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Everything posted by stephencaffine

  1. stephencaffine


    I didn't know what to expect when I bought this, as I had just started Good Omens and hadn't met Famine yet. I do love black tea and lilac. When I first tried this, I thought it was wonderful and manly, but wasn't hugely impressed. Now after wearing it several times, I LOVE it. The tea and tobacco give it a smokey and dark-sexy note. The lilac and white musk make it sophisticated manly. And the frankincense puts things at a distance. Just as famine is in the book. He seems elegant, well turned out, but calculating and proud. This scent it quite dark and intimate. When I wear it I want to sniff myself all the time, and wear a tweed suit. Quite British
  2. stephencaffine


    This scent brings back great memories. I grew up in Washington where there aren't many deciduous trees. When I was 10 we lived with my Grandma in Pennsylvania for a year. behind her house was a woods, and this is the smell that I got when I'd take my dog for a walk in October. This smells of cold, wet, and slightly moldy oak leaves. There is a smell at the back that reminds me of woodsmoke. This dries down to a damp incense and brown smoke. There is still a whiff of dead wet leaves about. I love this. My BF isn't as fond, but he doesn't like the scent when I first put it on. once I've had it on for a bit, he likes it as the incense smell is nice. I think this will be seasonal, as I can't see wearing it in the spring. It is a very reminiscent scent, and I want to wear a sweater when I have it on.
  3. stephencaffine


    If zombies smelled like this, then there wouldn't be any fears or problems with them. This scent hits you with a face full of fresh loam, and as that falls away from you, you're hit again with dusty dried roses. In a nice way. After that and forevermore, I smell dirt and roses. It's brilliant in it's simplicity. I love the smell of roses and want to smell of them, but traditional rose scents smell of old ladies to me. That is why zombi is perfect. It smells manly in a gardener way and still has a great rose scent. Maybe I like this because I'm a Virgo and we're earth signs. I don't know
  4. stephencaffine


    MMMMM I recieved this as an extra and hadn't done much with it other than read the description and give the imp a sniff. It went down with all the others in my very large "to try" pile, and then sat there for a couple of months as I tried other scents. Sweed zombie Jesus, why didn't I try it sooner? The imp stick smells pepper-sharp and dark green. But when I put it on my various bits, I smelled basil. Very destinctly a freshly torn basil leaf. I've had it on now for about 20 mins as I read the description and people's replies. I can now smell the smokey sandalwood peeking around the vetiver. I very much like this blend and will add it to my "need to have" list. As a wafting scent, this makes me feel secure and relaxed. Like I have an angel/friend/spirit/what have you, looking after me. when I sniff close up, I get the destinct notes of the woods, vetiver, and smokey sandalwood. I never smelled the lemon rind, although that may have been the "basil" I smelt. *sigh* I like this very much
  5. stephencaffine

    The Snow Storm

    This starts out as a burst of fir and cedar. Just like I was out in the forest at night in the snow, sitting down. It slowly relaxes to a soft christmas tree smell. The white mint seems to bring out a sweet note, almost like double bubble bubble gum. How the gum has a sweet slightly minty taste. As the scent fades, a berry note seems to come out, making me feel like the christmas tree is near to a fire on Christmas eve. Overall, delightful