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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by any_old_actress

  1. any_old_actress


    A complex, voluptuous scent that captures the robust beauty and of the Italian Renaissance: lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf. FIRST SNIFF: wet herbs, fruits, flowers... WEARING IT: once this dries it becomes so much softer and enjoyable. the red currant really plays a big roll with the rose and sandalwood mixed in there too. i can't detect much of the other ingredients, maybe the jasmine and the faintest tart of the lemon WAY in the background. it really IS a red scent... VERDICT: it's not "me" so i wouldn't buy a bigger bottle - but it might be nice with my red currant body lotion from little shop of beauty.
  2. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: myrrh WEARING IT: what shriekingviolet said is exactly right, the buttery almond is what softens and sweetens the myrrh. for some reason, i smell a faint ginger ale/root beer float scent mixed in too and my nose is really liking it. VERDICT: (edited because i've changed my verdict!) i LOVE this scent, i've been wearing it a couple days now non-stop and it just really blends well with my skin chemistry. a bigger bottle is definitely in the works and this scent is now in my top two favourites
  3. any_old_actress


    i definitely see how jj_j feels a bit of iris & violet in this. i REALLY like this scent, it has a bit of spice in it that is quite appealing to me and it lasts a long time. plus, i love the description jj_j got off the internet
  4. any_old_actress

    Blackrayne and Black Phoenix Collide: SOAPS

    queen mab (she was BORN to be made into a soap!) swank morella baobhan sith (would be divine as a soap!!!) dana o'shee samhain (a girl can dream can't she?)
  5. any_old_actress

    Queen Mab

    FIRST SNIFF: dark florals with a hint of something spicey WEARING IT: sandalwood, night blooming jasmine...this is such a soft, warm scent once it dries. on me, it seems to last for quite a while, which is a bonus. it's warming to almost a honey scent, still with that bit of spice. FINAL VERDICT: i've really fallen in love with this scent, so i'll be buying a larger bottle. edited to say: queen mab has kicked morella out of the number one spot for my favourite bpal oil! no easy feat either!
  6. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: like viciousviolet said, polished pews WEARING IT: polished with pine sol maybe. this is very strong on me and very masculine. it smelled a lot calmer in the bottle. i can definitely smell old wood...and unfortunately that pine smell again. FINAL VERDICT: this isn't a scent for me, glad to have tried it though!
  7. any_old_actress

    Quickie update.

  8. any_old_actress

    Quickie update.

    That's me too. Guess it'll arrive when I'm visiting Sarah in DC. that's me too! and a more winey lady macbeth sounds delish
  9. any_old_actress

    Are custom scents available?

    exactly! half the fun is finding out what a scent formulated specifically for you actually smells like!
  10. any_old_actress

    Are custom scents available?

  11. any_old_actress

    Are custom scents available?

    i'm hoping my boyfriend will get me a custom blend either for my birthday or our anniversary. i think that would be a great gift
  12. any_old_actress

    Are custom scents available?

    this may be helpful: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=639
  13. any_old_actress

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    thank for the ideas everyone! i just ordered a bunch and now i can take my 'morella' with me wherever i go! very exciting! maybe beth could offer travel versions of the oils in the roll-on bottles further on down the road so we can eliminate having to order this stuff ourselves!
  14. any_old_actress

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    how does everyone transfer their bpal oils to the roll-on bottles?
  15. any_old_actress

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    it means elizabeth has just pulled your order from the website now...
  16. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: lily, sandalwood WEARING IT: still lily & sandalwood with the warmer frankincense putting its two cents in. i think what jj_j said is ringing true for me too. it seems the gentle and soothing effect i had when i first applied starts to get more chaotic on the dry down due to the conflict the different smells have with my nose. VERDICT: just not for me
  17. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: roses, roses, roses WEARING IT: roses still but with the added crispness of the apple. fresh, soft and pretty. i can't smell the lemon, but as this scent dries it becomes more and more appealing. i don't like rose scents normally, but this is so mild and truly beautiful i can see myself wearing it. VERDICT: a keeper, i can see it being beautiful for the first signs of autumn...
  18. any_old_actress

    The Caterpillar

    FIRST SNIFF: herbal, moss WEARING IT: smoky jasmine with moss shrinking in the background VERDICT: not for me, perhaps it was the incense notes that just didn't work well with my body chemistry.
  19. any_old_actress

    When your favorite GC blends are discontinued

    i've just fallen under the spell of morella - and it took me by surprise since it's not something i'd normally go for (thanks beth for knowing better than i!) so now i'm wondering what else there is out there that i've been missing out on. anyone have any suggestions?
  20. any_old_actress

    Fire of Love

    FIRST SNIFF: lemon? WEARING IT: a faint lemony scent merged with light herbs and spice. this is such a light scent, i keep sniffing and trying to pin-point what the main ingredient is. it could be ginger. this is a very appealing scent, it's not overpowering, or demanding - just sensual with spice on the side. i really like it. i'm trying it out tonight, as i've been in a bit of a slump lately, and i'll update with how it goes! time to put this stuff to the test UPDATE: it's been put to the test! kevin was in the mood and i wasn't, so i thought well why not! i slathered this stuff on me and kevin put on haitian lover - we gave it a little while to sink in and it DID have an effect. i went from not being in the mood in the least (i'm sick with a cold too, so that contributed) to having a really fun time. so...fire of love, worked for me!
  21. any_old_actress

    Haitian Lover

    FIRST SNIFF: almond oil turning rapidly into black licorice WEARING IT: the blackest licorice - not a scent i would wear b/c again, i think it's fairly masculine. ill try it on my boyfriend tonight to see what happens when it gets together with the fire of love that i'll be wearing UPDATE: it's been put to the test! i doused myself in fire of love and kevin put on haitian lover and i went from being in a sickly, don't touch me state of mind to well...you can guess the rest! so, these blends worked well for us
  22. any_old_actress

    Bat's Blood

    although i don't detect lilac, i do agree that this scent is "a very black dress" perhaps velvet? i find it quite herbally with only the smallest hint of the floral that trystrid & sirensongsouth were talking about. it's neither loud nor soft, but has a strength that lies somewhere between the two. there's something in there though, that doesn't agree with either my skin or my nose - so i don't think i'll be buying a bottle of this, which stinks because the colour is SO great - a beautiful, wine red
  23. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: I agree with the above comment WEARING IT: no more orange, only neroli. it's a very sharp & loud scent. it evokes really strong and powerful feelings. as the smell lingers, the soapy smell starts to come out, but it's not overbearing. VERDICT: i may want to try this on my boyfriend b/c i find the smell intriguing and not at all put offish, but i don't think it's for me.
  24. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: chocolate cake batter WEARING IT: chocolate cake batter! VERDICT: i DO feel decadent, yet cute wearing it. i think it would be a cute scent to wear on a date out with my boyfriend etc
  25. any_old_actress


    FIRST SNIFF: not green, only a hint of sage WEARING IT: my heart is pounding b/c this could very well become my signature scent!! of course, it's not even something i picked out, but something elizabeth slipped in my package! great choice beth! the smell reminds me of something familiar and it really feels like "home" on me...it's sweet and comforting. i don't find it woodsy or herbally or even green. it's just sweet and undefinable...must be the iris... VERDICT: i like to try things twice before i make up my mind, but i'll be getting a 10ml of this without question.