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Posts posted by mhickle

  1. This reminds me SO MUCH of a green tea perfume I used to wear a lot. In fact, when I came downstairs with F5 on, my husband said "You smell like old school Missy."


    I get a little bit of citrus with it, but not a whole lot - probably my fault, really, because all I can think about is that perfume I used to wear!


    It's a really light, clean scent - I bought it in January but decided to start wearing it as the weather warmed up, as it is a great summer scent. So glad I stumbled upon this one!

  2. In the imp, this almost smells like chocolate cherries to me. It's very sweet, but surprisingly not too heavy. At first swipe, it's still sweet, but more fruity. It was very familiar to me at this stage, but I can't for the life of me place what it reminds me of! As time goes on, it gets a little more flowery. I like it, but I'm not sure it's something I would wear very often.

  3. There is a warmth and a sweetness to this blend in the imp. The musk definitely comes out strong. Wet, it's much the same, but once it dries, a deep sniff gets hints of that grass and dirt. Coyote's musk is amped a bit on me, so the grass and dirt are in the background, but they're definitely there. Overall, this is a warm blend that is comforting to me.



    ETA: I've worn it a couple more times and now it just makes me so sneezy!!! :P

  4. This morning, I decided I must be productive at work - doing research, getting stuff done in general. I felt drawn to my bottle of Clio for this purpose.


    Wet, it's very woody, with a sappy thick smell coming out as I applied it. As it dries, I get a lot of amber and a bit of really nice, not too dirty-hippie patcholi - rich and sophisticated. It's a touch masculine, and I don't get any of the orange. A teeny bit of lavender. I can't stop smelling it, and am pretty sad that it's discontinued.


    It's a no-nonsense, very direct, self-assured scent.

  5. There is a sharpness to Thaleia when I first sniff it in the bottle and then put it on. Then, a moment later, I get something like mint (even though there's nothing minty listed!).


    This dries down into a light, summery floral fruit on me. I'm definitely getting some orange, but a warm orange. And a little powder. I like it, even though it's not like something I would normally wear.

  6. This is weird! I would have sworn cherries and cinnamon, but then when I looked at the notes, neither is listed!


    As soon as I applied it, I got the smell of sweet cherries, and shortly thereafter a spicy cinnamon started coming out, and it ended up as a soft cinnamon scent, with the cherries going waaaay back into the background.


    So, a little crazy on me! But I really like it!

  7. Any new lime recs? I'm still searching for more. LIME!


    I noticed you never reviewed F5 (aloe, white musk, lime peel, fresh mint, seaspray, verbena and green tea), is there some note in there that you didn't like? It's definitely my go-to scent for lime, and strangely the lime seems to have gotten stronger since I first got it (strange because I thought citrus notes degraded faster than other notes)! I still love it.



    That's funny, because I don't get the lime from F5 at all - it's green tea to the max on me!

  8. In the imp, I'm surprised by how soapy it smells. But really nice, high quality, expensive fancy soap. I didn't have the notes in front of me, so I wasn't sure what I was really smelling. Getting some floral with something deeper - looking at the notes now, I should have identified the sandalwood! The rose doesn't kill this on me, which is awesome, because normally rose is a dealbreaker. This is very soft, with very little throw, but very beautiful.

  9. In the imp, and wet on my wrists, The Dormouse for some reason smells like sugared melon. This quickly fades, and it dries down into a light floral. I'm not getting tea out of it, or herbs. So, I'm thinking this will go to the swap pile!

  10. Frimp from the lab! Thanks, lab!


    In the imp, this is dark, a little smokey, woody, and deep. Smells animalistic. I chose it to wear today and take with me for my burlesque show tonight because I am feeling nervous and wanted something sexy and "in charge." I think this will do the job quite nicely.


    On me, it stays deep and dark, with lots of sandalwood. The musk adds that sexy, animal mood. As it dries, it goes ever-so-slightly powdery on me, but not so much as to ruin the blend.

  11. In the imp, I'm getting BERRY!. When I apply it to my wrists, it's more of the same. Sweet but not too sweet, and more real-smelling than many perfumes. This gets really, really soft on me - almost gone now, and I put it on around 8...so, 7 hours...it does get a little sharper as the herbs assert themselves. Not bad at all.

  12. I might be in the minority here (from just skimming the other reviews), but on me this is one thing and one thing only. An upturned bottle of Captain Morgan. Putting it on first thing in the morning made me feel liike I had a hangover. To be fair, it does become a little more than that as it wears on - the cedar comes out a bit. But I just can't get past the first stage with this one.

  13. I got this as a frimp in my last order and tried it without reading the description. On first sniff, I get sugared melon, which sticks around for the first few moments on my wrists. After a while, as it dries, it ends up smelling a bit like one of those wax tarts you put in a tart warmer to scent your home. Maybe that's the apple coming out (I've since read the description), because that smell softens and it's definitely more appley. It's pretty light on me, and the staying power isn't looking good, but I think this will make an excellent warm-weather scent.

  14. This is a very lovely scent, but it's just not for me. The flowers are nicely blended, the pear is a nice touch, and it seems like a much nicer version of a "perfume" (I don't get the "perfume" feel from a lot of the other BPAL oils I've tried. It would be gorgeous on someone else, but I typically go for richer, deeper scents. It was a nice visit, though!

  15. In the imp, I just can't place the smell. Sweet, maybe a little of the rosemary? I sniffed again, shrugged, and dabbed it on. Wet, it smells like...hmmm...yes, a mint jellybean. And then...it disappears...Bess sounds so lovely, but she just doesn't stick around very long.

