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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by neddykapoozle

  1. second the la petite mort recommendation


    The scent of warm, damp skin flushed with the glow of passion, touched by the luxuriant potency of ylang ylang and myrrh.


    on me it takes on this honeyed sweet skin smell, faintly powdery, that smells just like a baby....... it's on my bottle list for that reason :P

  2. First two that come to my mind are:


    Wrath: A scent aflame with rage, swirling in the red haze of hatred: dragon's blood spiked with black pepper, clove, and cinnamon.


    Bengal: A sultry and unruly blend that emulates the ambient scent of the markets in ancient Bengal: skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger.


    Also, these threads might have some ideas for good spicy scents

    i want to smell like chai

    peppery scents

    spiciest BPAL blends

    best cinnamon scents



    also try asking in the thread comparing BPAL's to conventional perfumes

  3. nom nom nom............ a foody yumfest of carmelly and chocolatey goodness with some buttery pumpkin to flesh it out and pomegranate to keep it from being too sweet.


    got a partial bottle off the forum, i probably couldn't finish up a bottle of something this rich!


    i wore it one day, and 2 weeks later i could still smell it on my sweater. not that i minded :P

  4. nom nom nom............ it smells like somebody opened a tin of peppermint cookies in here


    the most amazing vanilla mint (I may be a bit biased towards this as vanilla and mint are both in my top five favorite notes EVER), I keep thinking that there is white chocolate in there but my nose must be tricking me from being so happy :D


    like the inside of a thin mint, or this amazing peppermint bark my mom makes. but its not cold, its a warm and cozy mint, if that makes sense.


    i may have to stalk down another bottle :P

  5. woodsy, rich, musky, touch of saffron............. when I get around to finding a boy toy THIS is what I will dab on him. It doesn't smell half bad on me...... I actually really really like this one, and like it more as I wear it. Its a wood that is calm, the patchouli doesn't rear its head, the musk is yummy and cozy. these note's shouldn't work on me, but they do. It is verrrry masculine on me, but still nice.


    I don't think I would wear it out much but I would consider a 5 mL for cozy homey days. It smells like being hugged feels.

  6. i was expecting something cold, snowy, frosty, with maybe a hint of green and flowers, but I get greenery and almondy vanilla cream flowers that have been chilled through. its nice, like a green dana o'shee, with some flowers and a little more oomph.


    As I wear this longer, snow white is starting to grow on me. very beautiful and polished, but still young and innocent.

    I love it enough to keep the bottle but not enough to stalk down another and be petrified of using it. Will happily use the bottle up!

  7. out of the imp: buttery boozy almonds

    on skin: mmmmmmmmmmmm. neddy likes. A LOT. its almondy buttery cakey cherry goodness, and those are notes that are not supposed to work on me. finally an almond that works for me! It spices up a little as it dries, and is making my mouth water. and the booze is there but not making me smell alcoholic (yay!).


    Lab, you rock, and if this gets released (purty plz???) I will snap up a bottle (or 4)

  8. From the big bottles I apply two different ways.


    1. That nubby thing on the top of the bottle: I dab it on my wrists and rub on opposite elbows. I can never seem to get exactly the right amount this way so I really prefer.....


    2. I have a bunch of Q-tips that I have cut in half that have plastic, not rolled/compressed paper in the middle. I dip the plastic end into the oil and dab it behind my ears and swip along my collar bone. This is also what I do for stronger oils.


    I reuse the Q-tips and just put a marker dot on the cottony end that coresponds to a sticker I put on the bottle.

  9. grapefruit is a citrus scent that is pretty tart. i think it smells like those really sour purple grapes with pits in them, off the vine, the taste of them, with a general citrus flavor. if you imagine lemon to smell yellow, orange to smell orange, lime to smell green, grapefruit smells bright pink.

    hope that helps!

  10. while we're thinking of masculine scents, does anybody know of a BPAL equivilent of Aramis?


    When I was really little I got a miswrapped present of the Aramis soap-on-a-rope and fell in love with the scent.

    It also immediately makes me think of my dad when he got all dressed up and went out with my mom for a fancy night.

