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BPAL Madness!


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About daretoeatapeach

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 04/15/1985


  • Location
    Charlotte, NC
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    So far the Anne Bonny and Bewitched have been my favs, though I'm trying more and Kill-Devil might be added to it. I like sweet or spicy tempered with soft musk. Anything that starts to tingle the nose and then pleasantly doesn't.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Scents! obviously! if it in some way could be connected to the Ren-Faire, I probably dig it. Clothing: the weaving, dyeing, construction and sewing of it from any time period. Gardening: mostly herbs, their culinary, medical and folklore uses, but also rose bushes of an kind. Reading (of ALL genres). Mythology, folklore, legends, superstious lore, I like stories of all kinds. And a completely shallow interest: I love driving down random streets in my Wrangler with music playing very loudly.


  • Astrological Info
    By Greek/Roman: only slightly less than textbook Aries. By Celtic: textbook Willow. It kinda scares people.
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. daretoeatapeach


    As I skim through all of the replies, I realize I probably couldn't add much more on a personal note as to how it smells, the different notes, what it reminds me of, etc. I love this scent - it's absolutely a perfect blend green, berry, and musk for my skin type and personality. However, what I didn't see much of, and something I think that's just slightly less important than your own personal reaction, was the reaction of everyone around you to the perfume. When I got the imp, the boyfriend liked it in the indulgent way of a longtime significant other politely sniffing more "smelly stuff". When I put it on my skin for a trial day, however, that all changed. Suddenly he was starry eyed and snuggly because I smelled "like the Renaissance Faire!" He said the best thing about it, in comparison to Anne Bonny, or Bordello, was that it didn't really reach the general public - he had to be close to me for it to tempt his nose, and then it made him want to be even closer "to wallow in it". Bearing this in mind, several other men have been used as unwitting lab rats, all with spectacular results. As far as my own love of it, it makes me feel sexy and comforted at the same time. I have a skin type that holds smells very well, whether intended to or no, but this particular one does not cling well to my wrists. I've found it best applied behind my ears, hollow of the throat, between the breasts and inside of the elbows. It's the kind of scent I could wear in any season because it seems to go with everything. I love Anne Bonny as well, but where the patchouli in that one will offend others at times, not a single person has said a bad thing about Bewitched, and I've had several people catch it on the air and involuntarily start sniffing around me to figure it out. It lives up to its name in every way!