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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Josh

  1. First on this smells 100% identical to ether - about 10 seconds later it morphs to almost an entirely pure wintergreen.. a few minutes later it's wintergreen and candy.


    Also, after a few minutes there are red bumps on my wrist where I applied and a slight burn.. never had this happen with any perfume before.


    After another few minutes I'm left with a faint, powdery sweetness and bright red, barely painful bumps on my wrist, a cluster of 4 or 5 right where I applied. I didn't get anything close to resembling wood from this particular scent.


    15-20 minutes later and the redness and pain is gone... left with a barely-there sweet scent on my wrist.

  2. Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures; and that when I reached years of reflection, and began to look round me, and take stock of my progress and position in the world, I stood already committed to a profound duplicity of life.

    A discreet men’s cologne of juniper, cumin, verbena, bergamot, mint, and basil splattered with dregs from apothecary bottles.

    That selfsame gentlemen’s cologne corrupted by base, dissolute musk, bitter tobacco, sour bourbon, sweat, and a splatter of blood.

    I tried this one on earlier but it was so strange to me I couldn't come up with any kind of coherent review so I'm testing this one again tonight, maybe my brain and nose will have a better time making sense of it.

    From the bottle, my initial impression was of something like Kabuki meets Count Dracula, which makes no sense given the notes of those two and this. I wish I had a bottle of Jeckyll here so I could see what the "stripped down" version of this is like, but alas I don't have that luxury.

    On my wrist it smells like... sparkling, sour clay.. traces of mint and basil top notes that disappear within the first few minutes clearing the way for the tobacco and musk here, I'm guessing the 'sparkle/clay' type scent at first was a mixture of the musk and blood, and I swear I'm getting the faintest hint ever of cassia and something definitely sour. The lab note lists it as sour bourbon. To me it's sour clay (Which can smell like dirty skin, not B.O. -- there is a difference.)

    This is really bizarre and complex. Whereas the other oil I received today (Erik) is a simple, well mixed and comforting skin scent, Mr. Hyde is a spiky juggernaut of grey/red/brown tinted notes jumping out from every which way, definitely fitting for the namesake.

    The weird thing is the first time I wore this earlier today it seemed to last forever, but after showering and putting it back on (in the same place no less) the scent seems to fade from my skin very quickly so I'm not sure what's going on here.

    While Hyde is no Erik (nor does it try to be), it's a very unique scent in its own right and proof the lab's scents keep getting better and more original with each new release/set/series.

    Sparkling/cassia-ish clay/skin and sour musk. This one requires an adventurous personality for sure.

  3. "Then he hissed at me. 'Ah, I frighten you, do I? ... I dare say! ... Perhaps you think that I have another mask, eh, and that this ... this ... my head is a mask? Well,' he roared, 'tear it off as you did the other! Come! Come along! I insist! Your hands! Your hands! Give me your hands!' And he seized my hands and dug them into his awful face. He tore his flesh with my nails, tore his terrible dead flesh with my nails! ... 'Know,' he shouted, while his throat throbbed and panted like a furnace, 'know that I am built up of death from head to foot and that it is a corpse that loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you! ... Look, I am not laughing now, I am crying, crying for you, Christine, who have torn off my mask and who therefore can never leave me again! ... As long as you thought me handsome, you could have come back, I know you would have come back ... but, now that you know my hideousness, you would run away for good... So I shall keep you here! ... Why did you want to see me? Oh, mad Christine, who wanted to see me! ... When my own father never saw me and when my mother, so as not to see me, made me a present of my first mask!'

    "He had let go of me at last and was dragging himself about on the floor, uttering terrible sobs. And then he crawled away like a snake, went into his room, closed the door and left me alone to my reflections. Presently I heard the sound of the organ; and then I began to understand Erik's contemptuous phrase when he spoke about Opera music. What I now heard was utterly different from what I had heard up to then. His Don Juan Triumphant (for I had not a doubt but that he had rushed to his masterpiece to forget the horror of the moment) seemed to me at first one long, awful, magnificent sob. But, little by little, it expressed every emotion, every suffering of which mankind is capable. It intoxicated me; and I opened the door that separated us. Erik rose, as I entered, BUT DARED NOT TURN IN MY DIRECTION. 'Erik,' I cried, 'show me your face without fear! I swear that you are the most unhappy and sublime of men; and, if ever again I shiver when I look at you, it will be because I am thinking of the splendor of your genius!' Then Erik turned round, for he believed me, and I also had faith in myself. He fell at my feet, with words of love ... with words of love in his dead mouth ... and the music had ceased ... He kissed the hem of my dress and did not see that I closed my eyes.

