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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by V294

  1. In the bottle: ooo this is interesting, is that orange why yes it is


    Wet: citrusy and nice


    Dry: Uh oh it's gone a bit powdery on me, great orange powder, that's wierd.


    Might try it again later to see if my chemistry likes it better...mostly just orange to me though, I like it but we'll see.

  2. In bottle: Ok floral not bad lets see it on


    Wet: Floral in a kinda nice way, can really figure the notes out at this point


    Drydown: Ooooh is that sandlewood I'm smelling oh goody.


    Dry: The Neroli is out to play and the sandlewood is smoothing the Ylang-ylang sweetness and the neroli bite quite nice.


    The throw on this is really good, I'm not sure about the stay yet. I like it. I'm thinking an imp will be it for me but it is pleasant.

  3. Woohoo My first review of my first bpal scent eva! :P Unfortunately it's not one I'm fond of....


    In the bottle: OH wow sweet, but not sugar sweet like super floral sweet. Well lets try it on.


    Wet: Ugh ok this is reminding me of cheap public bathroom air freshener...not good. It's a bit powdery and there is something a bit spicy underneath.


    Dry: Spicer is coming out ok it's better but it sorta reminds me of spicy baby powder...hrmm. Then it morphed and the spicy went away and it is back to bathroom smell. UGH.


    I didn't know what notes were in it until I looked it up and I would have though I would like this one but it's just waaaay too sweet for me.

  4. Oh yeah. They will probably all go into checked luggage except for an imp I might carry like Swilde :P for the long plane ride. Gonna be a pain though since I have 2 suitcases to fit a years worth of crap into. Meh I hate packing. Love traveling though :D !

  5. Glad I found this! I'm moving to France in mid December and was wondering how to transport; though my collection shouldn't be that unwieldy since I just sent my first order off last week. So far it doesn't seem like there were bad experiences with any method right?

  6. I just sent my first Lab order so I can't say what songs work with what, but thinking about it last night I think the Decemberists would be the best band to make oils for. The are a very literary band and their songs are a story. They also tend to have stories placed in the Victorian age which matches. I think it would be a perfect match to the Lab's style.


    Can't wait for my imps!
