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Posts posted by mhickle

  1. Sniffed in the imp, Lightning smells very clean, almost the perfume of a detergent, but not all fakey smelling like detergent, if that makes any sense at all. It still smells clean on my skin, but becomes more complex and aquatic.


    This is a very blue-green (maybe teal!) scent, that's for sure. It's aquatic and maybe a little bit masculine - I get the ozone and water. It's a very pretty one, but not one I see myself wearing very often.

  2. Oooooh I am liking this!!!!


    In the bottle, I get a lot of the pepper, backed by deep dark chocolate - a sophisticated, expensive chocolate and caramel confection made by an expert, in a box of chocolates given to you by someone who understands you love the good stuff. Then...once it's on and before it's dried, it goes a bit to plastic. "Nooooo!" I thought, as I'd loved it right away. But, luckily, that is for a very short time (as in, I put it on in the bathroom, sniffed the plastic, turned off the lights, grabbed my sunglasses, sniffed again, and it was no longer plastic.


    Instead, what remains is a rich smear of peppery smoked sweetness. I get a little bit of coffee, I think, but it might just be because the spicy sweetness puts me in mind of El Dia de Reyes.

  3. In the imp, I'm getting dark cherries, chocolate, and....coconut? None of the rose people have talked about here. Or any floral, for that matter. I'm actually really surprised by this scent - wasn't expecting it at all!! As it dries, what I think is coconut pretty much goes away, and I'm left with a rich cocoa and cherry sort of blend. It smells like it should be sticky on my wrist. It's rich and thick. But utterly unexpected!

  4. Though there's a lot of floral action going on here, there's a masculinity to it that makes me wonder what Faiza would smell like on my husband.


    I can't pick out a single note, though I keep sniffing my wrist deeply, much to the amusement and confusion of my coworkers. It's completely blended, but green and a bit sharp and exotic.


    This is another that has worked for me despite my usual dislike of florals.

  5. This is a very interesting oil! I'm definitely getting the plumeria - I didn't realize that's what it was until I cam here and read the notes, but now that I see what it is, I get it! The smokey incense is what makes this most intriguing - it's almost a touch masculine. So it's this very feminine floral mixed with more masculine undertones. I really don't get much of the orange at all!

  6. Eternal desire, unquenchable passion: red musk, cocoa absolute, Nepalese amber, red sandalwood, aged patchouli, nicotiana, and blood wine.

    This is super sweet, but not in a cloying way. I get a lot of cherry action going on, even though there isn't any listed in the notes! I get a bit of the cocoa, and definitely the red musk (puts me in mind of my bottle of Smut). To be honest, I like this a lot more than I thought I would - I kept sniffing the imp and just thought "hmmm too sweet, I think, too heavy." But it's not at all. I think the spices, though I couldn't point them out to you, help to ground it.

  7. Pretty light - at first a bit soapy, almost like a nice laundry soap. Looking at the notes, I figure that's the rose. Never works out on me. This, however, isn't as bad as most rose gets (though the longer I have it on, the more I smell the rose) - the almond is nice, and I'm definitely getting the citrus. But, on me, absolutely spiceless!

  8. This smells just like a pack of incense a friend gave me - heady and thick - very sweet and rich. It's quite a sexy scent - I wear it when I want to feel gorgeous. Decent throw and long-lasting - one of those that deepens as the night goes on, and because the throw fades throughout the night, it becomes a more secret and personal sort of scent - reserved for those who get close.

  9. A little bit woody and a little bit soapy, this is a fresh herbal scent. I don't get much of the mint, and only a little of the lavender. Overall, it's a nice, calm, unassuming choice for those days when I just want something that smells nice up close but I don't want to make a big statement.

  10. I would have sworn this had a touch of jasmine in it when I first sniffed it in the imp, and when it first hit my skin. But as it dries, I definitely get what's going on here - the sandalwood, the nag champa, a little lavendar to calm things down.


    This is one of those complex scents that doesn't seem so complex at first. You could smell it and say "oh, incense." But take a more thoughtful draw of scent, and everything starts curling around you, and you get a sense of what really goes into a blend like this.

  11. Very herbal in the imp. Exactly what I would expect from a scent named for this character. As it wears, I get more of the tea, and some of the ginger.


