Very very easily becoming one of my favorites.
It's pure, youthful scent caught me off guard. I smell the unique hint of tea with a tad of sugar. I don't quite catch the hint of lemon that a lot of you do. I definitely get vanilla after a while, but a very subtle and subdued version. I love it.
I picture myself in a quiet Victorian sitting room with big French windows and mauve-ish curtains. I'm sitting at a small white table with Dorian on white and pink cushions, sipping sweet tea, and asking him for another sugarcube. The light is bright as sun streams in, and the room is filled with only the sound of metal on porcelain. As his hand moves, I smell his youth and beauty combined delightfully with the scent of vanilla. I'm entranced. He has not yet been exposed to his own painted visage.
Powerful scent.