    Notes: sandalwood, vetiver, bergamot oil, myrtle oil, tree moss, patchouli, clary sage, clove bud oil.

    it is described as rugged but smooth, with a blend of rich spices, sandalwood, leather, and clove

  11. shanghai all the way


    i have been wearing it at night to calm and relax me while i do my homework,and i have found my late night snack urges have gone away. and i am a notorious snacker


    just a note, blends with ginger seem to do the exact opposite of what you are looking for, at least on me. no matter whether they end up smelling sharp and raw or cooked and sweetly spicy, they always make me hungry.

    just a heads up


    good luck on the detox!

  12. in imp: milky sweet with a bite


    wet on skin: oh, this is nice. creamy, light, sweetened milk with a touch of spicy ginger. but not hot HOT ginger, just a warming sensation. like coconut milk and ginger......... kind of smells like my aunts apartment (she's from Thailand and this is what her kitchen smells like. and her hugs)

    i think this will be nice and comforting, reminds me of my favorite parts of thai food...... but wait? what is that?



    ow freakin ow ow......... must get off skin NOW.


    this smelled so lovely, but idk if it was the scent or not but this must come off. unfortunately now, i may hold an association of migraines to sudha segara, so i probably should hold off on retesting until i don't need to do a million and one things during the holidays.

  13. of all the imps in my latest package, i wanted to try calliope first. i love to write, have been working on a paper for a few weeks but had gotten rather stuck, so i was hoping this muse would inspire me!


    in imp: bright and kitcheny. i'm getting a herbal lavander that is being beaten with a sack of citrus fruits. in my mom's herb garden.


    wet on skin: much the same as in the imp, it's kindof nice, very much a wake up but still comforting blend from the herbs, but the citrus keeps it awake. as it dries i'm getting more of the sweet almond, which is scaring me as all of the almond blends i've tried have not ended well, but it quiets down in a few minutes. i'm still getting the brightness, but it's calming down and the herbs are coming to the front, especially thyme and a touch of verbena. very well blended.


    dry on skin: and poof! i'm left with a lovely thyme with some faint lavender. not a very strong scent, but i applied it at 7:30 AM and it lasted close to my skin for a good 8 hours.


    mid wearlength, low throw, very nice. i don't think it will become a big bottle, but i will certainly hang onto my imp. thyme always makes me think of my mother's herb garden, and rubbing my fingers with thyme and smelling them for hours after. but the almondy note isn't my cup of tea, and the citrus is too astringent. i prefer scents to have just a touch of sweet. but very nice, and everybody seems to be amping different notes.

  14. in the imp: really strong slushy, incensy, fruity cleaning fluid. but i mean this in the absolute best way. it reminds me of this purple cleaner and it's what my house smells like when we've cleaned it top to bottom. It is really comforting to me, and i can't wait to put it on!


    wet on skin: i'm getting a slushy aquatic note. this is my first experience with the lab's snow note so i wasn't quite sure what to expect. but it's nice. when i sniff my wrist, i get a whiff of the incency snow and as i pull my nose away a trail of fruits and flowers. i'm still getting a touch of the cleaner, but i love that scent so it's all good. what is it...... fabuloso lavender scent! that's it! but i don't smell lavender in either the cleaner or this.


    dry: as it drys, i'm getting some of that stone scent, vary vaguely like black opal. the incense is coming out more and the snow is melting....... the scent description describes this perfectly. this would make a lovely winter scent, it's nice to have snow that's paired with flowery fruits rather than the forests they always seem to be. yay! a snowy fruity scent! :P


    i really like this one. i may have to get a bottle both to wear and use as a linen spray.

  15. i was the most excited for Danube out of the pack of samples i just got, and practically shredded the package to get to it

    in the imp: whoa, getting a little bit of that artificial air freshener, but its very fresh, watery, kind of sharpish, but on the border of air freshener


    wet on skin: oooooooo this is pretty........ it perfectly captures water. deep, cool, dark water that maybe has a large and flowering rhodedendron (spelling?) bush that has a big hanging flower, and you're on the bank and you are trailing your hand through the water and twirl a large blossom around with your finger and it is just cool and lovely and perfect. it's almost scary how well this captures water. not salty or sharp, just, water. i really like this, and it has calmed me down after an absolutely horrid day.


    dry on skin: MMMMM lovely and lovelyer and....... wait? where'd you go? danube is just a bare hint of what i put on, and i was pretty liberal with my application. it is beautiful while it lasted, and i may have to get a big bottle just to dab on continually during those hot summer days. the initial stage is SO worth it.

    just get an imp. it is the ultimate calm down scent for those who think they can't do florals.

    love it :P

  16. i would give you a review on this, but i just can't bear to put it on my skin.

