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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Fyre_in_Winter

  1. Fyre_in_Winter


    Tintagel doesn't smell quite as I expected. The closed imp smells faintly of what I assume to be the dragon's blood along with a hint of mulled wine and something berry/fruity. Once I got the little sucker open(and without spilling-yay for fingernails), I got a tidal wave of Christmas cheer. This is a very gleeful scent, and a little smugly pleased with itself too. I swiped as dry a wand as I could get along the inside of my forearm. Promptly the cinnamon whooshed all over the place. Hot cinnamon, as in a big bowl of Red Hots set to melt beside a bonfire. Within in a minute that calmed down and it started to morph. I have a visual image of all the notes playing musical chairs around a bonfire. On me this scent isn't warm- it is hot, and proud of it! For a bout 10 minutes the different woods/green scents did their things. I also got the occasional whiff of dish-washing soap (?) and as the above reviewer said, bubblegum. Eventually, the bubblegum started to win out. For about two hours it remained a smell like.. now this sounds odd... someone was chewing bubblegum and Red Hots and a berry or two all at the same time. Beside a fire. Slowly the bubblegum is dissipating out to leave just a berry-cinnamon type thing. It is hard to describe... if heat had a scent, this would be it. Kudos to Beth for capturing the roaring fire! Nice Yuletime scent, but definitely not me. I think its the bayberry bugging me (something is making my nose tingle), and overall Tintagel is too masculine for my taste. I'm going to test this on my ex, and if it doesn't work for him, then off to swap!
  2. Fyre_in_Winter


    A soft, sensual, luxuriant blend with a wicked bite: hazelnut, buttercream, honey mead, rum and sweet almond. This is my first review of the very first BPAL blend that I've tried. When I opened the imp and sniffed it hit my nose as BUTTER, hot, sticky, and sweet melted butter. Then as I exhaled it turned to screaming ALMOND (And I thought Garden Botanika's Almond Creme was potent). But since I like both Amaretto and Butterscotch schnapps(both the butter and almond had a sweet, alcoholy twinge to them), I daringly swiped some on my wrist. For one second cherry sang through the air, then I guess I have the weirdest skin chemistry ever, it immediately went LEMON(now I know what people are talking about when they say notes scream at them). Sweet lemon drops. Over the course of about 15 minutes the lemon slowly receded and became very smoky, almost as if it were dried lemons next to a fireplace with some herbs and flowers drying nearby. Smoky lemons doesn't sound good, but it does smell good (to me). The honey has come through a bit, the aspect of honey that remembers it came from flowers, rather than syrup, and lightens the smokiness/spiciness. The spiciness continues to mellow, becoming more hint of almond-in-baked goods kinda-way-with-honey-drizzled-on-top. Sometimes when I move my arm past I get a sharp whiff that is all icing. I say sharp in that it has the high-pitched whine of pure sugar, like a waft off a freshly iced cake. And sometimes I get a whiff of the honey. It seems to overall be getting sweeter as time goes by. What I got on my fingertips though smells like flowery honey (clover honey with a twist of lemon and an extra packet of sugar). I like it at all its different stages on me. I may edit this later with how well it lasts and see how other people smell it on me.