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Posts posted by milica

  1. I've been wearing this for a while now, every single day, can't get enough of it. Unexpected discovery, since I've been trying some of my older imps and I remember not liking this one... But in it's aged form it is just perfect beyond the words.


    I don't think I can describe it very well, it's very complex. At the same time, I get the steam from a hot steam engine, incense, beeswax and just a touch of something bright. It's not one of those temple like incense scents and it's not calming, it's pretty much rough and loud and blows of incense steam in all directions.


    The best thing you can do is try it, since the feeling of wearing it is indescribable, you feel like you have the power to do anything. :) Love!!! :wub2:

  2. This really is a wild animal hidden in darkness, lurking. Mostly musk and anise, with vanilla coming out later and mandarin popping out from time to time, just like cat's eyes glowing from the dark, making it's presence known. Vetiver mellowed out a lot since I got this bottle, now the scent is sleek and dark instead of smoky and harsh like in the beginning.


    I'm not a big fan of anise on my skin (I prefer it in my stomach in an absinthe form), but this is really nice sweet, dark, mellow musk/vanila/anise combination, with a touch of smoke and cytrus and it works for me really well.

  3. This is a very happy, bright scent that reminds me of some perfumes for kids. No booze for me, just sweet, sweet pomegranate juice. And it's pretty strong once it hits the skin, after a couple of hours it was cloyingly sweet, not for my skin chemistry. So I think I'll find a good home for it, since I don't think I'm going to wear it any time soon.

  4. I've tested this a few times and today is the last time I'll test it. I've been trying to make myself like it, but it really isn't the scent for me.


    I like the first 5 minutes on my wrists, when it's still cold and fresh, but after that it becomes girly perfume that is suffocating me. I think I get something like sweet berry scent with a bit of resin, too sweet and reminds me of some artificial berry lipgloss scents. And I can stand it on my wrists, but on my skin it's a bit sour and a bit more sweet and from hour to hour it only got sweeter. No can do this one.

  5. After testing this a few times in the past year or so, I still don't know if I like this enough to wear it.


    In the imp, this is sweet, too sweet. On the skin, it starts as very sweet strawberry and then turns to fresh strawberry... and again after 5 minutes turns to sweet strawberry syrup. After few hours, carnation comes out and then everything goes sour. And then turns to carnation again and stays that way. But on the wrists, it stays sweet strawberry syrup from begining till the end.


    I kind of like it, but I think it's too sweet for me.

  6. This is one of those scents that reaaaaly went wrong on me. I've been reading reviews and my guess would be the wine or berry note, since I tend to ruin that kind of scents, lots of them go sour on me and nothing more. So this had some kind of pine note and that sourness and nothing else. :(

  7. This is beautiful! Golden, warm, sunny... I have a picture in my head of a field covered in yellow flowers, on warm summer day.


    I've tested this a few times, thinking I will probably hate it after a few days because the first stage is really strong, too much heady florals. But after 30 min it settles down to a beautiful warm, amber type of scent that really glows of the skin! Florals are a bit in the background in that stage and that's really where I want them to be. And it lasts forever! This is an unexpected win for me. :clap:


    It kind of reminds me of Sol Invictus on my skin, but you can tell the difference, both are really evocative. SI is cold winter sun on snow and Sundew is the warmest summer sun in fields. :)

  8. This was a generous frimp from a seller, I was happy that I got the chance to try out something this rare. But it went to swap pile a long time ago...


    It was ubelievable mix of everything and anything, I couldn't pinpoint any of the notes, but it had a bit of aquatic feel to it and that part of it stank on me real bad. No fig, no cream, no honey, nothing that I knew would work on me. :(

  9. I am in love with this!!! :wub:

    Just seeing red musk in the list made me go hunt it down. And I'm glad I did, because it's perfect for summer!


    All of red musk blends on my skin remind me of Mme Moriarty, but instead of deep, dark plum, there's a load of fresh mango. I knew this would be win for me, as I love how red and black musk turn out on my skin and I had a pretty good idea of how that would be combined with mango and roiboos. It turned out to be better than I imagined, it is in the same scent family as Mme, but lighter, fresh and perfect for summer heat!


    And I'm still surprised that it stays fruity the whole time, I would have thought that the musks would take over.

  10. This is the second pumpkin scent that I was able to test on skin, and again, I'm surprised how god it is, not at all what I expected.


    In drydown, this is mostly black musk and pumpkin, and it's beatiful in combination with tobacco and myrrh, no clove here for me. And as much as I like it, and I really do because I don't like foody scents and this is not foody pumpkin, it's still too much pumpkin for me to feel comfortable wearing it. I would have loved this scent without pumpkin. :(

  11. First, I skin-tested Ouija, then I read the notes and I was totaly confused. And now I see that I'm not the only one.


