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Everything posted by kelpsoda

  1. kelpsoda


    Wet: Cocoa! like whoa! Dry: Still chocolatey, dry powdery cocoa. Yummy, but I'm not sure I need a whole bottle.
  2. kelpsoda

    Sugar Cookie

    Wet: the butter note is almost too much, and very sweet. Smells like sugar cookies, though. yum! Dry: everything calms down into the perfect baked sugar cookie smell. A foodie scent, but not terribly so. I think I may get a hint of incense or spice, but it doesn't stay around. This is good stuff! Definitely getting a bottle, though it does fade quickly.
  3. kelpsoda

    Belle Vinu

    Wet: rosewood. and sandalwood. not what I was hoping for. a bit dusty smelling. Dry: after 15 min, I do get a whiff of peach. but it's pretty much overpowered by the rosewood/sandalwood combo.
  4. kelpsoda


    I get sweet, new leather from this, with maybe some herbs in the background. Or is the sweetness the lilac? I can't tell. I wish I got plum, but I don't. Interesting, but a hair too masculine for me.
  5. kelpsoda

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    Mmmm, green musk! I love the green musk in 51 and Green Phoenix, and it's just as good here paired with the fruit (limes? melons?). It's sharper and more citrus-y than 51, and more like Green Phoenix to my nose. This is very fresh smelling, and will be great for summer.
  6. kelpsoda

    The Miller's Daughter

    I get a lot of rose from this. Wet, it's roses and salt. Dry, it's pure roses (which go kind of sour). I was hoping this would be more metallic, but I think rose just overpowers everything when it hits my skin.
  7. kelpsoda

    Hony Mone

    I don't actually get much honey from this, but instead a strong floral (jasmine?). It reminds me of Defutata.
  8. kelpsoda


    I smell lots of spices, cinnamon in particular. This does smell awfully like cinnamon gum, but the skin musk backs it up, and it's sweetened by the honey. If you're looking for a cinnamon or chai scent, this would be it.
  9. kelpsoda

    Fearful Pleasure

    Wet: Cider, as everyone else has described. Apple, spices, simmered to perfection. Dry: as I expected, the apple disappeared after awhile, though it hung on longer than other apple scents I've tried. What's left are the autumn-y cider spices, and it smells like a good quality scented candle. Nice, but not what I want from a perfume. I think I'll keep my decant, but I can probably make do without a bottle.
  10. kelpsoda


    Wet: Strong, juicy berries at first. Not too tart at all, and not too sweet. It smells fresh, like Baneberry does. Dry: after 15 min, the berries have disappeared, and I'm left with . . .hmm, white musk? with some jasmine in the background? I can't place what it is, but call it the "freshness" that was supporting the berries before. Very nice. The throw during the wet stage is really strong, but it's gentler when dry. I like it, but I'm not sure I need a bottle.
  11. kelpsoda

    To Autumn

    This is an interesting mix of more cool, perfume-y notes (mist and dried leaves?) and sweet foody notes (nutmeat and apple). I believe I'm getting some spices in the background, but they're faint. I like this one a lot.
  12. kelpsoda

    Pumpkin I (2008)

    wet: I can definitely pick out the fruit, and the coconut is coming to the front too. pumpkin is in the background. dry: a lot of citrus, with foody coconut to back it up. Something about this doesn't sit well with me. The citrus (persimmon? or mango?) is too sharp.
  13. kelpsoda

    Huesos De Santo

    Mmmm. This makes me want to eat my wrist. Cake, good creamy cake, with orange. dry: orange comes out more, I can see the comparison to an orange creamsicle. Still divine smelling. after 15min - anise. smells just like licorice (or poppyseed?), and the cake has all but disappeared. boo. maybe I should invest in a scent locket? This stuff is worth it.
  14. kelpsoda


    Wet: Holy pine/patchouli! All I get from this is pine (fir needles?). dry: pine has backed off and I mostly get woods, dried leaves and patchouli now. There's also a whiff of apple, but it's hiding in the background. All in all, this really is a good autumn scent, if I can get through the first 20 min. .
  15. kelpsoda

