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Everything posted by blacklacestatic

  1. blacklacestatic


    In the imp: Really sweet, kind of stings my nose, a kick of cinnamon. Wet on skin: Sweet yet sharp, which is weird. Kind of like a 4 year old stabbing you with the knife they just used to cut the cake at her birthday party. Hmm... The cinnamon is more prominent here, which is great because I love cinnamon. Drydown: Now it's quite creamy and delish. The vanilla came forward and the frankincense, a note I'm usually on the fence about, keeps it from getting too foody. The cinnamon reminds me of the cinnamon in Chimera, one of my faves. It's got that cozy quality about it. Overall: I think I like it, but the wet phase was weird. I'm on the fence and will have to try this again another time. I'm leaning towards like though. Eta: Yes, I like it. I like it a lot. The more a sniff it, the more I love it.
  2. blacklacestatic


    A scent that is both coquettish and sinister. Exotic and lush, brimming with grace and viciousness: almond with star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood and Egyptian musk. In the imp: Jasmine and musk, but fresher than I was expecting. A slight sweet woodsiness is hiding back there somewhere. Wet on skin: I'm not getting much of anything right now, it's smooth, kind of medicinal. Drydown: Jasmine!!!!! Normally I get the jasmine amping as soon as it touches my skin, but I guess something here was holding it back for a bit. Now this is nothing but jasmine, my skin chemistry always does this. Sigh. Overall: Salome is not for me. It's not quite as bad as some other jasmines have been for me, but it's still not ultimately wearable. Please keep in mind that this is solely a result of the note not agreeing with my individual skin chemistry. If jasmine is a note you enjoy, check out some of the other reviews and disregard mine!
  3. blacklacestatic

    Queen of Sheba

    In the Imp: Very sweet almonds, with a hint of something citrusy and spicy that reminds me of my kitchen. Wet on skin: It's not quite as sweet now, the sweetness gets tempered by a hint of something spicy coming forward, kind of stinging my nose a bit. It's not terrible though. Drydown: Ah, here we go. A lot more subtle and creamier than before. Quite pleasant, kind of like a frosted cereal, but in perfume. Overall: This made me hesitate, as it was so strong in the imp, but on my skin it's quite beautiful. The perfect amount of sweetness with an exotic kick. I think there may be a bit of saffron in this, which I normally amp, but it's so perfectly blended through. I'm happy with Queen of Sheba.
  4. blacklacestatic


    This is probably my favorite of all the Aphrodites. In the bottle: Rich, sparkling and sweet. Slightly fruity, not strongly resinous, I can detect the cleanness of the white musk. Wet on skin: Light, fresh, a bit spicy. It's wonderful! Drydown: Here is when Dia really shines. The coconut is sweet and creamy without giving this a tropical, fruity feel. The whole thing gets a bit musky but still light and fresh. It's sexy and innocent at the same time. Gorgeous! Overall: Dia is amazing. It's the sexiest light summer scent. So creamy and it makes me feel beautiful. Yet another of this year's Lupercalias that I should have gotten backup bottles of!
  5. blacklacestatic


    In the bottle: Plummy, juicy, a tad musky, a hint of wine. Wet on skin: hmmmm....Very strong, heady, reminds me a little of paint. Boozy and I'm not sure I like the plum in this anymore. Drydown: Deep plum with a boozy woodsiness to it. Kinda reminds me of a faint Snake Charmer, but not as sweet. Kind of "dry" feeling. Overall: I had suspected that I was going off plum for a while. It used to be a favorite note of mine, but lately I really haven't been enjoying it. If you like plum, you will probably love this, because it's very strongly plum. I'm just not that into it I guess.
  6. blacklacestatic


    In the bottle: Resinous, sexy, dark. Yummy amber! Wet on skin: A lot more resinous than I was expecting, but that's not a complaint. Still very sexy. Drydown: This is now a creamy, gorgeous amber. I can't say i very well notice the orange blossom, but this is beautiful. Overall: Creamy amber with a sweet beauty to it. This is fantastic and will get a lot of wear from me. I just wish I had gotten a backup bottle!
  7. blacklacestatic