  16. I received this as a gift from the lovely strangemodegirl when she noticed I was lamenting the disappearance of the muses.


    So I felt really bad when, the first time I tried Calliope, I didn't like it.


    I was determined, however, to give this muse another try, and I am so glad I did. This time, I gently rolled the bottle in my hands before applying, letting things mix up. And what a difference it made. Or maybe my body is just responding differently today...whatever the case, I take back my dislike.


    For a moment, Calliope is all lemon on me. However, it quickly becomes sharp and herbal, and that is where it stays. This is what didn't agree with me last time - the sharpness was almost acrid. But today it is just asserting itself, mostly thyme, a hint of lavendar on me.


    I find this scent rather invigorating, and am sorry to see it go.


    Thanks, strangemodegirl!! :P

  17. In the imp, this is very floral, but I can't really place what kind of flowers. When I put it on, it definitely takes on that "watery" scent, and I rather like it. As it dries down, the weirdest thing happens, though. It kind of smells like...spit. Clean spit, not gross, and I'm not really sure how to describe it, but it smells like I just licked my arm..It's not a bad smell, but to me it is very distinct. Once it's dry, it's all flowers, kind of green and grassy, with the water. Not really my cup of tea, but pretty all the same.

  18. When I smelled this last night at ECWC, I had no idea what notes I was dealing with, only that I thought it was yummmmmy. I tried it, nodded, and bought a bottle. Wearing it today, I'm able to give more of a review. Last night, had someone asked what I thought, I would have just made grabby hands at the bottle.


    This morning, in a more thoughtful state, I sniffed before putting it on. Very sweet, a little bit of fruit, definitely vanilla. Wet, it stays sweet for a while, but then gets woody and soft as it dries. The vanilla is still there, and so is a bit of the fruit, but it all comes together in this warm, comforting blend with just a touch of spice. Love love love.

  19. I adore Lucretia. I'm finding it has become my oil for when I need to feel beautiful and sophisticated. When I wear it, I feel confident. On me, the violets really pop, but in such a way that they are a perfect blend with the musk and vanilla - not too flowery sweet, but definitely absolutely violet. The wood and amber are there, giving foundation to the flowers. It's just a gorgeous, perfectly blended oil. While I don't get a great deal of throw, Lucretia does last a good amount of time on me, which makes me happy!

  20. I bought this on a whim, after reading the description and thinking I just knew it would work on me. And I love it!


    Lunar Eclipse goes on sweet and fruity, all berries and spice on me. It softens up and the fruit backs off a bit, letting the tea and spices play with the musk. At first, there is a strong throw, and I think perhaps it will have lasting power, but unfortunately on me it doesn't last more than half the day. I've noticed that with most blends - I'm definitely going to have to start carrying the bottle of whatever I'm wearing for the day with me!

  21. In the imp, this is all sharp sweetness. When I first apply it, it's still sweet, and the sharpness disappears for a while. I am definitely getting vanilla out of this. It's not very floral, as the jasmine seems to blend right in with the other notes. Then, the strangest thing happens for the first hour or so of wearing this - every time I sniff it, I get the sweetness, but an unmistakable whiff of wax crayons. It's not like "hmmm, this sort of smells waxy." It is full on crayon. I thought I would be sending Siren to the swap pile. After that hour or so, though, it goes away completely, and I'm left with a blend of jasmine and vanilla that is so well done you just don't know where one stops and the other begins, with this sharp ginger floating on top of it. As we walked into our building, my husband commented on how good this one smells. It was before it had made the shift away from crayon, so I said "no, it must be the coffee someone just made." But then I had him sniff and then I sniffed and he was right! Guess I'll be keeping it, after all!

  22. A small, furry, sharp-toothed scent that will nuzzle you curiously in the black hours before dawn: dusty white sandalwood and orris root, dry coconut husk, creeping musk, and the residue of ceremonial incense.

    In the imp, this smells sweet and musky.

    When it hits my skin, it suddenly smells like I opened a bottle of spiced rum! Weird! But good...and it dies down a bit into a musky, sweet softness. The coconut never really asserts itself any more than just lending sweetness to the overall experience.

    It fades a bit faster than I'd like, so next time I shall slather it on and keep it in the purse to reapply. It's a very warm, comforting scent, and it was a good choice for the dreary day we're having here.

  23. Whooooa BenGay!


    In the imp, I got spicey and sweet, but the very second it hit my skin, it was all BenGay. And what a throw in those first 20 minutes or so! I was in a cloud of BenGay!


    In the drydown, this scent calms considerably, but also fades quite a lot. It's only been 3 and a half hours and it's pretty much gone. Which is a shame, because once the woods come out, it's really nice! If it lasted longer, I would definitely buy a bottle before it's gone in a couple of days!

  24. Oh, wow.




    I was NOT expecting to love this as much as I do. I am not a floral person (I think I've said that in a bunch of reviews now!). Violets, however, seem to work on me. And Faith reaaaaally works on me.


    In the imp, it's so sugary - and a REAL sugar smell, not some fakey perfume-trying-to-be-sugar smell. Pure sugar.


    On my skin, the violet pops out, and the sugar blends perfectly. When I walked into the room, my husband immediately said "Wow, you smell good!!" and then asked which one this is (he's gotten used to my wearing a different scent every day since I'm trying to test the ton of imps I've acquired in the past couple of months). :D


    As it dries down, there is a softness that emerges, almost like the flowers and sugar combined with vanilla. The flowers are never too "floral" - there is more of a candy sweetness.


    Want. Bottle. Too bad I am so not into rose, so I would have no use for this lady's sister!
