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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by any_old_actress

  1. any_old_actress

    The Queen of Hearts

    FIRST SNIFF: sweet cherries WEARING IT: cherry fading with lily of the valley doing her part... VERDICT: i'll have to give this one another chance later, it's beautiful - but something just isn't working with my skin...will update
  2. any_old_actress

    Dana O'Shee

    FIRST SNIFF: almond oil! WEARING IT: warm honey, fresh baked bread. harvesting oats with a sweet, gentle summer breeze engulfing you VERDICT: it is very lovely, i wouldn't wear it for everyday - but it's PERFECT for when you want to be a little sweeter on a crisp, autumn day. she's a keeper!
  3. any_old_actress

    Baobhan Sith

    FIRST SNIFF: grapefruit peel WHILE WEARING: can't smell the ginger. the white tea and apple blossom slowly creep in and subdue the grapefruit . perfect for spring and summer, it's almost got a 'comfort food' quality to it in that it makes me feel calm and loved and warm. one of my absolute favourites thus far. a larger bottle will be in my next order.
  4. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: very light, fresh cut flower stems... WHILE WEARING: i detect no grasses, there is a hint of pale sweetness, not so much flowery anymore, but a whisper of the faintest berry. the dry down makes this scent a winner for me, it's too flowery straight out, but dries to be subtle, beautiful and spring-like. it's a scent to go picking wild strawberries in with braids in your hair...too bad it disappears so fast.
  5. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i spoke with nella last week & she was quite prompt with getting back to me about my feb 7th order that is still lost - it was re-sent out again last tuesday. it took her about two or so days i think to reply to my email.
  6. any_old_actress

    International order Q

    i'm in canada, and would almost prefer having to get a signature at this point as i'm not getting any of the packages being sent out to me. (thanks for letting me know about my re-shipment in such a timely manner nella!)
  7. any_old_actress

    Choosing a BPAL for your dog

    gretchen, my pug, HATES three witches. and she usually gets washed with lush's trichomania shampoo bar and coolaulin conditioner if she's sleeping in the bed, she better be smellin like heaven! hehe
  8. any_old_actress

    New scent delay.

    exactly, i'm perfectly ok with that!!!!!
  9. any_old_actress


    what a heavy smell! definitely a power scent, heady and strong. on me, the grassy smell that jj_j was talking about really comes through with the woody bit coming up behind. i find it to be a very wise and in control scent - there's no second guessing with it. although, to me, it's more masculine, it reminds me of stevie nicks for some odd reason. i think i'll try it on my boyfriend and see how that goes.
  10. any_old_actress

    New team helper

    welcome to the family so glad you could join in and help out!!
  11. any_old_actress

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    i tend to agree with this simplify, summer's comin'!!!
  12. any_old_actress

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    i think that's a great idea and would save a lot of time. good suggestion
  13. any_old_actress

    Since I seem to need to reiterate it...

    thanks for the update beth! i think canada customs is really being tight on letting packages through so that must account for most of the problems you're getting with us canadians. is there anyone on the forums here close enough to you now that can volunteer to help with the tracking of orders etc? that seems to be taking up a lot of time that could best be put to use elsewhere. hope everything lightens up for you guys (although i don't think it will since i like so many other people just had to put in another order.... ) we love you beth - wish i was there so i could get my imp-tying on. p.s- sorry that my last order seems to be causing you so much trouble (i know it's been re-sent a million times already...)
  14. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    bravo rosefaith! and ebonykawai, i think you helping with the updates would take a big load off of beth (the most important thing is that SHE thinks so though hehe) and i think your point about many people here wanting to volunteer to make things a little easier on beth is quite accurate and would be most appreciated by everyone until things smoothe over and start moving at a normal pace again.
  15. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    spoiled or not, over two months is a bit of a wait since most other people who ordered at the same time as me and in the same area as me have long since received their orders and reshipments. love beth, love the product, love the lab to pieces - wouldn't dream of going elsewhere. although some people are still caught up in the ccnow shipping date (i'm not one of them) i think TygherRayn got the reality of that through to people. i don't particularly care about ccnow's date really, i just know it's been over two months since my initial order (and the date ccnow gave me, to be technical )) and i have no idea where my package is, if it's been re-shipped again, if someone else is smellin' like my lady macbeth or what! beth's busy, i know the situation, i'm here on the board every day - i just want what i paid for. and plus, it sucks getting excited for over two months EVERY DAY when you see the mailman come and he only has bills in his hand, no bpal. and on top of it damnit, i deserve to get my package, i've had some tragedy strike me in the last two weeks (to the day actually) and the mail gods owe me one. so there!
  16. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i think that's exactly it. i think we can all agree on one thing and that is that the product is worth waiting for - the problem lies in people not knowing where their order is and why it's been over one, two & three months and it's still not received. most of it is a mail thing that's totally out of beth's hands, so it makes it three times as hard to get it all under wraps. carolsag: lots of people are in the same boat with you still waiting on their orders - take some time for yourself if you can, to relax or do whatever makes you feel good!!! - i hope you're feeling super duper in the next few days!
  17. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i'm glad i'm not the only one! everyone else is talking about orders they placed in mid march, what about us poor beginning of february orderers who are still waiting! that's patience!
  18. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i always use the cupcake address and she usually responds quite quickly, but to be sure she gets it, i'd pm her too.
  19. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    oh my. 21 days? ignore me, i'm outta the loop!
  20. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i always email beth personally, then i usually send her a pm too - just incase (yes, i'm just THAT annoying! ) eadavenp: there really isn't a typical time frame for orders coming in. i think there is a 10-12 day delay currently due to the lab being super busy, plus add on the post office travel time. like i said in my above post, i've been waiting over two months for my last order - canada customs must be taking their time.
  21. any_old_actress

    Shipping Update

    i feel like i keep complaining about this, but i'm still waiting on my order from feb 7th. i've e-mailed beth a couple times and she's been so great at getting back to me in a timely fashion (bless her!) but i still don't know if it's been reshipped or what have you. it was only a small order but that's $50.00 i could have put towards groceries or something in the meantime. beth will sort it out, just let me in on the status girl!
  22. any_old_actress

    March Hare

    first sniff: definitely ripe apricots, and i love apricots so it's really working for me on the drydown: the clove (and i smell cinnamon) takes over and leaves the apricot fainting in the background. it almost reminds me of christmas, until you notice the apricot again. final verdict: it has staying power and a little goes a long way. it's more of a grown-up three witches in my opinion, with the apricot thrown in. and even though i wish the apricot was more dominant on the drydown, i'm a sucker, and will be getting a larger bottle of this i think.
  23. any_old_actress

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    i don't mind a price increase in the least as long as it means i get my package! on the upside, danube, kali, old prague, queen gertrude, rage & ulalume sound miraculous!
  24. any_old_actress

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    haha! ok, let's try this again, how about with scents that i can ACTUALLY purchase! or...maybe beth will just whip up a batch asap for me?
  25. any_old_actress

    Figs and Fig Scents - alone and in combos

    i adore fig as well, i'll have to add dragon's heart to my list...