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Posts posted by Gin

  1. Queen of Spades


    This is soft and sweet--or maybe that's due to age. I can smell muguet and pear blossom, over smoke and spices. The plum is divine. I had written this off as, "Not as good as the King" because I like foody scents and the King of Spades is more foody, where this is floral, but the longevity of this scent makes up for it. While the King is great at first, it eventually goes a little dry. The Queen remains sweet and juicy plum to the end.

  2. Our springtime celebratory perfume is crafted with orris root, bergamot, frankincense, daffodil, orange pulp, attar of rose, jonquil, strawberry leaf, benzoin, violet leaf, copal, honey cakes, sweet cream, and the blossoms of springtime.

    Ostara is heavily floral in the bottle. On my skin, it's a whirl of spicky-smoky-sweet-tart. Flowers and honey and smoke. There's almost a tea-like note in here, too. And fruits? There's something for everyone in here!

  3. Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream


    Yay! Tea and red currant! And blueberry! Very tangy and crisp. Somewhere along the way, the currant fades, and I get... something I can only describe as 'fuzzy'. Fuzzy and grey. There's vanilla, but everything else is indistinguishable. This is oddly comforting and soft--quite unlike what I associate with crawdads!

  4. Tweedledee


    Ths smells like fruit and... fried pastries? I worked in a bakery during high school, and this reminds me of fruit-filled danish. The kumquat ends up dominating, but there's still a teensy bit of 'bakery' in there.

  5. Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v4: The Snake Oil Series


    DCVII (607) : I admit, I tried to test all three of my CTVs at once. I thought this one was broken. It smelled just like Snake Oil. Now I wonder if my nose wasn't "burned out" on the chaos notes, because alone, it smells like Snake Oil + Dorian. I was huffing Dorian and CTV Dorian on my other arm to try and decipher the CTV:D, so I think I missed it in this.

    ETA: Okay, now that I've tested it head-to-head with Lilith Victoria, I think I may have missed the mark again. Now, my diagnosis is this: Snake Oil and blackberry. (Eeeeep!)

  6. Fixed Water: the essence of passion.
    Dark musk, wormwood, basil, dragon's blood resin, galangal, and opoponax.

    Scorpio 2007 seemed a bit scary to me. I don't feel familiar with any of the ingredients, save for dragon's blood, and that's not always a winning note for me. As it turns out, this is not a scary blend at all. I actually find it soothing. It's herbal in a way that makes me think of Aveda--herbs + Aveda = spa/hair treatments = relaxation. Very nice and not what I expected at all.

  7. Opuhi


    This is the one Flotsam I wanted the most. And it does not disappoint. The vanilla orchid is dominant (and gorgeous), and there's a little pinch of spice. I don't know if ginger blossoms are spicy or not, but there's something a little spicy in here, and it's just so amazingly beautiful.

  8. Gelt

    Gelt 2008


    It's kind of funny, doing reviews for scents that have it all spelled out in the Lab descripion. This is what it says it is. Cocoa and amber. It's a lot like Bliss, I think, except it's amber instead of that hazelnuttiness that Bliss has. Goes a little bit dusty, but amber tends to give a dry, powdery feel.

  9. Snake Charmer Resurrected


    I got a bottle of Snake Charmer the first time around and didn't like it. Either I did a too-quick sniff test or I just didn't "get it." I'm glad I gave it another try. Sniffing the bottle, I'm still sort of 'meh' but OMG, when applied, it's goo-ood. It's like plummy Snake Oil--the Best Plummy Snake Oil Ever.

  10. Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos


    CCCXXVII (327) : Orangey. It was compared to Fruit Stripe gum in the swap post (but no review!). It's a little powdery-orange, a mild orange. I think I smell something spicy underneath, though. Amber, maybe?


    DCCXXVII (727) : Fruity. Berries? Sweet orange? Light musk? Pineapple? Pineapple. Tropical flowers? Then it's incensy-spicy... rosewood? incense?


    DCCCXLV (845) :Originally reviewed by dpoulson21. Cantaloupe! With honeydew? This is wonderful. Very edible-smelling.

  11. Lick It Like You Mean It


    This is pretty much the same as the original Lick It, IMO. Mint and sugar and vanilla. It's very similar to Tokyo Stomp, except I don't get the buttery "graham cracker" vibe from Lick It LYMI--this is just straight-up candy cane.