    I am so happy that I got a bottle of this, and that the lab blesses us forumites with treats such as these. In the bottle: Fresh, crisp, orchard fruit. Juicy apple. Reminds me of apple-picking. Wet on skin: The same, but creamier, more depth, luxurious. The vanilla comes forth a bit. Drydown: Dreamy, Creamy, a bit of spice (I'm assuming from the carnation), still with the freshness of apple and other fruits. Delicious fruits mixed with sweet vanilla. Overall: I knew I wouldn't want to pass this one up! Spicy fresh apples. Creamy, juicy and sweet. Great for vanilla and fruit lovers!
  8. blacklacestatic


    I've had in imp of this and never got around to trying it. I'm so thrilled that I did! In the imp: Not sure what to think here, it's deep and dark, but i can't make out any notes in particular. It's a little resiny and sweet. It's like nothing I've sniffed before. Wet on skin: I definitely am liking what's going on here. I've always enjoyed the way Myrrh darkens ansdsweetens a lot of blends, but here it shines on it's own. It's so mysterious and has incredible depth. Drydown: This is a whole lot sexier than I expected it to be, richer too. Sweet and sultry and so perfect for me. I never would have expected this but I am in love! A new underdog favorite.
  9. blacklacestatic

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    In the Bottle: Creamy, sweet, spicy vanilla. Wet on skin: It goes on havey on the vanilla, but within moments gets a bit plasticky and strong. Love's Philosophy did this to me too. After a bit that goes away, and I'm left with a pretty, spicy vanilla scent. Drydown: It's light, a bit powdery, but very, very pretty. It's a simple, romantic kinda scent. I enjoy it very much and received some compliments on it. Overall: I'm quite happy with this bottle. Seductive in a demure kinda way.
  10. blacklacestatic

    Giant Vulva

    In the bottle: this has a very strong scnet that reminds me a lot of the beach. It's kinds coconutty... I don't know where that's coming from. It's also heavily musky and sweet. I get hints of sugar and honey. Wet on skin: At first, this is way too much for me. It smells really smutty, and I don't mean like Bpal's Smut, I mean like sleazy. It reminds me of some greasy guy in an old cadillac with naked girl air fresheners dangling from his rear view mirror. Or like an "adult shop". Definite feelings fo sleazy sex. It kind of magically warps you back to your sleaziest sex moment. This gets better real quick though. I guess that was just my skin's initial reaction. After about 15 minutes it calms down and I get a resiny, musky vanilla/honey sweetness.Heavy on the honey. Which is good because I really like honey. The scent has a "golden amber color" feel, but reminds me nothing of Glowing Vulva. It has a soft, sexy ambery creaminess hidden in the background. It still smells like sex, but not in a biological way, something just reminds me of sex here. But instead of it being sleazy, it's turned into something erotic. I'm getting a bit aroused. Drydown: This has gotten mighty gorgeous. Very resiny- it reminds me of amber, so perhaps that's the copal? It's a bit woodsy too. Still golden and sweet. Overall: Once it gets past that sleazy phase, it's true love. I don't see it as a "light" scent, which I've noticed some reviewers have, but perhaps I'm amping something here. My skin likes to be a bit dramatic.
  11. blacklacestatic

    Lupanar Atmospheric Spray

    This stuff is incredible. The scent is amazingly sweet and rich. The almond and honey give it an almost foodie fragrance, but the other notes temper that down a bit. The myrrh gives it the rich, dark depth and the ylang ylang makes it wonderfully sensual. I sprayed it in my bathroom when I received it Thursday night, and the scent is still there when I entered my bathroom this morning(Saturday). So not only does this have a gorgeous scent, it lasts forever so it's an incredible value too! It is so very sexy, a good scent to add to the air for times when you want to be seductive. Love it!!! Go buy a bottle!
  12. blacklacestatic

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    In the bottle: Sweet, sexy, creamy. Vanilla, amber and cinnamon are most prominent to me here, but there is definitely a fresh floral in the back there somewhere. Wet on skin: Here is where I get a first sniff of the flowers. It starts out lovely, bright in a Gaoler's Daughter kind of way. There's still a strong amber base. At some point however, as it dries I get a strange hint of a peppery metallic as it's drying. That only lasts a very short while though, and I only get it if I smell my skin directly, otherwise I still smell the fresh floral all around me. I have no idea where it come from. Drydown: Back to the creamy vanilla/amber I got from the bottle with more sandalwood. Yet it's kind of juicy and incensey at the same time. This is gorgeous! Overall: I love it and am so happy to have ordered it. This will be getting a lot of use from me. It's perfect. Sexy, spicy, incensey and beautiful.
  13. blacklacestatic

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Now I know that I definitely NEED the chocolates. How sweetly cute and romantic they look! Thanks for the first look @ Miller Vs. California too, angelicruin!
  14. blacklacestatic

    Play-Doh smell -- should I dilute?