    First few minutes, I get a strong, liquorice/mint, medicinal kind of scent. After 10 minutes, most of it goes away and flowers come out (there's that Victorian vibe), but there is still some of that medicinal scent left in the background. And after 30 min, all I get is faint wood, slightly sweet, my skin eats this up in no time.


    Too bad, it sounded interesting, but not for me.

  12. I think that my decant is now ready for wearing. I've tried it a couple of times since I got it last summer, it was nice and mostly herbal, amber still needed to age.


    And what I have now is golden, sunny amber/inscence scent that I like a lot! I don't get as much herbs as I used to, only in first few stages, because this changes a few times before it settles down. It reminds me of Sol Invictus for some reason, but where Sol Invictus gets colder in some way and reminds me of the winter sun, Labores Solis after an hour or two becomes golden and hot and reminds me of the late summer sun. Will be wearing it a lot this summer. :)

  13. Another winner in the temple like scent group!


    I've been wearing Kathmandu a lot lately and I think they are in the same category, but diferent. It evokes the same image of meditating monks in a temple and inscence smoke all around them, but the inscence is different because the origin and the landscape is dfferent.


    To me, Kathmandu is a bit sweeter and stronger in cedar, Sri Lanka is a bit earthy and I think stronger in sandalwood. Either way, if you like Kathmandu, you must try Sri Lanka, and vice versa. I love them both and will be wearing them a lot, I love how they turn out with my skin chemistry. :)

  14. This is the first pumpkin scent that I got to test on skin. And it's strange, I've sniffed a couple of pumpkin decants and I never expected one of them to smell fresh. This one does.


    This is too foody for me, but I kind of like it. I like that pine freshness that I get at later stages, very interesting and it keeps this scent from being too sweet and all foody. Still, not something I could wear.

  15. Jasmine of death. :(


    I think I'm beggining to hate jasmine, it goes crazy on my skin. In this case, it started pretty strong, I couldn't get anything but. After few hours it got better, jasmine was still strong but I got some dirt. At the end, I got something herbal and some hint of inscence, but not enough, it was still strong jasmine after full 6 hours. Not for me.

  16. Another violet I can wear! After testing Ultraviolet, this another nice surprise. :)


    No mint for me, nothing cool about this scent. This is a musky woody floral, mostly violet, just a bit sweet. And it doesn't turn to gradma's soap after a while, it stays very pleasent for 3 hours and then it's gone. That is the only thing that I don't like about this scent. Will be wearing it a lot this summer...

  17. Finaly, violet that I can wear and doesn't turn to soap! :D


    This is going to be my summer scent for this year, I love the strong eucalyptus in this and the combination of neroli and violet that somehow does not turn to soap after 15 minutes, instead it feels refreshing and chilly. The only problem with this is that the minty notes fade away after hour or two, but since it's hot in summer, it doesn't really matter, every perfume goes away quickly anyway.

  18. I get sweet fruit and smoke from this, that kind of scent works for me, I like it a lot! Interesting blend, but it faded away after 30 min. Not for my skin. :(

  19. I didn't have the notes list when I tested this scent, and I think I'm getting better at detecting them. What I wrote down was "jasmine and something sour, maybe wine". And that's all to it, on my skin at least. Wine very rarely goes well with my skin and I tend to amp jasmine. And now that I see red sandalwood and pachouli on the list, I'm so sad that I didn't get any of those. Just sour jasmine. :( And I remember that I got something metalic too, but only for a few minutes.

  20. This scent is amazing! Beautiful aquatic with light florals, it reminds me of the sea breeze and fesh water. One of the rare aquatics that I like, not salty, not sweet, just fresh.


    And the violets ruin it for me after a while, when it starts smelling of soap in the sea breeze. :(

  21. Mama-Ji reminds me of The Silk Road, but with a bit more spice. I get faint oriental floral and very strong spicy scent, a bit smokey.


    It's something that I wanted TSR to be, even though I love that one too, but I needed something stronger for it to last a bit longer on my skin. And spices do the trick. :lovestruck:

  22. I really can't describe this scent on me, all I know is I like it so much that I hate myself for not ordering it when I had the chance. It's light and strong at the same time, it's very delicate sweet close to skin scent that lasts for hours! Gardenia pops up from time to time, but mostly I get the rice and honey, I think, because I can't pinpoint any of the notes. I looove how clean and simple this scent is!

  23. This scent evokes the image of sitting in some temple on Hymalayas, meditating. I don't get much saffron, only in the first few minutes and it gives some kind of medicinal note to this, and then it calms down. Strong inscence, smokey cedar and sweet lotus, smells like some really fancy sandalwood inscence sticks.


    I like this a lot, because when I wear it I can almost see the mountains and the temple and I feel calm. :) Will be getting a bottle as soon as I go through this imp.