    Aquarius 2007

    In the bottle, this is floral with some refreshing fruit mixed in. wet: I'm not liking this. It's very feminine, like cloying bubblegum with florals, and reminds me of dept. store perfume. The fruit is all but gone. I'm not familiar with wisteria, but if it amps this much on me, I might have to avoid it in the future. dry: after 15 min., it calms down a bit, and I actually do like this stage. It's got a commercial perfume kind of smell to it, which is good for some situations (like wearing for work). I do like the floral (wisteria?), so I'm going to keep the bottle and wear it in moderation (it does have a lot of throw, but medium wearlength).
  16. kelpsoda

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    Wet: Wow, this one changes a lot. First there's blueberry pie filling, but that quickly makes way for the red currant. Strong, juicy red currant. Yum. Drying: After 5 min, I get some green tea. Neat! I like it. Dry: I must amp red musk, because I think that's all I'm smelling. It's sexy, it's overpowering the green tea. And I'm sure vanilla and ginger were in there somewhere, but my nose was not good enough to detect them. Verdict: I like it overall, but it's not perfect. Aging may make the red musk back off, so I'll try it again in a few months.
  17. kelpsoda

    Slippery Poppy Tincture

    I get a whiff of berry in the imp, but after that it's pure greenery, almost grassy. I don't get much floral at all. The green scent is not bad, but not really what I'm looking for.
  18. kelpsoda


    first 15 min: gorgeous, creamy vanilla, with a touch of spice and musk. I might need a bottle of this, it's so good. Yum. The amber reminds me slightly of baked goods, or maybe mouse's long sad tale. after that: powder! no! maybe from the amber? I think I'll keep the imp, but no bottle for me.
  19. kelpsoda


    My nose can't really get past the clove in this scent. It's really strong! I think I get a hint of patchouli and carnation, but it's the clove that sticks out. As it dries down, the clove backs off a bit, but not much. While I'm sure this will be great for clove-lovers, it's not for me.
  20. kelpsoda


    Wet, I can smell yummy caramel. After a bit, the caramel backs off and I get a fresh, sweet apple scent. This disappears far too soon, and I'm left with the skin musk, which smells very much like O. It's not bad, but too similar to O for me to keep around.
  21. kelpsoda

    The Perilous Parlor

    A memory of pleasure passed. A ghostly rendezvous, delight beyond death. Faint echoes of laughter and the distorted music of a harp drift by, along with the scent of soft white pear and sweet vanilla. Wet: sweet pear! Very juicy, with a shot of sugar and a background of vanilla Dry: pear disappears and I'm left with just vanilla. Unfortunately, it's the same fake-vanilla smell that I get from Love's Philosophy. rats. I so wanted this to work. . .
  22. kelpsoda

    Destroying Angel

    at first this smells like a mushroom, and some dirt! weird. After it dries, I smell grass, and dirt, with maybe something floral hanging out in the background. Clean and fresh, but not for me.
  23. kelpsoda

    Nanny Ashtoreth

    This smells like leather, with a background of wood and tobacco. very masculine, indeed.
  24. kelpsoda

    Judith Victorious

    This one is a morpher. in bottle: mandarin, with a floral (lily? magnolia?) and chesnut. wet: When I first put it on, it had a strong, almost-chemical smell. Is that the musk that's doing that? or lily? ugh! But that faded quickly, and it went to super powerful floral. dry: After it calms down, it's an elegant magnolia scent. At turns I can smell something spicy and nutty (chesnut blossom?) and maybe a hint of the mandarin. While I do catch a whiff of something I like every so often, on the whole it's too strong for me. bottom line: very elegant, and ladylike. strong on the magnolia + musk. No noticeable orange, for me. edited because I found much better words to describe this with
  25. kelpsoda


    I catch a lot of berry from this in the imp, but it's mostly greenery once it dries. It's very clean and fresh, and tending more toward commercial perfume. After 15 min. the berry really starts to come back. Very pretty! I might need a big bottle. ETA: this does seem like a really nice shampoo smell. maybe a bit too clean to wear as perfume.