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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. Cordelia is very floral on me, but light. I didn't notice the tea nor the lemon, just flowers. Hours later, I think the cedar and musk showed up, but it's very faint. Meh. Overall, it's too light and too floral.

  2. I hadn't even heard of Holly King 'til it came my way via the Champagne Sniffie circle. Frankly, it didn't smell very good in the vial or at first on my skin. It smelled like trees and animals and just not good. Dry, though? It's beautiful. Still tree-ish, I guess, but also spicy and masculine. It reminds me of Pumpkin King--like they share a similar base.

  3. Horreur Sympathique sounded like something I would not like at all, based on name alone. However, it's amazing. In the vial, it's strongly wine + red musk. Afraid, I dabbed it on. Oh my. The wine was still strong at first but it dried down into the most fabulous fruity honey wine. I kept sniffing myself, amazed at how good it smelled. Good throw, good longevity, this is a winner!

  4. Ohhh! Oh. Semiramis Bath Oil started off stong with cherry and blood orange and I was all "mmmmmm" and then it drops back to mostly musky myrrh. A lovely scent, to be sure, but I prefer the orange-cherry blast to the musky-myrrh.

  5. Oh, boo. I bought way too much Berry Moon. It does not agree with my skin chemistry at all. It's gone between musky berries to berry beer and back again. Had I paid attention to the description beyond "Berry" I might have been expecting musky berries, but I didn't, and expected more "BERRIES! and some musk." So, my fault, I'm disappointed, and off to swaps it goes.

  6. I'll admit I was testing more than one oil when I tried this. I dabbed some on and was initially kind of 'meh' but I know I need to give BPAL oils a bit of time to bloom. I was sniffing and doing my daily stuff and I got a waft of ... what is this? I looked and it was All In The Golden Afternoon. I couldn't pick out notes, though I kept thinking ____ blossom. What blossom, I didn't know... something not quite apple, not quite cherry, but it had that heady good shampoo scent that some fruit blossoms give me. I like the smell of fruit blossoms, but unfortunately, they amp to a ridicuous degree on my skin, to the point that I almost feel nauseated. And I missed all of the good apricot, pineapple, and tangerine.

  7. The Norns' Farmhouse goes on herby-green-bitter-sharp and dries down into pure comfort. It smells so familiar... kind of like a church my grandmother used to take me to. I know that doesn't mean anything to anybody but me, but it smelled so familiar, I nearly cried. Occasionally, I get wafts of apple, which I find odd since apple blossom usually does not translate to actual apple on me. I think this is an interesting scent, but I think it has to go off to swaps because it makes me so unbelievably sad.

  8. Oh, Tristran, why? Why must you be ALL ROSEWOOD? You must know that I like rosewood, but that doesn't mean that's all I want. I want mint! I want lemon peel! I'd even take some patchouli. But no. Tristran give me nothing but rosewood.

  9. I don't remember why I didn't keep this one the first time around. Punkie Night is luscious--apples and cranberries and more apples. It's exactly the kind of apples I want, too, but without the leaves and stuff that make me sneeze or that overpower them (yeah, you, Samhain and Fearful Pleasure).

  10. Trick or Treat came about shortly after I posted that I'd love Halloween candy scents but wasn't sure I'd want to smell like candy corn. I bought it anyway, of course, and it turned out that I really didn't like smelling like candy corn. It was a bit corny and I swapped it. Four years later, I tracked down a decant and I'm in love. I don't know if it's the aging or that I missed it the first time around, but now I get brown sugary, sugar cookie/snickerdoodley goodness. No corn in sight. I can't wait to get the '09 version.