    Resin-coated wood, kerosene, oil, leather, musty velvet, and dust from the Grand Drape.

    A little hard to decipher at first. First impression is that this is very well blended, very comforting and soft, good on the skin, not sharp or cloying or anything that could be remotely offputting. Something about this seems nostalgic somehow, and I soon realize a small part of this actually reminds me of the soap at my grandparents house when I was a kid, I always really liked that smell and later found Dove Cool Moisture soap smelled quite similar. Erik almost has a smoky cucumber note mixed with a very soft (I presume this was the velvet note) wood fragrance and, at least to my nose, what smells like a type of leather I've not noticed in any other bpal scent -- a very clean leather, not sharp like a shiny black leather and not well worn like rawhide.. something more light and clean.

    The more this dries down the more I like it. A slightly sweet smoke -- and while the overall scent is somewhat on the darker side, there is something slightly aglow in the background (again, I'm just going to refer to it as a very warm/smoky cucumber note.. pale green, not crisp, mellow and really "melted" into the overall scent).

    This is a really good one. Not sure if it's the nostalgia or what but Erik is a really cozy and intriguing scent, perfectly gender neutral (or possibly leaning slightly toward the masculine) and neither too strong nor light.

    ETA: A couple hours later and all this has really been is a sort of smokey cucumber scent.. slightly clean but still pretty dark, a really unique scent. I really like this one a lot, it demands a certain attention.

    Final edit (swear!) -- Just had to come back and say I really like this scent. It's not at all offensive or annoying in any way.. it's subtle enough to be worn on its own but would be fantastic to layer with as well. This is a really well done oil!

  4. Here's some relevant posts from earlier in this thread (I edited them down slightly so that the parts that are relevant to synthetics in BPAL are easier to spot, but if you click on the arrow in the top of the post you can go and read the whole thing, if you want). (Also, I was wrong before - there are a couple of prototypes with synthetics around, some of which came from a forum raffle and some of which were iirc auctioned on ebay.)


    I think it was removed when Beth started experimenting with aldehydes (the synth note in some unreleased blends like...Toxin, I believe?). Since those blends never made it to the catalogue, the response you got from CS makes sense. I seem to recall Beth saying something about the FAQ needing to be updated.


    :GoodPost: To the best of my knowledge, the full list of prototypes in circulation that may contain aldehydes are Toxin, Nihil, and Zero. They were involved in the forum fundraiser raffle last year. Nothing currently on offer from BPAL contains synthetics, or the Lab would be very clear about saying so.



    Btw, I did email the lab, and here is the response:


    Black Phoenix uses no synthetics, no fillers and no garbage. All of our scents are 100% naturally derived. With the exception of our honey products, BPAL perfumes are vegan. Our 'civet' and 'ambergris' are bouquets, and thus, are composite scents created from plant-derived perfume oils combined to best approximate the scent.[/b] Black Phoenix is entirely cruelty-free, as our four dogs, many fish, and resident lab cat will attest.


    While we use no preservatives, our oil blends will last for over one year, if they are cared for correctly. Please keep all of our products in a cool, dark place to maximize their shelf life.


    Unfortunately, we cannot further divulge our ingredients due to protecting our recipes from competitors.


    The revision of the faq has been in the works for about a year. I've been insanely busy at work and in my personal life, so the revision ended up on the backburner. Kathy and Bill have a list about 60 pages long of things I should address there, and I'm still working on it. Honestly, it isn't going to get done any time soon. Sincerest apologies if that bothers people, but I just don't have any time at all right now.


    After the sales of the Synthetic Line prototypes, I could no longer state that we have never sold anything that doesn't contain synthetics, so I pulled the statement completely lest there be a misunderstanding.


    When I'm not bombed by a million BPAL and BPTP issues and the imminent birth of Junior, I'll get back to revising the faq. =)


    Yeah, I wasn't trying to be difficult about it or anything.. I wonder if the lab has used synthetics after sales of their synthetic line prototypes? Things like cotton candy, booze notes, fruits, butter, etc, etc... all of those would indicate to me some sort of synthetic or EO/synth/aromachemical blend. Granted, you might be able to sketch out a less than convincing replica of blueberry or green apple with pure EOs, but like the Bush's Baked Beans commercial goes.. only one person here knows the secret, and she's not saying a word ;) I respect that.. and as I said earlier, I'm not bringing up synthetics as though they are a bad thing. I think synthetics are a very effective and powerful tool for a perfumer and will never understand those who frown on synthetics in perfumery. If the lab isn't using synthetics I can only hope that someday they will.

