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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milica

  1. I loved this one! Light, fresh, a bit fruity... until it became too salty and too soapy and it made me sick. Not for my skin chemistry... :(

  2. sooooo good! but hard to describe... a bit floral, a bit fruity, a bit sweet... a bit of everything.

    I love this kind of scent, very well blended, complex, and now that imp is about 1,5 year old I can't smell individual notes, all I get is one solid perfect scent that lives up to it's name and description, in spiriual kind of way, perfect. :)

  3. this didn't turn out good on me, all floral, nothing else. maybe a bit sour, my guess is that it's black currant, not playing well with the flowers. too strong flowers for me, reminds me of some old school cheap perfume. :(

  4. this is everything it says in the description, warm, earthy, soft... but not that mild, it's pretty strong and longlasting. to me, this smells like wet earth, mushrooms and sweet like dry figs.


    nice one, bit I don't know if I can wear it as a perfume, muddy note is too strong in the begining.

  5. this is all dark fruit on me and I love it!!!


    I'm not the person to wear fruity scents, especially not berries, but this works! nothing green, just dark berries with some herbs, I think I've found one fruity scent I can wear. :)

  6. this is a big morpher on me.


    it starts as something fresh and sharp, like some kind of medicine, very green. then it gets floral and light, it reminds me of The Ghost, this smells white and clean to me and I love it. but the next stage is soap, and after an hour something a bit sour and then it's gone. :(


    too bad...

  7. Beckons all giant creatures from gargantuan reptiles and humongous moths! These babies are sure to crush everything from dollhouses to shopping malls! Can even be used to summon colossal robots in a pinch! A sweet and crisp vanilla mint!

    this is simple, creamy vanilla and mint, and it's perfect!!! not too sweet, not too minty, refreshing and just a tiny bit sweet. :)

    I knew I would fall in love with this one when I read description and I was right, this is pure love!!!

  8. oooh, this is nice!!!


    amber, pachouli, tonka... mostly tonka with a little wood and in the drydown amber tonka, beautiful!!! lavander is just in the background for me, so this is great!!!!


  9. one more ars moriendi scent that's no good for me. I don't have much luck with them.


    while I get some nice amber from this, musk is going funky on me, something is not right. this is not the first test I did on this, after few months I get pretty much the same scent only amber got better.

  10. all rose on me, nothing more than that, and the imp is one year old. this is not for me, I like more complex roses.


    edit: oooh, I have to correct myself. after 4 hours, this is all narcissus on me. I have been testing this few times now, and this is the first time this happened. wierd.

  11. I thought this would be fenomenal on my skin, but it's not, much to my surprise. :(


    Peach is great, but I'm missing on everything else. No musk, no amber, no pachouli, just some strange ashtray smell... like cigarette filters. Yuck! And it stays for hours on skin before it turns to peachy amber. I can't get over that ashtray smell, so it's a swap pile. As this is an old imp, I think it won't get better with more ageing. :( Too bad, peach smells great in this one!

  12. crazy, crazy scent!!! wet on skin it screams fruit, mostly kumquat I think because I get some sweet citrus, like some sour candies, it's pretty sharp.


    and then in the drydown it gets a bit mellow, and to me this is some kind of fruit tea, like milford fruit tea, hibiscus + aroma.


    something like this: http://i.fotexnet.hu/fes/pictures/9/29/pro...icture_9592.jpg :lol:


    good staying power too, lasted for about 6 hours on me.


    I think I kind of like it, I will keep the imp for few months and see what ageing will do to it. :)

  13. ooooh it starts as beautifull rainforest scent, with some hints of fresh mountain air... and quickly turns to something grassy and sweet. :(


    it's not that much sweet, but it's sweet in a strange way, it makes me sick. :(


    I think I should stay away from grass and rainforest scents that are combined with florals and fruit, they become some strange sweet thing on me, not pleasent at all.

  14. this one starts as a nice aquatic on me, lots of fresh water, florals in the background. does not last for long on my skin, after about 1 hour it gets all floral and grassy, too much grassy and a bit soapy. I would have liked it if it stayed like the scent in the first half hour.