    It sweetens considerably as the day goes on, with the fig softening the herbal greeniness. I am actually very curious to see what this would smell like on my husband, as it seems like an interesting unisex scent!

  12. It's funny, because when I opened the first page of reviews for Jabberwocky, I noticed that the first review calls it a great summer scent. I get the exact opposite feeling from it! I don't know if it's because it's winter now, but the pine and sweet orange make this a wonderful scent for this time of year.


    It's so sweet and bright and cheerful - like a fresh pine bough weighed down by a garland of orange slices and cranberries. I absolutely love it from the moment it goes on. It makes me happy.

  13. Super crazy sweet in the imp...but not in a bad way. It just really hit me - thick, creamy vanilla. Rich, delicious icing. It stays that way wet, then does go slightly plasticky on me for a little while, but then mellows into, for the most part, a softer version of its first lovely vanilla scent. Every so often I get the slightest whiff of plastic, but really not much, and only every so often. It's kind of weird like that. :P

  14. At first, there's this weird soapy, almost cleaning-product-ish, thing going on with The Shattered Pumpkin. Which I found really off-putting. Once that gets out of the way (about a half an hour later, maybe), it's replaced with leather and a hint of pumpkin. Way more leather than pumpkin. And there is a damp scent to it, like the leather's been dunked in a fresh stream. It's an interesting scent, to be sure, but I don't know if I need more than just the imp of it!

  15. Oh wow. This is just...absolutely delicious. Super sweet apple cider -- but not sickening sweet -- spicy sweet, a little, well, fruiter than apples smell. The leaves ground it - it's pretty much exactly like wrapping gloved hands around a mug of cider and sitting on the deck with a blanket, watching the leaves fall from the trees. Needless to say, I want more. Like now. I can't stop smelling my wrists.

  16. This is a very, very soft scent. It's a little creamy in the imp, but goes all soft floral and just a very slight hint of clean soapiness, with a little green and a certain coolness. I definitely get the violet, but it's pretty different from my beloved Faith. This is very feminine, and not at all like the bolder scents I normally like to wear. It's nice for a change, though.

  17. Mmmmmm.


    Today seemed like a perfect day to finally try Pumpkin V. Second day of autumn and all...


    So when it goes on it's sweet and rich and almost caramel. As it dries, it becomes less sticky sweet and the citrus and ginger take over. It's delicious, but no longer really pumpkiny - almost like it's primarily lemon and ginger, with a hint of pumpkin in the background. Not complaining, though! Just makes me want to try more and more of the Pumpkins!

  18. Straight out of the imp and onto my skin, my first thought was that I should pass this along to my husband. It's a masculine, watery, and a little bit soapy.


    As it dries, the incense comes out a bit more. It stays watery, but now there is smoke hovering above the water, and just a *touch* of the plum.


    I like it, but it's not something I have to have. I really want to smell it on my man, though!

  19. Wet, this is strong, sweet, fresh grapefruit. I said "Mmmm" out loud as I applied it, cause it smelled so tasty. I did get a little red in the crooks of my elbows, but that went away rather quickly. Baobhan Sith perked up my sleepy brain for a few minutes - thanks, citrus!


    Once it's dry, it morphs into a very mild white tea and ginger scent. It's very pretty, and soft, and fresh. But something weird happens. Every few sniffs, I get an eeeeever so slightly musty kind of smell. I can't figure it out. It's really strange, and disappointing, because otherwise I'd be into this!

  20. I really like this once it dries down! In the imp and at first dab, it's very heavy, and I thought I was going to be on the headache express. It's rather sticky at first, too, I noticed. Not crazy sticky, but none of the other oils I've tried have been, so I thought that was unusual.


    Anyway, as I said, very heavy at first. But it loses the overpowering force and mellows into a sweet, delicious, musky honey. Very soft and sexy. Not a whole lot of throw, but that's okay for this one, because it seems to invite nuzzling. Very sensual!

  21. In the imp, this is a very clean woodsy scent, with a floral touch that doesn't bother me as much as florals sometimes do. It's fresh and green and just the thing for my bleary-eyed sleepiness this morning. Unfortunately, it's gone in a flash on me. In the drydown it's still fresh and green and then...nothing at all.
