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Posts posted by mhickle

  1. This is very, very sweet in the imp and wet on my skin. At first I couldn't place what candy it smelled like to me, but I just thought of it -- Sweet Tarts! Once it dries, though, it's....gone. As if it were never there. So I can't give much of a review. It smelled nice while it lasted!

  2. A floral, but not *too* floral - the fruity sweetness and lilac are made earthy and dark by the leather. It's slightly dark, and pretty soft on me once it dries down - before then, when it's still wet, it's really super strong. I was kind of hoping it would stay that way, but soft is nice, too!

  3. Thanks to the lovely stellans, I got a chance to try this. And, oh man, I like it....If you could smell a velvet painting, I do indeed imagine this is what a painting of a panther would smell like. You can almost feel velvet beneath your fingers - the scent is so warm and dense. And the musk gives it that sexy RWAR. I would put this on with my slinkiest dress and hit the town.

  4. Received Persephone as a frimp with my order last week. Should have checked the notes before putting it on this morning. Of course, I expected pomegranate. But what I got was ROOOOOOOOSE. Bigtime rose. Okay, to be fair, maybe there's a little fruity pomegranate sweetness to it. But rose and I do NOT get along, so this will be heading to a happier home.

  5. At first, this is all incense smoke. Then, as it dries, I get a lot of ginger -- so much so that I was surprised that it's not among the notes. I mean, this is full-on ginger on me, with a background of smoke and some herbs, particularly the sage. I really like it, but am surprised at how this worked out on me, considering there's no ginger to be found!

  6. In the imp and wet on my skin, this is much sweeter than I expected. But once it begins drying, it becomes very earthy and almost completely loses the sweetness. I get the sandalwood, and definitely get the leather! It's pretty masculine on me, but I don't mind. Not sure it's right for the last days of June, but I will put this away for colder months, when it will be perfect.

  7. VERY much evokes the image included in the description. Sharply woody, sticky with blood and salt tears. A very warm scent, somehow comforting despite its inspiration. There's a slight sweetness to it that tips the blend into a decided richness.

  8. This is very, very sweet at the imp and wet on my skin. Fruity citrus, a bit of sugar, and not much else. But wow this morphs once it dries!! It's sharp and slightly masculine, and quite faint. Mostly getting ginger and tea out of it, with a little woodiness to it.


    I would really like it, but it's so faint I have to take really deep sniffs to get any of it at all!!

  9. Fruity and a little bubble-gummy in the imp, but it becomes more "sophisticated" and dark on my skin. The sandalwood starts to emerge, and this tempers the initial sweetness. I can't really identify any of the other notes - maybe the softness of amber, but I do really like this blend. It's pretty light on me, but smells oh so good up close. The kind of scent that is almost a secret, reserved for lovers and my own deep wrist-sniffing. :)

  10. Unfortunately, this lasts a VERY short time on me. Otherwise, I would love it. I get my cinnamon fix without the burning redness of All Night Long (was SO sad when my skin reacted badly to that one), and a warm, deep woody scent sweetened with the fruit. It's earthy, and at first just a tad "Christmasy."

  11. Delphi, you have some explaining to do!! Where is the honey? Why are you all floral on me? Why did you make my husband wrinkle his nose and ask "What are you wearing today?" when we got in the car?


    No incense, no honey...just strong florals and maybe a bit of greenery.



  12. At one time, I knew what notes are in Morocco, because I based my interest in it on those notes! However, I was very surprised to read the start of this thread and find there is no vanilla going on here. Because that is what I get, above all. I do get some sandalwood, and some musk. Not really getting the carnation. I'm not complaining.


    This is a comforting and warm scent. The softness of the blend has an undertone of delicious spice.


    Reading a bit of the thread, I see it compared to Antique Lace - yes, I definitely can see that!

