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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Heeroluva

  1. So apprently my skin chemistry is way different from everyone else that's reviewed.


    In bottle: Sweet and cakey, similar to Blackberry Scones and Jam

    Wet: Good-bye cake, hello apple?!?!

    Dried: Still very apple-y, sharp and bitter (ice connotation), this reminds me very much of Snow, Glass, Apples but it's sharper, has more of a twang to it (also lasts longer which is a plus ^.^)

  2. In the bottle: Dark, dark chocolate

    Wet on application: Dark chocolate, pumpkin, and spices

    A few minutes later: Why hello Red Hots (which I hope go away)

    15min later: Yay the Red Hots have died down a bit, but are still a bit overpowering

    Later: Other scents fade away leaving only cinnamon


    Personally I think this would be better without the cinnamon because it always seems to overpower everything (or maybe I just amp it).

  3. Wow, so I've heard people say that things have smelt like weird foods to them, but never experienced this myself... until now.


    In the bottle I get all the listed notes. But on me it smells like BACON, very smoky bacon at that. Very weird.

  4. I was a bit worried about this since aquatic scents almost always turn weird on me, but was glad to find my worries were for naught.


    In the bottle this is almost sickening sweet chocolate. Wet on skin it's OMG get the incense away from me, but that quickly fades and the chocolate comes back into play, but it's no longer sweet. The only thing I can think of to say is that it's a savory chocolate. I'm guessing that's the salt coming into play. The incenses gradually fade until they're just a background note, but it's adds something to it. In the end this actually kind of reminds me of roasting nuts, but in a good way. Definitely a keeper and in my top ten now.


    Edit: Bah sadly about an hour later the incense amped again. :((

  5. In the bottle it's a strong aquatic with tiny hint of mint and citrus. Wet it's just a strong aquatic note. All aquatic scents normally smell the same to me. But as this dried I was pleased that there was a bit of sweetness that cut through and mellowed the normally strong throw that aquatics seem to have on me. It's actually quite lovely.

  6. Funny enough I was eating some vanilla ice cream right before I tested this and had some of the melty goodness left to smell and compare. In the bottle the scent is very comparable to the real thing. Wet it gets a bit of a coppery metallic bite to it. As it dries that note increases and the vanilla turns very bitter. It is very odd and something I'll have to test again.

  7. I was very leery about this because cherry normally either turns sickeningly sweet or gets a cough medicine smell to it. But when I opened the imp I was immediately assulted by the scent of cherries, real cherries, not the candied kind, rich and juicy. Wet the cinnamon made an appearance but it was just a background note, and not the red hot kind that so often seems to come up. Then when it tries it gets a little tart which I'm going to say is the licorice root, and there's only the slightest hint of cinnamon. Am definitely going to have to get a bottle of this.

  8. 2009 version


    So I must say that I've never had an instant favorite, but this one definitely is. I seriously can't stop smelling myself and telling my friends to smell it too.


    In the bottle there's smoke an spicy. Wet it's a sweet spice. Finally after it dries the sweet spice is still there but there's a bit of boozy smokiness to it.


    Definitely going to have to get more of this to horde lol.

  9. Black plum, burgundy wine, sandalwood, and champaca.

    So I just put this on my skin without really properly smelling it and omg talk about scent explosion. In the bottle it was very, very sweet and boozy. It's amping like crazy on my skin. My roommate walked in within a minute and asked what I was drinking lol. As it dries it mellowed out a lot (thank god) and got an almost musty smell to it (like walking into a dusty room that's been closed up for a while). But in the end I think it's just a little too sharp for me.

  10. In the bottle this is very peach, but in a very artificial way. There's just a hint of carnation. Wet the carnation comes to the forefront with a hint of peach in the background, which leaves me worried because strong floral notes quickly start to stink on me. When it dries the peach comes back, but it's much more mellow than in the bottle and there's something bitter to help balance it (the wine note I believe). After it dries there's no floral left (yay), so this definitely works for me.

  11. I keep seeing pics of a blue what I think is called a tear drop bottle, sort of like the ones that they use for the potion that turns people into mice in the Disney movie Witches. I've tried to look it up, but haven't had much luck. Could someone tell me what it is of?


    Lol, nevermind. My friend knew.

  12. Heeroluva, if your friend is allergic to all alcohols you'll probably want to warn her to avoid scents with rum or other alcohols in them... I don't know if there's real rum in, say, Black Pearl, but it's worth mentioning if it's important. :P




    Well it's a friend of a friend. Never actually met the person. Was just told that that she was allergic to alcohol and couldn't wear perfumes. No clue if that includes all types. But it's a good thing to keep in mind. Thanks much.

  13. Well I'm not sure if this is appropriate for here or if I should make a new topic for it someplace else.


    I have a friends that is allergic to perfumes. She get's welts when she get's it on her and it's an asthma trigger. But she can use body mists that are made from fruit extracts. She said she hasn't been able to find a common note between the perfumes that cause her to react as she does. She really likes the idea of BPAL but isn't sure if she wants to risk it. Aren't mists really low in perfume oil concentration? Or are they more concentrated? Is there anyone out that that's allergic to perfumes but can wear perfume oil?


    Also she has a friend that can't where perfume because she's allergic to alcohol. There is still alcohol in perfume oil right? Just less than regular perfume?

  14. In the bottle it smells floral but not. It's not like anything I've smelt before so it's hard to describe. Wet it went to soap. But as it dried some notes came out that just remind me of winter, but with a bit of spice. I'll definitely try it again this winter.

  15. In the bottle I get mostly wisteria, maybe a woodsy note. Wet the Spanish moss comes out, along with the bog water. Dry I'm getting a lot of floral notes. No more water. :P A bit too strong for my taste. I had high hopes for this one.

  16. In the bottle it's OMG coconut with just a hint of rum. Wet the rum comes out a bit more along with the tobacco and the coconut mellows out. It reminds me of my grandpa's flavored pipe tobacco. Dry is very similar to wet, though the scents are less individualized. A very nice scent overall.
