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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. Very dusty at first, Dragon's Bone dries down into a lovely smoky-wood scent. The sandalwood is delicious. It verges on being overly salty for a moment, then goes back to being dry wood with a hint of orris. This is lovely. Not sure it's "me," but lovely nonetheless.

  2. Lemon! All I get is lemon that smells like Lemonheads. But I love that smell, so it's great! Smelling June Gloom makes me think of summer--particularly the days when the sky is very grey, right before a summer storm when the humidity is through the roof and there's that sense that *something* is about to happen.

  3. Oh, wow. I had dismissed this as being overly heathery. I'm glad I gave it a second chance. This time: blackberries! This is so gorgeous. It's fruity, but not really, which makes no sense but it's true. It makes me think of blackberry bushes rather than just the fruit--the dark berries and the dark green leaves with the paler, sage-green undersides. This is beautiful. I bet it'll make a fabulous room scent, too.

  4. I'm having a difficulttime describing this, as I can't really pick out any individual notes. Cairo smells warm. A little lemony, a little resiny. Brings to mind baklava and golden raisins. Very nice, but subtle.

  5. The bergamot is sharp, and the lily lends a bananalike note (as it sometimes does on my skin). Luckily the sandalwood takes charge and reigns in the bergamot and the lily has pretty well disappeared. This is a nice alernative to rose-sandalwood blends.

  6. This is light and floral in the vial, not at all what I expected, reading the description. On the skin, the orchid emerges over a lighter, sharper floral. This is almost purely orchid on me--no myrrh, no black currant, no cypress. I like black orchid quite a bit, so I'm not disappointed, just a little surprised.

  7. Very floral out of the bottle, SWoB goes slightly cinnamony on my skin. Oh, and there's gardenias too. And maybe lilies. The jasmine that was so loud at first has gone away. And now, it seems that I've spent so much time trying to decipher the flowers that it's changed again. I'm back to a cinnamony, spicy, almost buttery-vanilla. And almond!? Wow. I was all set up to dislike this, and it's done a complete 540° on me. Yay!

  8. Since I recently discovered my love for black currant, I'm quite excited about this. Fresh out of the vial, I smell the black currant, but also the heavy myrrh. Wow, this is really sweet. It also has a kind of cola-ish edge to it, like the syrup before the carbonated water is added. I like this a lot!

  9. Grapefruit jumps out of the vial, with just a hint of the spicy ginger in the background. The tea and apple blossom fade in, making this even more lovely. It's fresh and makes me think of drinking tea in an garden, surrounded by flowering trees. The apple blossom really shines in this blend! Gorgeous!

  10. I must be having a dodgy nose day because I can hardly smell this at all. I get a sweet rose and a bit of sandalwood. This is a nice, quiet floral, but it doesn't stand out among the other fabulous BPAL floral blends.

  11. Hunger is sweet and very sexy on me on a good day--a spicy incensey scent and vanilla. On a bad day, the orange blossom is overpowering and sour. If it were more consistently good on me, I'd definitely get a bigger bottle, but as it is, I'll stick with my imp and hope for the best. :P

  12. Cherries and chocolate. This is so sweet it almost makes my teeth ache. Then chocolate takes a backseat and lets orange blossom take the wheel while cherry rides shotgun. I know better than to let orange blossom drive--she always takes me to the sour part of town, so I searched for some Bliss to layer on top of it. By the time I found the Bliss, though, orange blossom has calmed down and Vice has developed a delightful creamy scent, like chocolate-covered vanilla buttercreams. I think this would be a keeper, if not for the orange blossom. :P