  5. I'm pretty certain bpal uses synthetics, and for that I say GOOD. The all natural thing is just a flashy tag to impress those who don't really know how useless "all natural" really means in terms of perfumery. A perfumer who blocks out using any synthetics is basically denying themselves a vast library of scents and does nothing but shrink down the box in which they can be creative. Besides, you're far more likely to have a nasty/negative reaction to an all natural fragrance than one balanced with synthetics and aromachemicals.


    I guess we live in an age of "going green" and "organic" where any and everything deemed as "all natural" is expected to be better. It doesn't work that way with scent.

  6. Boy am I glad I tracked down a bottle of this stuff. For the record, this is the 2005 version not 2006 (which I heard was cherry-ish, so I avoided)


    This stuff is fierce in attitude but perfectly restrained on the skin.. a slightly ashy/aged leather, something that smells like a warm/mellow peppery smoke and old, old, old aged wood -- like opening a dusty wooden trunk in the attic - the paint cracking and the varnish peeling. For whatever reason this has an old school, black & white, gentleman noir kinda vibe to it.. not at all cologne-ish, instead a more introspective and somewhat dark scent that any guy could pull off (unlike, say, Djinn or Lucifer which requires a certain type of personality).


    This dethrones Geek as the #1 "masculine" bpal oil. A shame it's LE and the 2005 version is so rare... A resurrected of this is desperately needed. For any fragrance snob this is one of the few absolutely 100% essential bpals... no excuses.


    I can't vouch for the 2006 version, my review is soley for 2005.

  7. To me this smells exactly like rotting flowers (great for people like me who don't care for traditional florals) mixed with a creamy/waxy base, wide/warm and nearing the edge of sweet, and a barely there fragrance of rubber gloves (a tempered Laudanum note). I would not call this sour at all as there is no tang or tart.. it smells full in the nose, not hollow like some other perfumes. The floral (smells like a disjointed lily) burns off quick, leaving a wax scent not unlike a more complex Hanerot Halalu. Ichabod is perfectly done, easily my 2nd or 3rd favorite scent from this company and definitely the best of 2008.

  8. I spent 10 minutes trying to remember what this smells like, but quickly perusing previous reviews quickly helped jog my mind: dish soap! Although, in all fairness, the best dish soap you ever smelled. Still, not something I would wear, but would be a nice way to scent a room or possibly paper, rugs, etc.

  9. The leather note burns off quite quick (a shame, as it was quite complimentary to the scent) and I'm left with little more than dragon's blood, no hints of smoke or remaining traces of leather. Dragon's blood is a very particular scent and seems to dominate anything it's paired up with. I would suggest anyone looking for a great dragon's blood scent to try Wolf Heart (bpal not tal) and Dragon's Milk.

  10. To me, anise is usually a thin and 'tinny' scent, but the vanilla here really fattens things up & makes the anise feel like it has a warm and almost cream-like consistency to it. Vanilla is a base and anise is a heart/base so the way this smells when it goes on is how it's going to keep smelling, there's very little change as it wears (which is good if you hate the perpetual morphing of particular scents) and, of course, on the skin this stuff lasts and lasts; your wrists will glow vanilla until at least the next day.

  11. Wet: Exactly as described, bold leather and sweet pastry with mild licorice hanging back.


    Dry: This has become sweeter and sweeter. I keep forgetting the notes in this and as my wrist passes my face all I think of is "why are you wearing something so sugary?!"


    Then I remind myself: gaufrette. It seems to be the dominant note no matter the stage. This would probably be great for someone who likes foody stuff, but this bottle isn't working for me.

  12. Prototype review

    I was fortunate to receive a prototype decant of this from a most awesome forum user on here... !


    This smells more like the fresh skin of an apple than the sweet meat within. It kinda reminds me of The Hesperides... that moist apple skin scent... underneath that is a floral perfume that is definitely not something a guy could pull off imo. It smells very nice.. the throw was better than smelling it directly and each time I caught a whiff I thought how pleasant and well blended it was.