    i opened the frimp, and was almost knocked out by a strong, boozy, fruity, inscencey wave of, idk, something strong. but i couldn't put it on as i almost threw up opening the lid

    it sounds like it smelled so good on you, but this one i don't think i could wear even if the drydown was amazing. i just couldn't get past the wet phase

  17. ETA: anything i will say about this being to seductive for everyday...... i lied. this stuff it AMAZING. at first when i sniffed it fresh from the lab I didn't know what the big deal about it was but a few weeks later and it is DIVINE. I seriously cannot remove arm from elbow when i have this on. bottle coming on the way, I may need another. Using the imp now, aging one, then using the other bottle.

    I feel like I could wear this anywhere, on me it smells more mature but not out of place on a teenager. I don't get patchouli at all, just yummy, dark spiced vanilla love with some resiny undertones, like you're burning incense in the devil's bakery. It layers well with everything I've put it with. It calms me down but energizes me when I need it to. I could not imagine ever being without a bottle of this. And it is so different from the scents other girls I know wear, I feel like it is exotic but still me.


    I know what i'm wearing to my dance friday.


    I cannot even begin to contemplate the utter gorgeousness that must be Snake Oil aged. :P


    review of my 'first time':

    when i first opened the imp i was kindof scared as i got a big punch of incensy/resiny/headshoppy-ness and i am somewhat wary of smelling like any of those things, especially with the strength of the stuff coming out of the bottle. i do want to love this one so much!


    this is the darkest oil i've ever tried, thickest as well

    i put it on, and i get the incensy-resiney thing times 10 :D i want to love this one so bad!

    okay, the headshoppy thing dies down after about a minute, much better now

    i get a very dark and sinister vanilla with a medly of spices over it........i'm getting the image of a bellydancer, no idea why, as i have never smelled a bellydancer. but whaterver.

    ETA I'm remembered i was watching Rachel Brice videos when I first tested this and the association will not go away.


    it is becoming very second skin on the drydown, if my skin was sexed up with lots of vanilla and spices. but it mellows out and really blooms into a warm comforting kind of scent. it was very icky out today and wearing this made me feel as if i was being wrapped in a hug all day :D very nice feeling, the combo of sexy/comfort


    i don't think this will become a bottle, it's nice but i don't feel its OMFG worthy. i will be hanging onto the imp, as i've heard that aged SO is eons better.

    but i think its a little too sexy for my comfort zone for daily scents ........ but definately my lounging around the house feeling like an exotic goddess who is wrapped in perpetual hug kind of scent :)


    ETA: man this stuff will NOT COME OFF my skin. i wanted to take some off and i swipped an alcohol soaked pad over it 3 times and i can still smell it.


    ETA: (a few weeks later): my god this is AMAZING. the wet on the skin is still not my cup of tea but when it drys down now, it is fabulous. sexy spiced vanilla-y incence gorgeousness. i don't know if my skin changed or the oil but i like this a heck of a lot better now.

  18. i got this as a frimp in my first ever order ( thank you falldaze :D )

    before i even opened the imp i could smell it. reminds me of something familiar, i just can't remember what.


    In the imp: the vetiver almost knocked me over. i realize this is the same kind of smell i associate with summer camp for some reason, walking around at night in the woods and feeling a dark sort of smokiness. but MY this vetiver is strong. i could get any of the other notes out. hopefully this will be quieter on the skin......


    wet on skin: VETIVER. it has intensified and even though i put on a teeny little drop on the back of my hand, i could smell it wafting up as i typed. i get no flowers, no cinnamon. just vetiver. it's making me feel a bit sick to my stomach :P


    dry-down: it has mellowed out a touch, so i can stand to have it on my skin. but it is still very strong and powerful. a touch of the leather is coming out. this really does give the image of a shadowy character one would meet on a lone road late at night. not inducing as much nausea now........


    dry on skin. smoothing out slowly but surely. 2 hours later, i go down to sniff, and poof! it's gone. i can smell just a whisper of florals in its wake, but my skin totally sucked it all up.


    i was curious to try this, but i didn't really think the strength of the scent and description would work on a teenage girl. ands the vetiver is WAY too much for me. i prefer the barest touch. pity i never got the lovely after-wafts during the dry stage. will try the imp again when stomach is not as sensative, but no bottle for me.


    probably would smell AMAZING on a man...... i just need to find one of those........
