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Posts posted by Gin

  1. No. 93 Engine


    Another oil I tried without reading the description. Smells a bit like Strawberry Shortcake's friend, Lime Chiffon. Lemon/limish, and a sweetness akin to vanilla (and doll heads). It morphs into something that reminds me of leather, but there's a brightness to it. Dry, it's slightly spicy, as in baking spices, and still a touch leathery. I generally don't care for leather scents, but this oil is really interesting. Not a bottle buy, but I think I'll use up theimp.

  2. L'Inverno


    Immediately on skin: piney, snowy, slush. Not surprised, but not too impressed. I'm not usually a fan of these sorts of scents (doesn't stop me from buyin' 'em, though!). When I took a second sniff, after playing online working for a bit, it had completely changed to Midwinter's Eve? No, not quite, but it's definitely plum and flowers. On third sniff, there's still some piney snowy slush there, but they've taken a backseat to the plum and orchid. I'm glad I gave it a try, I never woulld have seen that morph coming.

  3. Intergalactic


    Ha! I smelled a lot of what other people smelled in this... white musk and hairspray, melon, celery, and violet... And florals. I was sniffing at this so much, in an attempt to describe it, I got to a point where I didn't even know what I was smelling anymore. In the end, I'm going with perfumey florals (orchid? magnolia?). I actually like it quite a bit!

  4. Monster Bait: Underpants


    Mmmm... vanilla cream, saffron, sandalwood... This is yummy, but it's really faint on me, and has been since I got it as a fresh decant. I'm glad I got a chance to try it,* but it's probably not a keeper.


    *(Ya wanna hear the story of how I checked the BPAL website on April 1, expecting an update, but didn't bother to check the forum where it was announced as a Forum Only oil so I missed it? Oh, I guess I just told you.)

  5. March Hare


    I'm surprised I've never reviewed this before, but I guess I felt like I couldn't expand much on the Lab description. Clove and apricot is exactly what it is. I love both of those notes, and I really like them together. The apricot has a tangy sweet-tartness to it, and the clove adds a nice spicy kick.

  6. The Shattered Pumpkin


    I amp leather? The Shattered Pumpkin is LEATHER and dirt and sooty beeswax candles. Blended together, it almost smells like burning rubber. And it is LOUD. I don't know if that the nature of this particular oil or if I just amp leather to the nzillionth degree. Too much for me.

  7. Jolasveinar


    Do you ever selectively read the descriptions and convince yourself that even though it says, "the barest hint of the scent of pilfered Christmas pastries," you're *sure* its gonna be all yummy foody goodness? :umm: Jólasveinar is is all medicinal-grade pineyness when wet, dries down into an oddly sweet slushy scent... sort of like the Ice Queen meets Knave of Hearts. Not what I had hoped for.

  8. Havisham


    Cold white flowers. White roses, white lilac, maybe some Lilies of the Valley? Rose tends to dominate, though, in a chilly, almost-powdery way. Very beautiful, but alas, roses aren't a note I tend to actually wear.

  9. Block Buster


    Cinnamon and fruitiness. Almost apple, but not quite. This smells kind of like baked fruit and cinnamon. Quite lovely.


    ETA: Lotus! That's what I'm smelling! I don't know why I always think 'apple'.

  10. I agree with the dragon's blood + cherry + heliotrope reviews. I also smell the marigolds and herbs. This is very nice, though weak (could be from age). Dry, it's a gentle amber-fruity-floral, with a tiny whisper of dragon's blood.

  11. Pumpkin King


    This has been in the precioussss imp box for years. I'm trying to be ruthless and cull even my most hoarded, so I figured it as time to give it a go.


    OMGWTFBBQ, this is fantastic. Cinnamon apples! With nutmeg and cloves! It smells like the most delicious apple pie ever. There's a touch of pumpkin, and a slight masculine edge, but I mostly get apple pie.

  12. Baghdad


    Amber, saffron, and sandalwood are what hit me first. The rose is there, powdery and faint, and musk. I can't find the mandarin or the nutmeg--two notes I was looking forward to. Overall, I like it, but I think the amber pushes it a little too far into baby-powder territory for it to be a keeper.