    While I'll pass on a bottle of this as it would not be something I'd wear, I have no doubt this will be a massively popular scent, not for how rare it is but for how great it smells. It's really quite good.. and I'd imagine the real deal is even better than this prototype.

  13. My first imp of Fenris Wolf from a year ago was a deep, thick, dark red color and had a very distinct smell to it. I traded the imp away and eventually got around to ordering another but this time the oil is more of a pale red (almost orange) and it smells more like pencil shavings (cedar?)


    I also have an imp of Tezcatlipoca which is pretty much perfect, so I went ahead and ordered a bottle. My bottle smells the same at first but the smell burns off pretty quick leaving something that smells floral/perfumey which I never got from my imp. I'm doing a side by side comparison right now of the two.. perhaps I just need to let my bottle age more? I wonder if aging kills florals? I hope so.. I make it habit to avoid florals like the plague.

  14. How is it that I've never reviewed this before?


    While my favorite bpal oils tend to bounce around fairly often, there are usually two that never leave the top of my list, Snake Oil and Port Royal. Mind you, the two smell worlds apart and the only similarity they share is that they smell excellent.


    Port Royal doesn't have the "base" that other pirate based scents such as Mary Read, The Phoenix, Jolly Roger, Calico Jack, etc, etc use...


    This one has a slight alcoholic/nutty/salty/aftershave feel to it. That probably sounds rather unappealing on paper, but it smells great and I always receive compliments while wearing it. I must say that I've had various imps and bottles of this stuff and no formulation of it has ever had anything I could remotely pinpoint as "perfume" as the note description lists. This is one of the more masculine scents bpal sells, but it isn't masculine in the typical department store men's cologne way (Dee, Mechanical Phoenix, etc).


    The closest thing I could say this smells like is a far more sophisticated Baron Samedi, but even that is a stretch. This is one of those "one-of-a-kind" bpals. For guys getting into bpal or ladies looking for something for a boyfriend or husband, this should always be at the top of the list along with the other great ones (Hellfire, Dorian, Satyr, etc).

  15. It's a phone booth in Hershey, PA - and no matter what combination of seven digits you dial, a man named Will always picks up.


    It's also a monthly gathering of bpal fans (one is held at bpal hq in CA, the east coast is held in Hershey PA) where everyone tests scents, samples prototypes and buys til their wallets bleed.

  16. Just my own 2c, Centzon T. (my fav bpal by FAR and the one I wear daily, which is funny reading back at my original review of it and how I said I wouldn't even get a full bottle - proof all scents need many tries!) smells nothing like blood to me and 100% like fine booze. Every remark I've had while wearing it concerns how liquored up it smells. Just figured I'd give you my own perspective.


    That's one of my absolute favorites, too, but I get lots of blood and no booze! :P


    You must drink a LOT if your blood smells like booze!


    j/k :D


    I've never met anyone who really liked CT though, which always makes me paranoid the lab will stop producing it. :/

  17. Ah! Caramel and honey... sweet, warm and almost milky (cream accord?)


    This is REALLY good, and thankfully I'm not getting any apples. After Inez and Marianne this is definitely #3 of the GG set, imo. Foody, but not in an annoying way. Very well blended... carmel, honey, cream and amber. Golden sweet.

  18. Just my own 2c, Centzon T. (my fav bpal by FAR and the one I wear daily, which is funny reading back at my original review of it and how I said I wouldn't even get a full bottle - proof all scents need many tries!) smells nothing like blood to me and 100% like fine booze. Every remark I've had while wearing it concerns how liquored up it smells. Just figured I'd give you my own perspective.


    The Chilling Cellar smells 100% like real blood. Eerily realistic. (Scent description: Wine just turning to vinegar, crumbling mortar, red clay, and the coppery tang of old blood.) That's all you need. :P


    It's a LE but still relatively easy to find, I think.

  19. Sadly this didn't work at all. Pickled Imp is a simple mix of cinnamon, clove and vanilla, but something is off with the vanilla here.. it has a somewhat 'plastic suntan lotion' tinge to it. That's the only way I can describe it. I love spicy/cinnamon scents (Shub, Plunder, etc), but I'm actually going to dissent and say I really don't enjoy Pickled Imp too much, but the concept and art = great.

  20. Men's cologne and bubblegum. That is exactly what this is.


    Even more surprising - it somehow works! Blockhead and Knucklebones seem like brother scents to me... they don't smell alike but they have the same feeling to them.. like a rough-n-tough masculine front with a playful (if not kind of dumb) demeanor.
