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Posts posted by any_old_actress

  1. First Sniff: Woah, this stuff is potent at first sniff. Apples and honey.


    Wearing It: Apples still, but the caramel starts to kick in making it sweet and candy-like. The apple remains really prominent, but it mellows slightly to a creamy, honey apple scent. This will be really nice in the fall :P


    Final Verdict: I like it!

  2. First Sniff: Wood & figs


    Wearing It: Figs, musk and herbal notes. The fig really stands out on me at first and make the scent fresh, clean and sharp before it starts blending in with the amber. Unfortunately, it fades really fast!


    Final Verdict: Pretty, but doesn't last on me!

  3. First Sniff: Wet cedar


    Wearing It: Dust, chocolate, cedar and amber. I find this similar to Velvet with a more woodsy undertone.


    Final Verdict: I totally love it and will be buying many more bottles of this!! :P

  4. FIRST SNIFF: Maple and cake


    WEARING IT: The fig leaf, beeswax and amber really come out immediately on my skin, but there is still the overall scent of cake lingering.


    VERDICT: I love this scent, I'll be wearing it a lot!

  5. First Sniff: Cinnamon and wood....


    Wearing it: Cinnamon still, with black tea and wood and cloves.


    After a couple of hours this scent really mellows and is just beautiful. I really love Bengal and I find this scent is its much calmer, woodier cousin.

  6. FIRST SNIFF: clean laundry, vanilla, a hint of coconut.


    WEARING IT: this is SO lovely. it's similar to black pearl, but not as intense and WAY better in my opinion. it's smooth and milky, still smells faintly of clean laundry and lasts a really long time on me. definitely a keeper.


    VERDICT: i'm so getting a big bottle!!! :P

  7. FIRST SNIFF: really sweet floral


    WEARING IT: wow, did that change fast! as soon as it hit my wrist it changed into a sharp, green floral. very sharp, almost like dill. as it warms i'm still smelling dill but with a white, sweeter floral in the background. if this scent had a colour it would be white & green.


    VERDICT: if it smelled more like the initial sniff i may have liked it a little more. my nose can't get over the dill-like smell though.

  8. FIRST SNIFF: minty!


    WEARING IT: fresh and clean. the mint is what really stands out in this scent. in the background i faintly smell the bourbon. as it dries, the two seem to twist together and make a really interesting scent.


    VERDICT: i think i may like this on my boyfriend more so than on me. the mint is really nice though.

  9. FIRST SNIFF: wet & fruity


    WEARING IT: the lab's description of this is dead on. this is a very lush, wet and humid scent. i find it sweet and delicious, i'd like to drink it almost. i can't quite pinpoint one note but they all work together so well. manila is a tropical punch with ripened bananas thrown in the mix.


    VERDICT: really great, fun scent. nice for summer.

  10. FIRST SNIFF: spice & amber


    WEARING IT: the musk comes out more now, it is a dark scent but not in an overbearing way. it's actually quite smoky and light on me. at first i didn't think it was something i was going to like, but it's growing on me.


    VERDICT: the more it dried, the more i liked it. very nice!

  11. The Seventh Daughter, Daughter of the Oath. She was King David’s lover, and the mother of King Solomon. Her scent is breathtakingly lovely, exotic and powerfully sensual in its innocence: carnation, sensual plum, and Arabian musk.

    FIRST SNIFF: plum, musk

    WEARING IT: nice, sweet, with the tiniest hint of something fresh and green in the background. the plum and musk are definitely in the foreground of this scent.

    VERDICT: i probably won't buy a bottle, but it will be nice to use as a love potion :P

  12. FIRST SNIFF: lush's celestial cream


    WEARING IT: a very light, pretty & addictive scent. there's a freshness to the floral note that is quite nice. i love that it isn't overpowering or too floral as florals tend to go soapy on me. it would be nice layered with a vanilla body butter.


    VERDICT: very nice, the imp will be much loved :P

  13. FIRST SNIFF - pickles and wet wood


    WEARING IT - this is a dark, heavy, masculine scent. as it dries, i smell less pickles and more damp wood and smoke. for being a damp scent, it still feels very warm and safe to me.


    VERDICT - might be nice on a man, but not on me :P

  14. FIRST SNIFF - lavender & citrus


    WEARING IT - i gave this a try before slathering my boyfriend with it and boy am i glad i did! it is SO nice. it's a bit salty yet the lavender, lime and citrusy bits blend so well together. very sophisticated, clean and gentleman like.


    VERDICT - i really liked this, i just hope kevin likes it as much!

  15. FIRST SNIFF - cherry syrup


    WEARING IT - as it dries a more almond note comes to the surface but the cherry syrup smell still remains lurking in the background. it's a very deep scent, very juicy.


    VERDICT - overall a nice scent, but too strong on the cherry for my liking.

  16. FIRST SNIFF - wet, rotting wood.


    WEARING IT - i can really smell the vetiver and musks. it still has that heavy, damp, rotting wood scent. i find it to be very dark and not very appealing to my nose in the least.


    VERDICT - not for me.

  17. FIRST SNIFF - herbs, dill


    WEARING IT - i don't know what it is with me and things smelling like pickles, but this scent does on me. all i can smell is the yuckiest dill ever. really wet dill and a mix of baby powder


    VERDICT - disappointed 'cause i really thought i was going to like this one.

  18. FIRST SNIFF - bitter lemon, licorice. this smells like absinthe to a T


    WEARING IT - as it dries it becomes a lot less bitter and a little less licoricey. citrus and sugar come to the foreground with hints of wet herbs.


    VERDICT - probably not something i'd reach for on a weekly basis, but pretty as a one time novelty scent. glad to have tried it.

  19. FIRST SNIFF: sweet & creamy


    WEARING IT: it's becoming more sweet as i wear it, when i first put it on i faintly got a spicy, creamy and ginger quality to it - but now the ginger is gone and there's definitely more sugar. it reminds me of cerberus, but lighter, prettier, spicier and smoother.


    VERDICT: a little too sugary on me, it's too bad though, i really wanted to like this one!
