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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. At first, this is shockingly green. Ivy and pepper--like green pepper or jalapeno pepper, very green and spicy.

    ... And then it stays there. That's all I get. WTF?

    I put a little more on, to see if I could coax something else out of it. I think I got a whiff of pumpkin and maybe some florals but it mostly stays weird and spicy and green. In the last stages, I can smell soapy floral under the green, which has softened a bit but not much. I don't know what to think about this.

  2. This is pretty much the Harvest Moon of my imagination. Sweet apple, leaves, spices. It smells like a restrained Samhain. I'd like a stronger black cherry-plum-apple presence, but I think I might miss out on the spicy-floral mums that are anchoring it. This is really nice, I'm glad I got a bottle.

  3. Since I love Frost Moon and Cold Moon, I didn't hesitate to pick up some Snow Moon. Snow Moon is similar in feel to those other Moons, as well as some of the icy Yules. There's some pine/fir and some ozone notes, but it's got the same cold, snowy feel as the others.

  4. The feral scent of the heat of the chase, deep woods, undulating musks, brushed by forest herbs, crushed grains, and touched by blood-dimmed lunar oils.

    2004's October moon wasn't great on me, but I'm not one to give up, so I gave Blood Moon a try. I like this better than last year's Hunter Moon, but this one is still too musky for me.

  5. You'd think I'd know better than to buy something called Flower Moon when I'm not a bg fan of the florals, but no. I had to have it. Not surprisingly, I find it too floral--I don't care much for violets, and iris and daisies don't care my for my skin chemistry. I'll send it of to a floral-lover.

  6. The notes look so good but all I get is buttery corn and flowers. I think the "corn" might actually be the pumpkin, but either way, it wasn't good on my skin. I've since decanted away most of the oil but I keep the bottle around because it makes me laugh. I really thought it was going to be amazing and it turned out to be my first real BPAL fail.

  7. I should have trusted my gut on this one. In spite of the beautiful name, I let this one pass me by and then I ended up having second thoughts and grabbing it off of eBay. I shouldn't have second-guessed myself. It's nice enough, but it's not my style. It's dark and incensy/perfumey. No currant, no gardenia, and it makes my nose feel sneezy. :(

  8. Blue Moon 2004 was my first Lab Lunacy, and I didn't buy it. I don't think I understood the whole Lunacy thing, and the oils were only up for 12 hours and it was just a lot of work for me at the time. Anyway, when I realized what I was missing, I managed to get a bottle from a kind forumite, and it may have been my best secondhand BPAL purchase ever. I love Blue Moon. It's floral and watery and cucumbery, and really not my style at all but it's so. beautiful. It's softly sweet and almost minty in its cool wateriness. I don't wear it often, but I love to sniff it every now and again. It smells quiet and tranquil.
