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Everything posted by Heeroluva

  1. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's lime with a bit of lavender. Wet it's soap. Dry it's still soap. I don't think my body likes lavender. And I was so looking forward to this one.
  2. Heeroluva


    In the bottle I get vanilla, ginger, and a bit of resin. Wet the resin overwhelms for a moment then it smells like gingerbread. Dry it's still very much gingerbread, but I do get a hint of resin. I think I'll wear this one to work today.
  3. Heeroluva

    Queen of Sheba

    In the bottle it's almonds and spices. Wet I get a lot of saffron. Dry the almond is back and there is a honey note there, and maybe even a small amount of floral in the background. I like it.
  4. Heeroluva

    The Red Queen

    In the bottle it's cherries with something sharp. Wet it's chocolate covered cherries. Dry the cherry is very mellow with an almost tobacco/woodsy note.
  5. Heeroluva

    Earth Rat

    I was so looking forward to this scent. But no matter what stage it smells like bright pink bubble gum. Dry it might have a tiny note of melon, but it's way to cloying.
  6. Heeroluva

    Jolly Roger

    In the bottle I get sweet floral. Wet and dry is soap.
  7. Heeroluva


    In the bottle I get resin. Wet I can't really decipher the scent. But dry it smells like fresh cut grass. I normally don't like that smell, but somehow it's okay here. Don't think I'll wear it, but it's not bad.
  8. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's grass (the good kind) and musk. Wet it's musk with a hit of lemon. Dry it's mostly musk with a tiny bit of amber and maybe grass. This is a very small sweet not also. Seems masculine to me.
  9. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's lavender and jasmine. Wet some sour not explodes. Dry it's a really strong soap that I can't wash off fast enough.
  10. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's cough drops. Wet it's sage and basil. Dry leather is added. Definitely a masculine scent.
  11. Heeroluva


    In the bottle I get musk. Wet it's all leather. Yum Dry it's leather and musk and a tiny hint of amber. I keep sniffing my wrist wishing I was sniffing a guy. Maybe I'll wear it when I'm feeling alone. But a great scent.
  12. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's musk with a bit of sharpness in the background. Wet there is... nothing. I can't smell a thing. Dry there may be a tiny hint of floral. But it's barely noticeable if it's there.
  13. Heeroluva

    Wolf's Heart

    In the bottle is smells like alcohol. Wet it takes on a woodsy musky scent. When it dries it's musk and floral, but the floral is just a bit over powering.
  14. Heeroluva

    Dragon's Blood

    In the bottle all I get is musk. Wet there's something sweet there that I just can't place. Dry it's a mix of candied cherries and tobacco oddly enough. But it's very faint and like the rest of the line it seems to disappear very quickly. Which makes me sad, because I truly love the line. They just don't like me.
  15. Heeroluva

    Jazz Funeral

    In the bottle it's sweet floral. Wet it's overpowering floral. Dry it's soap.
  16. Heeroluva


    Wet it's cloves and cinnamon with a bit of citrus and something dark. Wet it's red hot cinnamon candies. When dry the clove comes back leaving the cinnamon in the background with a hint of citrus. But it gives me a headache.
  17. Heeroluva

    The Hanging Gardens

    In the bottle it's flesh floral and a hit of pear with a bit of fig I think it is. Wet I still get a bit of pear, but with some pomegranate and rose. When it dries I get a mellow mix of fruit and floral, without any one note standing out. It may be a little two sweet for my taste but I'd try it out again.
  18. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's musk and mint. Wet it's all lemon. Dry it's lemon pinesol. Definately a yuck. And I've come to the conclusion that me and lemon don't get along.
  19. Heeroluva

    Wilhelmina Murray

    In the bottle spicy with a bit of metal and smoke. Wet the metal and spice go away but the smoke mixes with light floral tones. It ends a bit musky, but a nice feminine scent. Very pretty and not at all overwhelming.
  20. Heeroluva


    Well I initially though maybe the imp had gone bad when I opened the bottle and got a nose full of what seemed to be rubbing alcohol. But wet it was an explosion of opium and poppy. When it dried the lilies came out to play. It seems rather elegant. The jury's still out on whether I really like this or not.
  21. Heeroluva

    Antique Lace

    Well this was another that didn't turn out like I expected. In the bottle it's a light floral with a bit of musk. Wet it turns into vanilla. When it's dry there is still the vanilla, but it has a note that reminds me of air dried sheets. Very pretty.
  22. Heeroluva

    Dana O'Shee

    In the bottle it's cream, honey, and bitter sweet tea. When wet it get more of a sweet note to it. When dried it reminds me a bit of oatmeal with honey and butter, a slight vanilla note also. I think I may have a new favorite.
  23. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's mostly musk with a hint of vanilla. Wet the vanilla comes out. Dry the vanilla and musk are well balanced and there seems to be almost a smokey, dark note in the background. Will have to try this one again.
  24. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it's almost overpowering floral. Wet and dry it smells like baby wipes to me. Second scent that has done that very odd.
  25. Heeroluva


    In the bottle it smells like cough drops. Wet the fir comes out. Dry the fir is there, but with a nice earthy scent, and a tiny hint of sweetness. It's definitely worth trying again.