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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Gin

  1. Relaxation in a bottle. This is like Lush's Aura Suavis on steroids. In a good way. Mint and lavender plus two of my favorite aromatherapy oils: clary sage and geranium. It's strong and a little sinus-clearing, but I think that's part of the reason I like it. It tells my brain in no uncertain terms to settle down and be still for a minute.

  2. This is another bath oil I initially passed up. I couldn't get into it--cranberry cookie wha? But then my husband got a whiff of it at Dark Delicacies and wanted me to order it. To me, it smells like buttery cookies and dried cranberries dipped in white chocolate. It smells like winter nights when it's freezing and snowy outside but it's bright and warm inside, and everyone is in a good mood and we're baking cookies and getting ready for Christmas. This oil is the golden glow from the windows, the cookies on the cooling rack, the cranberry candle I'm burning, the feeling of love and excitement and good will.

  3. First of all, the name conjures up something stuffy, maybe rosy or violet--something I wouldn't like--so I overlooked this oil. I'm pretty sure I smelled it at Dark Delicacies and realized it wasn't horrible, so I ended up ordering a bottle. The bottle sat in my cupboard for... how long now? A long, long time. Why am I so stupid sometimes? This is perfectly lovely.

    Lightly minty, lightly floral, it's a little perfumey, a little foody. I'm sorry that there are so few reviews here; it makes me think that a lot of people missed out on this. (Although, it makes me extra-glad I got some since I don't know if I'd be able to find it in swaps.)

  4. OMG, this is amazing. It's been on my wishlist for awhile, but I kept putting it off because I was worried about the jasmine and the violet (and the cedar and lavender!). Well, the Goblins saw fit to send me a squirt, and lemme tell you, it is some damn fine stuff. If no list of notes were given, I'd probably never guess any of them. It just smells good. It smells like a nighttime linen spray I got at Bath & Body Works in 1998--and that's not meant as a slur. I loved that stuff, it came in a spray bottle with little glass 'rocks' at the bottom. Anyway, Erebos smells like vanilla and flowers and it makes me feel happy.

  5. I've never reviewed this? I got an imp of this in my very first order in 2004. My first reaction to Snake Oil was not good. It smelled dirty and cold (?) so I put it away for a long, long time. When I tried it again, I was surprised by how much it had changed (or how much I had changed). It's now spicy-incensy vanilla. It ends up going powdery on me, so maybe there's musk or amber, too? The powder makes me feel headachey. :(

  6. Bordello is one of my favorite BPAL oils, so of course the claw polish was on my wishlist. I had the good fortune to be able to visit Dark Delicacies in January, but I knew I had to limit my purchases because I had to get it all home in my carry-on. Del directed me to the claw polish testers, and there was Bordello, singing out to me. TSA be damned, I had to have it. It's beautiful. Bright raspberry and lit from within. The "metallic flake pearl" is perfect--it dries super smooth, super shiny, and it rivals any high-end polish available.