  13. My very first thought--yep, the scent of a caterpillar smoking a hookah in the middle of an enchanted wood has been perfectly captured here. Like, ridiculously well-captured. The sweetness of flowers in the forest, covered in the hazy smoke of incense. The kind of scent that makes your head spin, but in a very good way.

  14. Very soft, very lovely - all milk and honey with the slightest touch of bergamot on me. Though that might just be in comparison to the steaming mug of Earl Grey currently sitting on my desk.


    Not much throw at all, a very up-close-and-personal scent. But it's sweet and comforting and pretty. I don't get much of the rose at all, but that's good because I don't like rose. :lol:

  15. This is a perfect blend for Tristran. What excellent artistry!

    It's earthy and a touch dreamy - the airy mint threatens to pull the wood and dust into the clouds, but it just can't get off the ground. Definitely a masculine scent, but one that I am just fine wearing myself. It's comforting and sexy -- not much throw but one of those kind of scents that you get a whiff of when you're pulled close to someone and you just go weak at the knees.

    Mmmmm can you tell I love this?

  16. In the imp and at first dab, it's fruit punch with a little kick to it - not all light and sweet. As it dries, it softens considerably, and now it's just a very light, floral citrus. It fades so much on me that there's really not much more I can say about it!

  17. I'm usually not really into florals - they get too perfumey on me, and they're not really "me." That said, I was intrigued by On Darkness because of the presence of the black incense. And I'm glad I got my hands on an imp! As I suspected, the incense and wood keep this from being too floral for me - instead, I get a dark, rich, sweet scent. There's a fruitiness, but it's like a jewel-toned berry hiding among the leaves and petals.

  18. This rainy, dreary day seemed like a good one for 13! And I turned out to be right. Like some of the others here, I don't smell the dark chocolate at the forefront, but as more of a soft background against with the brown sugar and herbs play. The ginger sharpens things up and the herbs ground the blend, so it's never too foody-sweet. It's a rich, deep blend that has me burying my nose in my wrist every chance I get.

  19. I get a little ginger at first, but more than anything, this smells like cinnamon candy on me for the first half hour or so - to the point it had me craving Red Hots. In fact, I thought it might be a good sub for All Night Long - loved the cinnamon, hated the burning redness on my skin! This is all the spice without the pain.


    Later, though, it becomes dark and sharp, with a heavy dose of freshcut ginger root. I didn't think it could get better, but it does. This is one sexy oil.

  20. When I first put this one, it smells as if I have locked myself away in a cedar chest. This is not bad, just....cedary. Is that what vetiver smells like? I'm not really familiar with it as a note on its own...anyway.... After only a couple of hours, it's more or less faded completely away, with a vague smokiness left behind.

  21. When it hits my skin, this is very lemony - sweet lemon and not much else. But as it dries, it becomes sharply herbal, with a little bitterness. I kept thinking it smelled very familiar, and then it hit me - this smells nearly exactly like Calliope on me. Which is neat, because I love the 3 Muses I have, and of course they've been discontinued for a little while now. So, yay, replacement for Calliope!

  22. I had forgotten this was a Sominum oil and wore it this morning - would have worn it to bed last night if I'd remembered.


    I get the floral notes - the jasmine and lavender, especially - but for a while after I put it on, there's also this very dark undertone of fire and smoke. I wish that lasted longer than it does, but eventually it's mostly lavender on me, with a bit of bergamot grounding it. Can't wait to try it at night!

  23. I was so intrigued by this, and was happy to receive an imp from a dear friend I just found out has been on the forum for years! :D


    The notes are so interesting to me, and in the imp they're blended in this happy, sweet, citrus mint craziness. A couple of hours later, though, it's all but disappeared to the point that I get a vague sweetness, but nothing I can point to or really review properly. Oh, Cat! I wanted to love you!

  24. This may be incense, but it is honeyed citrus incense. I'm not getting lemon, exactly, as others seem to be getting. To me, it's more orangey - height of the season, juice-dripping oranges.


    Unexpected and lovely. Really enjoying this one.