    I didn't think it smelled like Play-Doh, but at work one of my superiors kept saying I smelled like it when I wore Miskatonic U. Now I'm afraid to wear it again, despite the fact that I thought it smelled like a perfect bookshop scent. Hopefully after it ages a bit it will change in a positive way.
  15. blacklacestatic

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The unity set is gorgeous! The art reminds me of old Disney fairy tale movies like Sleeping Beauty, which is wonderful because I think that sort of style is downright magical. I can't wait to get mine! Thanks for posting Tramp!
  16. blacklacestatic


    Golden vanilla and gilded musk, stargazer lily, white sandalwood, grey amber, elemi, orris root, ambergris and sea moss. In the imp: gorgeous woody-oriental blend Wet on skin: immediately I smell the vanilla, but it's very soft, very subtle. It reminds me of a softer version of Black Lace. There is a period in which the sandalwood presents itslef strongly as well. It's beautiful. Drydown: This actually gets stronger with wear. It turns to a creamy soft vanilla. It reminds me of the drydown phase of one of my favorite commercial perfumes, Hypnotic Poison. It's stunning. Overall: My two favorite Bpals are Black Lace and Lilith Victoria. This is the most closely related GC scent I have tried. It's absoultely beautiful and perfect for any occasion. Bottle-worthy.
  17. blacklacestatic


    In the imp: bright, sparkly orange. Wet On skin: pretty much true to the scent in the imp. It's not too harsh or ultra-citrusy, it's pretty and fresh. It would be a lovely pick-me up scent for sad moods or low energy. Drydown: It gains a little more depth here, but still stays fun and cheerful. Not typically my style, but it's quite nice. Overall: Not bad at all. Happy to have received this frimp.
  18. blacklacestatic


    In the imp: sharp florals Wet on skin: It's very sharp and cloying. A very heady bouquet of flowers. This would be too much for me to go to sleep wearing. Drydown: It got softer and clean smelling. Like laundry. Lavender maybe? This could be fine for going to bed with, I would just have to wait the couple of hours it takes for it to get more subtle. Overall: Won't knock me out from first sniff that's for sure. Perhaps it would be good for sleep in the drydown phase as I stated before, but I would probably fall asleep in the time it takes for it to reach that phase anyway. It's certainly not a perfume for wearing out of the house. The only time I guess I would really wear it again is if I were desperate to get to bed. Other than that, I have no real need for this.
  19. blacklacestatic

    Miskatonic University

    In the Imp: sugary hot coffee. Way more sweetness than I was anticipating, but that's good. Wet on skin: Yummy and foodie! I get mostly a yummy coffee scent. It's very creamy and delicious. Reminds me of a bakery I used to pass on my way to the train every morning @ 5 am. They would be brewing coffee and baking cookies at the same time. That's what I get from this. There'a vanilla-like note (caramel?) and it's slightly powdery in a soft, cozy way. It also makes me think of relaxing in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of sweetened coffee. Drydown: I get the woods here and no more coffee, but it's still creamy and warm. A little darker than before. I get a slight hint of plastic, but just a touch. Very strong throw. I can still smell it when my wrist is nowhere near my nose, but that's ok because it's extremely pleasant. Overall: I never thought I would like this, but I'm pleasantly surprised! It's wonderful, kinda old-fashioned. I definitely get a nice bookstore/library feel from it.
  20. blacklacestatic

    Mag Mell

    In the Imp: Mostly verbena. Where's my amber? Wet on skin: I need to try anything and everything with amber in it at least once. I don't smell any amber with this. It's verbena and sage and grass, and it's fresh and herbally, but no amber. I don't like verbena on my skin, which is a shame because that's what sticks out most to me. The sage kinda makes it bearable with a little herbal sweetness, but it's still too citrusy for my taste. Drydown: There is a hint of my beloved amber, but still mostly verbena and sage. Not really in love with this one, but it is a nice fresh green scent for those of you who appreciate that sort of thing. It would be good in hot weather. Overall: I want to like it, but I probably won't get much use for this imp.
  21. blacklacestatic


