. But then, the metal *finally* shows up and tones down the florals.


    I'm not sure how I feel about this one - it's nice, but I'm not sure if it's my thing. I might try it at a different time of month, too.


    Tried it again today and it made a nice change! The floral was much tamer and them metal was way up fornt. I think this is possibly the first scent that's had such a big change on me depending on what time of month I wear it. I'll have to keep that in mind, cos today, it was lovely.

  9. This is really nice! It smells warmly woody, though my nose isn't really developed enough to pick them all out. It makes a nice base for a definite clove note that wafts in and out. Have an imp, and I might have to see how it goes to see if I'll want a bottle.

  10. I just saw "leipreachan" imp on ebay! I didn't get with my March order- but I havent ordered the Irish bards yet- did this come with?? Does anyone know?


    Yep, if you ordered a bottle from the Irish update, you got an imp of Leipreachan. And that's if you ordered one or two or the entire set. It's just like when the Fruitcake imp was a gift with purchase a couple years ago with the Yule orders.

    And yet another reason to cave and get a Bard before they dissapear. Cool. :)

  11. I chose to buy this unsniffed, too, both for the theme and the notes. It's strange, maybe, but I'm getting almost no rain or aquatic at all out of this. In the bottle, and at first application it was very strong inscense, almost overpowering. But as soon as it dried, it got a bit softer, and the dust note came out. It was at that point that I got a second or two of the aquatic note, which then dissapreared almost immediately. It remained a nice dusty inscense all day, even after Attack of the Chocolate Lab Puppy (who, when I wear BPAL, loves that I haz a flavr and licks me repeatedly on any spot where I may have applied BPAL). Also, very happily for me, this is reminiscent of Order of the Dragon - The Castle, but without the note that turned creamy on me. So yeah, a definite keeper.

  12. Definitely check out Blade of Grass, but you could also try the Apothercary, Squirting Cucumber and the Caterpillar in the General Catalog. You could also try Garden Path with Chickens, which is a General Catalog scent, but doesn't come in an imp. For a hay scent, you could look for Hay Moon, whihc is a limited edition, but should be relatively easy to find.

  13. So here's my queston.


    I made an order on 8-17. The CC Now status page sys "Shipped 8-28" but I haven't got a CnS from the Lab, nor have I seen my order. (I don't usually go by what CCNow says, but it's been a while and I'm checking all information.) The Lab says they're packed through 8-16, and I know they've been a little (!) distracted, what with the baby and all, but do you think it would be OK to send an email to them at this point, checking on the status of my order?

  14. I think I should probably know better by now. I amp fruit like whoa. All I got from this was blueberries and red currant. The red currant made the blueberries kind of sour to me. And unfortunately, it stayed that way for a good long time, with plenty of throw. Sour blueberries wafting around the room.


    Such a shame, cos I really like everything else about this scent - the story, the art on the bottle, the fact that it was my first forum-only scent...just not the scent itself. I don't think I'll be keeping it. :P

  15. Had this one for a while and had the perfect thing to wear it to today -a Yoga for Peace event the local studio hosts. (It was outdoors, so I wasn't overpowering my fellow yogis.)


    Wet, it was all sandalwood and cedarwood. As it dried down, it smelled stronly of incense and spices, which is odd, since nither of those things is listed as notes. Not what I was expecting, but still pretty nice.

  16. In the bottle and on my skin, this smells exactly like clean, sun-warmed hay. Very very nice. And then it goes away. It only lasted about an hour, if that. I really like it though, so maybe I'll try it as a room scent.

  17. In the bottle: Hmm, what *is* that smell? Holy crap, it's Juicyfruit gum! :P


    Wet: still juicyfruit - oh noes!


    Drydown: Whew, no more Juicyfruit. Now it's just green, grassy, leafy.


    A little later: I can smell a hint of floral, which I guess is hibiscus.


    Still later: Mostly leafy and grassy.


    After the drydown, it's nice and green, just like I like. Great summer scent.
