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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. I LOVE the Amaretto Macaroon. I'm not a huge fan of amaretto, but after the initial, "hey amaretto!" it blends with the coconut and I don't really notice it anymore. The coconut smells like the type that usually goes shrieky and piercing, but something keeps it in check and it doesn't actually go there. This is possibly the most perfect baked-goods type coconut scent ever.

  2. I wish I had more positive things to say about Mischievous Spirit. It's not as amazing as I'd expected. It smells tartly fruity, almost carbonated, and then slightly... resinous, maybe? It's much lighter than I thought, and it seems like it's gone before I have a chance to form an opinion.

  3. I love Plum Puddin'! It's plummy and sort of medicinal at first. I put it on and kind of forgot about it. 5 hours later, I was home and firmly planted on the sofa and something smelled really good. I thought maybe my sweatshirt had some fruity oil on it or something and then I realized it was the PP. At that point, it was a delicious, soft fruity scent, a little dark, but in a good way.

  4. At first, Colder and Colder smells like a blend of several previous minty BPAL oils, and I was a little underwhelmed. I got a hint of dentist office and also pack-of-Doublemint-in-my-grandma's-purse. However, over a period of about 15 minutes, it morphs and becomes softer and smoother. The white musk pushes past the mint and the scent seems more complex. It's really lovely, and I'm surprised how much I like it, because it's pretty far outside my fragrance comfort zone.

  5. Madame Tracy smells like a sweet-but-slightly-powdery candy rose. There's more to it than rose, but I really can't pick out any other notes, they just all blend together with tea rose at the front. It's a cute, feminine scent.

  6. Hm. Sometimes I get a bit of ~anise from vanilla, and that's definitely here, too. I get alternating anise and sassafras for awhile, and just when I think it's destined for the swaps box, it settles down into a faint, TKO-type vanilla. I'm a little disappointed that it's not the vanilla I had in mind when I ordered it, but I think it's a relaxing vanilla that is appropriate for a massage oil.

  7. I was nervous about Good Cheer. I love fig, but nut/wood notes can go wonky. Luckily, Good Cheer does not seem to have that problem. I don't get a lot of fig, which is kind of sad, but the chestnut is just perfect--very much like a the Spiced Chestnut candles from Williams-Sonoma that I love. I'm so glad I took a chance on this.

  8. OMG, are you kidding me with this? It is SO GOOD. I get a ton of apple and apple strudelliness from it, which makes me super-happy. In the air, I get a blast of what smells like apple + Sugar Skull, and it seems to fade fairly fast (or maybe I just get used to it quickly). On fabric, I can smell more coffee, but it's still a lot of spiced apple awesomeness. I love this and wish my home could smell like this always.

  9. I got a giant box o' goodness from Puddin' today, and I was thrilled to see the goblins sent L'Engouement. In the bottle, it smells like strawberry-vanilla sugar with a little bit of a tart edge. On my skin, it goes a bit incensy, which is weird but not bad. It dries down to a quieter pink scent, still with a bit of tartness that makes me think of pomegranate, and a touch of powdery/incense. I was hoping this would be a screaming strawberry candy scent along the line of Velvet Pink Kitty, and it both is and isn't. I think it's the same strawberry at the core, but where VPK is loud and boozy, L'Engouement is calmer and quieter, like VPK's older sister, or mother. The more I sniff it, the more I love it. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

  10. In the bottle, Blossoms in Springtime smelled like super sweet buttery vanilla which is perfect for me. When it touched my skin, however, it went spicy and I was like, WTF?, but also, wow! It's a well-balanced blend of sweet/foody and warm/resinous. I totally see where the comparisons to Glowing Vulva are coming from. I think it's very striking and timeless.

  11. Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono is simple and gorgeous. In the bottle, it's Pixy Stix powdery sweet, reminding me of Sticky Pillowcase, but on the skin it goes instantly to almost straight-up peony. The vanilla orchid is there with a bit of a bite for a minute (my nose reads it as anise) but then blends with the peony to create a soft, sweet, pink peony scent. Peony = springtime = happiness to me, and the more I sniff this, the more I like it and the happier I feel. I originally had 2 bottles in my cart but I got nervous and only ordered one... now I wish I had ordered three! I want to smell like this all the time. :wub2:

  12. I haven't had much luck with BPAL pears (looking at you, Perilous Parlor), but I still can't resist them. The Vine, however, is lovely. It goes on with a strong syrupy, candy-sweet pear and dries down to a sweet vanilla-honey. It's not the screaming PEARPEARPEAR that I'd like, but it's still really good. Definitely a keeper, but probably not multiple-bottle worthy.

  13. I wish I had a more positive review for Beautiful and Adored.I like it, it's just doesn't seem like something I'd wear. Pear pops out first, and there's a minute of worry over whether it will go acetone-y (pear can be weird on me), and then the flowers kick in: rosy at first, with the gardenia emerging later. The honey, currant and vanilla stay in the background. I prefer sweet and foody over floral, so I'll probably pass this one along.