    In the imp: freshly blooming green leaves and flowers. Wet on skin: I get a gorgeous, lush bouquet of tropical blossoms from this. Very fresh and green. This is so beautiful and seems like it would be a perfect spring/summer scent. Reminds me of a tropical paradise. A slight hint of spice in the background (ginger?) Drydown: Sweet, lush and beautiful. This is my favorite kind of floral. These unusual tropical blossoms. It reminds me a bit of the fesh scent of B&BW's Gardenia Lily, a long lost fave of mine. This will need a bottle come spring. Overall: Beautiful, fresh and bottle-worthy. It also reminds me of vacation, especially when it starts to get dark, and everything starts getting so much more magical.
  22. blacklacestatic

    Dragon's Reverie

    In the Imp: resiny floral. A lot fresher and less thick and heavy than I expected. I can detect the amber and i'm excited. Wet On Skin: Wow. Normally any dragon's blood blend I put on ends up amping the Dragon's Blood to the point where I can not wear it around anyone. I usually get weird looks and people sniffing the air around me saying things like, "Is someone burning incense?". This is not the case here. The florals actually come forward the most, but they are rounded out nicely by the resiny feel of the other notes, so this becomes richer and has more depth than I would have guessed. It's not a heady floral, it's not a super strong earthy incense. It's a lovely mix of the two. Drydown: Now the amber I love so dear is coming forward, giving this a sexy sweetness. It's like a sexy gypsy scent. Overall: I still don't know if this is going to be a good choice around my boyfriend or at work, but I will get use out of my imp. I won't need a bottle, but I think it is my favorite of the Ars Draconis set. Musky, sexy and mysterious. Feminine, but not in a girly way. In a seductive, womanly way, mostly because of the utra-sexy amber.
  23. blacklacestatic

    Leanan Sidhe

    When I was in Junior High, I got a sample of Lancome's Poeme. I hated it. Then I let it sit in my room for a couple of years, untouched, and tried it again. It was so gorgeous after it aged. I tried to buy a bottle to recreate this affect, but I never got that same scent again. Leanan Sidhe is my long lost perfume. It is the scent I thought I would never find again. This makes my soul sing. In the imp: It smells like it wants to be fresh and clean, but something is spoiling that a bit. Like the spirited little girl all dressed up for her birthday party who just wants to play it the mud. There are flowers here, and something kinda herbal, but the flowers are wild, not your typical stuffy bouquet. Wet On Skin:It changes dramatically from the imp. This is exquisite. There is something very similar in feel to vanilla or honey, but I don't actually smell those notes. I can't make out any distinct notes but I am all nostalgic as a result of the memories this is evoking within me. It's very vibrant, yet sexy and dark. I am madly in love. Drydown: It just keeps getting richer and more gorgeous. It has a deep sweetness. I will be needing multiple bottles. It is amazingly sensuous. The feeling I get from this scent is a feeling of excitement and complete happiness. Overall: This is a magical, otherworldly, wicked perfume worthy of mass hording. I think it just skyrocketed to my #1 favorite.
  24. blacklacestatic

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    I was excited about this frimp because I love Baudelaire, and had never gotten around to ordering an imp of it. In the imp: This has potential. Very strong floral, but I am a fan of rose scents so this could end up very pretty. Whenever I smell a floral scent in an imp or bottle, it changes drastically when it hits me skin. Wet on skin: This does change a whole lot, but not in the best way. The lilac takes control, which is bad news for me. I get that kind of cat pee thing from lilac and spend a little while in a gross-out phase. Then I get the pickle thing from this, which sometimes happens as the rose morphs, but is usually a sign of things getting better. Drydown: The rose comes out a little more, but not strong enough to make me really enjoy it. Overall: Not so hot. There is a kind of darkness to this, which is appealing, but I don't think I will wear this often.
  25. blacklacestatic

    Bravery, Courage, Confidence, Intimidation, Power

    The scent that I want to reccommend most is Morgause, both for who she is and the scent itself. It seems very appropriate. Some other scents that, to me, feel powerful and bold in a non-sexual way are Ultraviolet, Azathoth and Highwayman. Ultraviolet has a very strong energy, Azathoth is a nice balance of masculine and feminine, and Highwayman just kinda commands respect. I just want to add- Some of the Twilight Alchemy Lab scents might be appropriate for her as well. I have never personally tried them, but have heard a lot of great feedback. Oh and High John the Conqueror would be another perfect one.