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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by strangemodegirl

  1. I adore the hell out of you my crafty twin! <3

  2. Yay!!! I love enabling my friends! Welcome to my addiction! xoxoxo

    1. missycrockpot


      I'm excited to explore! Thank you for your help navigating! <3

  3. Love the new photo! Very pretty! :)

  4. Awwww Puddin'. I've been away from the forum here for a while!! Forgive me? *begs*

  5. I MISS YOU!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  6. Been a long time now...

  7. She may be brand spankin' new here, but I have known this lovely lady for over 20 years!! She is wonderful and you will love her too! xoxoxo

  8. You were so much fun to witch! xoxoxoxo

  9. Hehehe..the cowboy in my icon is Hank Williams III. I am far too obsessed with him.

    I just have no life, that's why I find the icon pics! ;)

  10. You are such an amazingly sweet person. May all the hugs and love you offer to others some back to you tenfold.


  11. You are teh bomb baby! *snuggles and love*


  12. *hugs you*

    I miss you too!


  13. Just saying hi and I *heart* you!!!


  14. *squishes you*

